Request a Study Abroad/Away Class Visit Today

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As part of the University’s increased internationalization efforts, the Center for Global Education & Experience staff are visiting classes across campus to spread the word to your students about the many study, internship and research options available to them both abroad and off-campus around the US.

Can you spare 5-10 minutes in your class(es) in Fall semester for a message about study abroad/away programs? If so, please request a visit to your class online!

We can customize our message based on your course content, and on your majors’ needs and interests. We can address questions about scholarships, various length programs (some are better for WEC/AU students, STEM, Honors, athletes, etc) and other issues you might identify. And as always, we are happy to provide content to AugSem’s with a full class period on the topic of study abroad/away.

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