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Edit your post before publication

The deadline for A-mail posts is 11:59 p.m. on the day before publication. If you need to correct your post before it is published, you can do this yourself up until 11:59 p.m. on the day before publication. Here’s how.

If you submit a post for email, you will receive an email receipt.

Email receipt for A-mail. The email will be from Google Forms and the subject line will be A-mail Submission Form.
This is what your email receipt will look like. The email will be from “Google Forms” and the subject line will be “A-mail Submission Form.”

Open the email, and you will see the a button that says “Edit Response.”

A button reads "Edit Response"
This is what the button looks like in the email receipt. It reads “Edit Response.”

Click this button, and you will be taken to the A-mail Submission Form. A message at the top will tell you that you are editing a previous response.

Headline at the top reads: You are editing your previous response.
The box at the top of the page tells you you are editing a previous post. Below is the A-mail Submission Form with the information you already submitted.

Finish making your changes within the form and then click “Submit” at the bottom of the form.

Submit button
The “Submit” button

After that, you will see a confirmation message.

A-mail form confirmation message
“Your response has been recorded. You will receive an email with the contents of your A-mail submission.”

You will also receive another email receipt showing your updated post.

Note that you are editing your previous post and NOT creating a new one. Editing your response will not generate a new A-mail post. In other words, if you submitted a post on Monday that was published on Tuesday, and you wanted to post it again for Wednesday, editing your previous response will not create a new post for Wednesday. Instead, you need to create a new post, which you can do by clicking the “Fill out a new response” link at the top of this form or by going to the A-mail Submission Form.