Friday, February 14, 2025


Public Safety and Facilities Announcements

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Teaching and Learning

Support Democracy in the Higher Ed Classroom by Creating Open Education Materials (Paid Opportunity)

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Support democracy in the higher ed classroom by creating open education materials!

The Civic Engagement and Voting Rights Teacher Scholars Program – housed in the Clemson University Humanities Hub and sponsored by a grant from The Mellon Foundation – provides a compensated, cohort-based opportunity (May 2025-May 2026) for faculty to create educational materials to infuse civic and voter education into humanities or humanities-allied courses.

Applications requested no later than February 21, 2025. For more information and the application:

Student-Led Ramadan Panel (Virtual) – February 19

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Please join us for a student-led Ramadan panel. Panelists will talk about the significance of Ramadan and how faculty, staff, and other students can best support them during this holy month.

Date: Wednesday, February 19
Time: Noon – 1 pm
Place: Zoom

The session will be recorded, please reach out to if you would like a copy of the recording.

Register for the zoom session here:
You are invited to register for a Zoom webinar!

When: Feb 19, 2025 12:00 PM Central Time (US and Canada)
Topic: Ramadan Panel

Register in advance for this webinar:

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.

Faculty Distinguished Contributions Award Nominations

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Award season has started! Celebrate the achievements and contributions of your colleagues and professors. Nominations for the 2025 Faculty Distinguished Contribution Awards are open now through March 10.

There are 6 award categories: Scholarship, Service to the University, Service to the Community, Teaching: Adjunct or Part-time, Teaching: Full-time 5+ years, and Teaching: Full-time 5 years or less. Any members of the Augsburg community can serve as nominators.
Please find full descriptions and nomination forms linked below. Honor a faculty member with your nomination!

Faculty Distinguished Contribution Awards

New Faculty and Staff Development Opportunities – Register by February 15

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Augsburg faculty & staff now have access to ACUE’s one-hour quick study courses in a variety of topics (AI, media literacy, constructive conversations, experiential education) ) at no additional expense. You can review all available course titles here. Seats are limited, and enrollment for the first session is only open from Feb 1 to Feb 15. Register today!

ACUE Quick Study Course Registration

Navigate for Student Success Workshop: February 26, 12:30 pm

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Navigate for Student Success Workshop will be Feb 26, 12:30 to 1:30 pm on Zoom. Join Kelsey Richardson Blackwell for an overview of the ways that Navigate can help support student success.

And don’t forget the Navigate-ness Greatness Prize!
All faculty who completes their midterm progress reports Spring 2025
will be entered in drawing for $50 Visa Gift Card.

Navigate Workshop Zoom link

Assessment Day (March 4) Faculty and Staff Workshops

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Please join the directors of Faculty Development, Persistence & Graduation, and Assessment for discussions on Tuesday, March 4th from 11am – 1pm in Science 123. No classes are held on this day to allow first- and second-year students to participate in Career Exploration day activities.

At 11am, we’ll discuss a comprehensive analysis of predictors of student success and persistence. This year the Office of Planning and Effectiveness gathered data from across campus on how academic engagement, social belonging, financial needs, and a host of other factors predict student success measures such as course completion, year-to-year retention, and on-track graduation status. These results offer new clarity around our student population, and during this session we will discuss how these findings can be used to guide data-driven solutions to increase student success.

After lunch, the Director of Assessment will lead an open forum on a new, Moodle-based assessment process of General Education Learning Outcomes, set to begin in the fall of 2025. All faculty who regularly teach in the General Education curriculum are encouraged to attend to learn more about the process, provide feedback, and ask questions as we develop this new streamlined approach to measuring student achievement in our core curriculum.

Assessment Day RSVP Form

Book Group: What Happened to You? Conversations on Trauma

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Batalden Book Group for AU Staff & Faculty: We will read What Happened to You: Conversations on Trauma, Resilience, and Healing by Bruce Perry and Oprah Winfrey. The book group discussion will be held on Tuesday, March 25th from 3:30 – 5:00 (snacks provided). The discussion will be led by Prof. Mary Lowe (Batalden scholar) and Ellie Olson Director of AU’s CWC. If you want to participate, please email Mary Lowe ( by February 21st to get your (free) copy of the book.

Blind Date With a Book or Movie

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Happy Valentine’s Day from the library! Our Blind Date With a Book or Movie display will be up for one more week, with a whole new batch of eligible candidates looking for love. Find your match in 3 easy steps: (1) choose a book, e-book, or movie based only on the genre and description on the item, (2) check out using James (the item barcodes are still visible), and (3) enjoy your date! If you’re looking for a more personalized setup, chat with one of our librarians who will be happy to provide matchmaking services. The display is located near the front entrance of the library and will be available until February 21. We hope you find library love this winter!

URGO Summer Research Phase 1 Applications Due February 17

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Phase 1 of the applications are due February 17th at 11:59 PM, so start talking with your faculty members to learn about what research or creative activity is going on in your department!

The URGO Summer Research/Creative Activity Program is an 11-week, on-campus program (May 19th – August 1st) where students are funded to conduct research with a faculty mentor. URGO provides full-time summer researchers (400 hours) with a $6,000 stipend and housing discount while half-time researchers (200 hours) receive a $3,000 stipend and a housing discount.

URGO also provides funding for students to work for a professor as a research assistant on an ongoing research project. This is a 100-hour commitment over the course of the summer and comes with a $1,500 stipend. This is an excellent opportunity to try out research for the first time or focus on a specific aspect of a research project.

If you have questions, email or visit the link below.

URGO Summer Research Info and Application

General Announcements

Internship Preparation Program Survey

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Help Shape Your Internship Success!

The Reell Office of Seeing Things Whole and the Strommen Center are launching an Internship Preparation Program here at Augsburg!

And we want your input!

Take this quick survey to help us tailor the program to your needs; whether you’re a first-year, sophomore, junior, or senior, and regardless of your internship experience.

✅ Your voice matters!

Thank you for your time!

For any questions, please reach out to

Take this quick survey here!

Present Your Research at Zyzzogeton – Register by February 18

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Augsburg’s annual Zyzzogeton Student Research Symposium showcases the work of over 50 undergraduate researchers in all academic disciplines and will take place on Tuesday, April 15, 3:00-4:30 PM in Hagfors Center. Students who have conducted research over the course of the last year and would like to present a poster should register using the link below by February 18.

You must have approval from your faculty mentor before registering for Zyzzogeton. If you do not have a formal abstract at this point, please provide a brief description of your research instead. You will have the opportunity to submit a final abstract/make final edits prior to the event. Abstracts will be published on the URGO website.

NOTE: If you’re planning to co-present with another student(s), only one of you needs to register. Be sure to list their names and emails and indicate that they will be co-presenters where specified on the form. All presenters will be included in event correspondence.

Important Dates:
Registration opens – February 4
Registration closes – February 18
Poster making workshop – February 27
Deadline to submit final poster – March 28
Deadline to submit final abstract edits – April 4

If you have any questions, please contact Lara Crombie ( or

Register for Zyzzogeton

New Staff Positions This Week (2)

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The following Augsburg Staff positions were posted within the past 7 days:

02/10/2025: Graduate Assistant Track & Field Coach
02/06/2025: Assistive Technology and Accommodations Specialist

Search Augsburg Job Postings

Library Board Game Collection Accepting Donations/Suggestions

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The library team is building a board game collection and we want your input!

We are currently accepting donations of board games (with all pieces present, please!), table top games, and other gaming materials. We are especially interested in popular games such as Catan, chess, and D&D materials, but we are open to anything. Bring any donations to the service desk at the front of the library. We will not be returning donations once we have received them. If you are unsure whether your donation will be a good fit for our collection, feel free to email

Got suggestions for games you want to see at the library? Fill out this suggestion form to add it to our wishlist:

Mental Health Study Participants Needed

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Are you between the ages of 18 & 25?

You are invited to participate in a study investigating emotion and mental health!


Access the study here:

Please contact the study’s primary investigator with any questions at

Thank you!

2025 Commencement Tickets Now Available

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Tickets for the 2025 commencement ceremony are available now for students and guests. The total number of tickets allowed per graduate will be 1 graduate ticket for yourself plus 15 guest tickets for family and friends (16 total).

Friday, May 9, 2025
Minneapolis Convention Center
1301 Second Avenue South, Minneapolis, MN 55403
Doors open at 5 p.m.

If you plan to participate in the ceremony, select “get tickets” on the commencement website to reserve your tickets. If you expect to need more than 15 guest tickets, we strongly encourage you to work with other graduates to use any extra tickets they may have. Depending on demand, a limited number of additional tickets may be made available closer to the date of the ceremony.

Commencement Website

New Student Positions This Week (2)

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The following Augsburg Student positions were posted within the past 7 days:

02/12/2025: Student: Sports Medicine Assistant, Academic Year 2025-26
02/07/2025: Student: Administrative Accounting

Search Augsburg Job Postings

Event Announcements

“Know Your Rights” Presentations – Friday, February 28

A representative from the Immigrant Law Center of Minnesota will be facilitating two “Know Your Rights” presentations on Friday, February 28 via Zoom.

Presentation #1 is taking place at 12:15-1:30 p.m. and will be geared a bit more toward students, however faculty and staff are welcome to attend.

Presentation #2 is taking place at 1:45-3:00 p.m. and will be geared a bit more toward faculty and staff, however students are welcome to attend.

Please Note:
-Check the Augsburg University calendar to copy the event to your calendar.
-Augsburg email addresses will be required to attend these presentations.
-Please feel free to invite your colleagues and students to these presentations.

Peaceful Paints

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Join us for this event where creativity meets reflection!

Date: February 20, 2025
⏰ Time: 10:30 AM – 12 PM
Location: The Augsburg Room (Second floor of Christensen)

The prompt: “What is peace to you?” Come paint your vision of peace, enjoy some snacks, and express yourself in a relaxing atmosphere.

Afterward, we’ll host a small art show where you’ll receive your painting back and celebrate everyone’s unique creations.

Hosted by the Interfaith Department

Staff Appreciation March 26

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Hello from the Staff Senate!

This year Augsburg Staff Senate will host an in-person Staff Appreciation Event on Wednesday March 26th from 3:00-4:30 p.m. in the Hoversten Chapel, Foss Hall.

We are now accepting nominations to honor outstanding staff and outstanding newcomers at Augsburg.

Nominations for the Outstanding Staff and Newcomer Awards are due no later than 5:00 p.m. on March 7, 2025. Nominations are welcomed from any current member of the campus community – staff, faculty, or students.

The Staff Appreciation Program is intended to recognize staff members who have made an important contribution to the campus community over the past year. Recipients of the Outstanding Staff Award provide exceptional service to others, work collaboratively across divisions or departments, demonstrate a clear commitment to equity and inclusion, and enhance the objectives of their department and the mission of Augsburg University through creativity, innovation, and hard work.

The Newcomer Award recognizes a staff person who has made a significant impact on campus life in a short amount of time. Staff who have been at Augsburg for two years or less (as of March 1, 2025) are eligible to receive this award.

Staff Senate will award five Outstanding Staff awards and one Newcomer award during the in-person event on March 26th.

Click Here to Nominate an Outstanding Staff!

Tian the Student-Led Play Is Performing TODAY

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by Johanna Caroline Schön

Directed by Kayla Marie Mielke and Johanna Caroline Schön

Who owns history? And who is allowed to tell its stories? The student-written piece Tian centers around these fundamental questions. This conflict becomes clear when the audience is led through the life of romantic poet Karoline von Günderrode by two characters with two very different claims to Karoline’s story: Bettine von Arnim, contemporary and close friend of Karoline, who wants to paint a strong, feminist picture; and the Playwright whose goal is to create an enticing, heart-wrenching play. The audience finds themselves in the in-betweens of history, whilst being part of Karoline’s personal journey filled with struggles, doubt, and dreams.

The performance dates are the 13th, 14th, 15th of February at 7:00PM, and the 16th at 3:00pm.


Five Augsburg Concert Bands Students Performing TONIGHT at MMEA

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The following Augsburg Concert Band students will perform tonight at the Minnesota Music Educators Association (MMEA) Midwinter Convention as members of the 2025 Minnesota Intercollegiate Honor Band:

Victoria Battle (Flute), Music Performance Major
Anthony Sabatine (Saxophone), Music Performance Major
Danilo Sim (Clarinet), Music Business Major
Charlotte Taddeo (Oboe), Music Therapy Major
Braden Williams (Trumpet), Film Production Major

The Minnesota Intercollegiate Honor Band Concert will take place tonight, February 14, at 7:00pm in the Minneapolis Convention Center Auditorium. The concert is free and open to the public.

Register for the Job and Internship Fair – February 19

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Looking for an internship, full-time role or wanting to connect with future employers? Attend the Minnesota Private College’s Spring Job & Internship Fair! You get to connect with 200+ organizations who may be actively recruiting or anticipate to hire in the next six months.

Location: Minneapolis Convention Center
Time: 9am-2pm
Transportation: We will have a FREE shuttle run continuously from Hagfors to the Minneapolis Convention Center. Expect wait times between shuttles ~20 minutes.
First shuttle: Hagfors at 8:30am
Last shuttle: Minneapolis Convention Center at 2:30pm
See which organizations will be at the fair:

Registration: Registration is not required, but strongly encouraged.

Register and More Information

Prep for the Career Fair (Food Everyday, Febrary 10 – February 18)

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Mark your calendar. Prep work for the career fair is in FULL-swing! Everyday we’ll have different workshops hosted by our employer partners who wants to see you succeed at the job and internship fair.

All workshops are located in the Strommen Center (across from Einsteins).

Fri Feb 14th, 10am-2pm
Drop by for all day resume review.

Mon Feb 17th, 10am-2pm
Resumania + Share Shop
Drop by for all day resume review and access professional attire from the Share Shop.

Tues Feb 18th, 10am-2pm
Resumania + Share Shop
Drop by for all day resume review and access professional attire from the Share Shop.

Download full list of career prep workshops here:

Haven’t registered for the fair yet? Do it here.

Kavira Biometric Screenings and Information Session

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We are pleased to inform you that Kavira will be onsite to conduct wellness visits and an information session for employees enrolled in university health insurance plans.

Wednesday, February 26
– 10:00-2:00 Biometric Screenings, Nelson Room, Christensen Center
– 2:30 Information Session, OGC 114

What to Expect: During your 10-minute appointment with a Kavira nurse, the following health metrics will be collected:
– Height
– Weight
– Blood Pressure
– Cholesterol Panel

To ensure the most accurate blood sugar and cholesterol readings, we recommend fasting for at least 10 hours prior to your appointment. Blood tests will be performed via a simple finger prick, and you’ll receive your results immediately.

Cost: This appointment is completely free of charge to you!

Important: Please be sure to download the Kavira App before your scheduled appointment. By doing so, you’ll be able to sign consent for your care and access communication with the team through the app’s messaging system. This will help ensure a smooth and efficient process on the day of your visit.

To download the Kavira app: Search for “Kavira” in the App Store or Google Play Store. As this is a new app for the Kavira team, we kindly ask for your patience during the roll-out process. If you encounter any major issues, please let us know.

We encourage you to take advantage of this opportunity to stay on top of your health. Sign up today to secure your spot!

Sign Up for Biometric Screening

Keeping Track of Auggies

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