submitted by
Faculty, grant application for the annual CTL grants are due this Wednesday, February 15 (TOMORROW)!
The three annual grants are the following:
– Scholarship Grant –
Scholarship grants can be used to support faculty scholarship in a variety of ways, including reimbursement for project expenses, a summer stipend, or course reassignment (with Chair and Provost approval). Grants will likely be in the form of two-course reassignments, two $4,000 grants, and up to four $2,000 grants. Final award levels will be based on the merit and need of individual projects as well as the pool of applications. See the call for proposals here:
– Provost’s Internationalization Travel Grant –
Two travel grants of up to $2,5000 will be awarded to faculty interested in pursuing teaching, research, curriculum development/integration, or other scholarship collaboration with an Augsburg CGEE Global Site or with an existing international partner institution. See the call for proposals here:
– Integrated Course Design Grant –
The ICD initiative is intended to provide an opportunity for faculty to spend a significant amount of time on course design. All proposals for course design and revision are welcome, but those that best demonstrate how their course design project would address creating more inclusive classroom experiences for students are strongly encouraged. See the call for proposals here:
See the CTL grants webpage for links to the online application forms.