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Hello Faculty and Staff,
Augsburg Total Wellness is excited to present, in partnership with our friends at the University of St. Thomas, the March Madness Fitness Challenge: Auggies vs. Tommies! Similar to the UST Challenge in years past, we’ve brought back this fun physical activity challenge to help inspire us to be more active and to ignite some healthy competition with our Tommie rivals. The objective is to track the most physical activity points over the course of 4 weeks, with a winner named each week. The institution with the most weekly wins will come out on top in this fitness challenge and earns bragging rights until the next year!
The competition begins on Wednesday, March 1 and ends on Tuesday, March 28.
What: 4 weeks of friendly and healthy competition
Who: Faculty and Staff
When: March 1-March 28, 2017
Where: Anywhere!
How: Earn points for every half hour of physical activity you log!
30 minutes of activity = 1 point
60 minutes of activity = 2 points
Note: Maximum of 14 points per person, per week.
Need an extra incentive? Participants who report their points for all 4 weeks will be entered into a drawing for various prizes.
Join the fun–REGISTER by February 22 at the following link:
Competition rules and details will be sent to registered participants on Thursday, February 23. For questions, concerns, or requests for accommodation, please contact Nicole at