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Budget season is here! Mark your calendars and plan to attend one of the two Budget Kick-off meetings, to be held on Tuesday, February 6 from 2:00-3:30 p.m. in OGC 100 and Thursday, February 8 from 8:30-10:00 a.m. in OGC 100.
Budget packets, including operating budget templates, instructions, and priorities will be sent to you by Monday, February 5. This year you will be preparing a two-year operating expense budget (for FY19 and FY20), as part of Augsburg’s Strategic Initiative #5 – to improve financial management at all levels of the organization, strengthening practices of multi-year budget planning, strategic prioritization of resources, forecasting and modeling. The kick-off meeting will explain the new process and answer your questions.
After you turn in your two-year individual cost center budgets (due on February 26), they will be rolled up and given to the appropriate Vice President or Provost for their review and approval.
If you have any questions, comments or would like additional information, please contact Tom Carroll at x1352 or