Sabo Symposium, Are “Nones” Done?

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Are the “Nones” Done with Civic Engagement?
Organizing the religiously unaffiliated in today’s climate of polarization

Martin Olav Sabo Symposium
February 28, 2018
6-8 PM
Augsburg University, Hagfors Center, Room 150

How do the religiously unaffiliated factor into this current moment of political polarization, when many are seeking to increase political and civic participation? Join us for a symposium exploring this important topic, beginning with a keynote from Phil Zuckerman—chair of Pitzer College’s Secular Studies program and author of numerous books including The Nonreligious (Oxford, 2016) and Living the Secular Life (Penguin, 2014)—followed by a panel of researchers who study the religiously unaffiliated. Concluding the evening will be a conversation about how local community organizers and elected officials are engaging religiously diverse populations in their efforts, particularly the religiously unaffiliated.

Hosted by the Sabo Center for Democracy and Citizenship