Opening Convocation & Kick–Off Lunch

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Opening Convocation is the kick–off to the 2018 academic year and welcomes first-year students to campus. The student processional will begin from Murphy Square park at 9:45am and Convocation begins at 10am in the chapel. Faculty and staff are invited to line-up by 9:45 a.m. outside of Foss to form a tunnel to welcome this year’s incoming class. Faculty robe for this event and process after students. Very limited seating may be available in the chapel for those not involved in AugSems. If seating is not available in the chapel, overflow seating and a live video feed of the convocation will be available in Sateren Auditorium.

The campus community is also invited to join the AugSems for a kick–off luncheon in the quad from 11 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. The lunch will feature food stations, games & activities, and live music. All are invited.