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Next week’s Focused Conversation on Monday and Tuesday provide an opportunity to hear about plans in the works for the celebration of the 150th anniversary of Augsburg’s founding, which will be celebrated during the 2019-20 academic year.
The Focused Conversation sessions will be hosted by Sesquicentennial Co-chairs Darcey Engen ’88, Theater Department professor, and Jeff Swenson ’79, athletic director, and Sesquicentennial Project Manager Jodi Collen, senior director of University Events.
Date, time, place:
Monday, September 10, 12:30 p.m., Marshall Room (including remote access)
Tuesday, September 11, 10 a.m., Marshall Room
Also: Mark your calendar for the fall 2018 All Hands Meeting scheduled Thursday, September 27, 11:30 a.m. (Chapel time), in Hoversten Chapel. Use the link below to access the 2018-19 All Hands and Focused Conversations schedule, where you can click on events and add them to your calendar.
2018-19 All Hands and Focused Conversations schedule (login required)