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Please join us for a Story Circle – the first step in creating a new Music-Theater piece about the Augsburg Community, past and present, to be performed in the fall of 2019 in celebration of the sesquicentennial. We want to hear your stories about Augsburg – as an alumnus, staff member, student, faculty, coach, neighbor, associate, advocate or activist. If you have worked for, attended, or been involved at Augsburg in any capacity we’d love to meet you and hear whatever you’d like to share about your experiences.
Help us tell the stories that are sometimes forgotten or left untold!
Tuesday 10/9, 6:30pm – Foss 21B
Friday, 10/12, 11:30am – Foss Green Room
Saturday 10/13, 6:30pm – tbd
Monday 11/12, 7pm – tbd
Monday 12/3, 4:30pm – Choir Room
Wednesday 12/5, 4:30pm – Choir Room
Please contact Sonja Thompson at to R.S.V.P. for one of the Story Circles listed above, to schedule a new Story Circle, or if you need a disability related accommodation or wheelchair access information. Requests should be made at least one week in advance of the event.