2020 Student Leadership Institute

submitted by abrahaa2@augsburg.edu

We are excited to announce the 2020 Student Leadership Institute theme: Sustainable Practice: Fostering Change-Makers in their Communities, taking place Saturday, February 1 from 9am – 2pm in Hagfors Center. Often, students can be burned out when they are wearing multiple leadership hats on campus all while being a student. The Institute will allow students to explore how they can foster being change-makers in their communities while taking care of themselves so they don’t burn out as much.

This event is open to all student organization leaders, student leaders, and student employees at Augsburg University. Student organizations are required to send representatives. RSVP here: https://augsburg.campuslabs.com/engage/event/5161759

If you would like to submit and share a 90-minute presentation related to the theme that students/peers could benefit from hearing. We would love to have you submit your presentation. Here: https://augsburg.campuslabs.com/engage/submitter/form/step/1?Guid=15c72865-10a3-4f25-beb5-50326ae472d5

If you have any questions or concerns. Please email campus life at campuslife@augsburg.edu
