Water Wise Wednesday

submitted by sharifa3@augsburg.edu

As part of Augsburg University’s Environmental Stewardship Committee we will be releasing A-Mail announcements on ways you can be environmentally conscious on campus! So look out for announcements every week.

Bottled Water and the Environment:

Did you know the United States is the largest consumer of bottled water in the world, using roughly one-fourth of all bottled water that’s sold. Bottled water companies claim it’s a healthier, calorie-free alternative to soda and juice, but scientific studies have found it to be no safer than tap water. Some studies have even found that certain brands of bottled water are tap water.

Not only that, the bottles themselves are filling our landfills at an alarming rate. It’s been estimated that about 75% of plastic water bottles get thrown away, which means that Americans throw away about half a billion bottles every week.

Need a reusable water bottle? Come to Share Shop located in the old science building during open hours and get one for FREE!

Make sure you “LIKE” us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/augsburg.environmental.stewardship/