TODAY: Civic Skills Workshop on Public Narrative

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Public leadership to make change requires the use of both the “head” and the “heart” to mobilize others to act effectively on behalf of shared values. It engages people in interpreting why they should change the world – their motivation – and how they can act to change it – their strategy. Public narrative is the “why” – the art of translating values into action through stories. Learn about how to craft your own public narrative and relate the story of self, story of us, and story of now.

This workshop builds on other Sabo Center workshops last semester focused on change-making skills. Whether or not you attended a workshop last semester–JOIN US!

TODAY Thursday, January 23
3:40-5 p.m.
OGC 114

Led by Dennis Donovan. Dennis teaches co-creative politics skills to people of all ages in the Twin Cities, across the US, and around the world who want to make positive change in their communities.

Public Narrative Facebook Event