Facing Foward: 32nd Annual Forum on Workplace Inclusion Conference

submitted by gocmen@augsburg.edu

March 10 – 12, 2020

Minneapolis Convention Center
1301 2nd Ave S
Minneapolis, MN 55403

A new decade brings challenges that demand new solutions to meet the diverse needs of changing markets, customers, and talent. With eyes on the future, leaders must be open to shifts in their approaches to addressing workplace issues and more—they must be willing to learn from those who bring different ideas, experiences, and perspectives. In 2020, we’re Facing Forward!

2020 is the inaugural year of The Forum on Workplace Inclusion annual conference at Augsburg University! Augsburg faculty and staff are given a special discounted rate to The Forum’s 2020 annual conference. Visit the rates page (https://forumworkplaceinclusion.org/conference-rates/#discount-rates) for rates information. Don’t miss out in the nation’s largest workplace diversity, equity, and inclusion conference, and register with the special discounted rate!

When registering, select “Augsburg Faculty / Staff” registration type to receive the discount.
