A Note on Open AAC Proposals/AAC Updates

submitted by maherk@augsburg.edu

If you believe that you have submitted AAC (or GAAC) proposals that have not been resolved, please reach out to Kerri Maher.

AAC Update:

On Monday, September 28, David Crowe stepped down as AAC Chair (though he remains on the committee), and Phyllis Kapetanakis was voted to take over as his replacement. The committee also welcomed student representative, Elizabeth Hoversten.

AAC approved two proposals at the meeting. The Languages department will be offering Readings In Comparative Literature (previously taught as a Topics course) and it will be cross listed with existing English courses (ENL 360: The Classical Tradition and ENL 361: The Medieval World).

The Biology major added Freshwater Ecology (Bio425) to the list of options under the “organismal biology” requirement.

Look to https://inside.augsburg.edu/facultysenate/aac/ for information about AAC including proposal forms, membership details, and meeting minutes. You will also find the approvals tracking spreadsheet also linked below.

AAC Tracking Spreadsheet