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The Biden-Harris campaign is renting space from Augsburg today for a Get Out the Vote event for college students featuring Jill Biden. This is an invitation-only event (invitations were determined by the campaign team), and all those attending will adhere to Augsburg’s symptom screening, physical distancing, and face covering requirements.
The campaign team will be setting up in the quad beginning early this morning. Security will be provided by the Secret Service, who have engaged the Minneapolis Police Department for support.
The campaign will be putting up barriers around the portion of the quad that will be used for the event; Auggies crossing the quad will need to stay on the perimeter. The doors on the quad to Sverdrup Hall, Science Hall, and Christensen Center will remain available for fob access. Memorial Hall will not be open for the day. Those with offices in Memorial have already been notified by email.
The event will begin at 12:45 p.m. If you’re not on the invitation list and are able to do so, please avoid the quad area during this time.