February 15: Deadline for Instructional Course Design Grant Proposals

submitted by maherk@augsburg.edu

Proposals will be due on February 15th or the following Monday if it lands on a weekend, each year.

The Instructional Course Design initiative in the Center for Teaching and Learning (CTL) invites proposals for design-based course creation or revision projects to be undertaken during summer 2021 and completed by the end of spring term 2022. Applications are due by NOON on February 15. Full-time faculty who are creating new learning experiences or revising existing ones are encouraged to submit proposals.

The 2021 ICD grants will prioritize course development which advances one or more of the following:
The University’s mission of intentional commitment to diversity and creating inclusive classroom experiences for students.
Active and experiential learning opportunities.
Interdisciplinary and problem-based modes of inquiry.

Faculty working on courses with high enrollments of first-year students as well as those created in anticipation of General Education revisions are particularly encouraged to apply.

In the link below, you will find the call for proposals, frequently asked questions, and the application form.

2021 Grant Information and Applications