Do You Want To Have a Say?

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Share your suggestions for the next Batalden Convocation speaker for Spring 2022.
Each year (with the exception of last March 2020 due to the pandemic), the Batalden Program in Applied Ethics hosts a “Batalden convocation.” Historically, this has been a one-hour talk held in the chapel. Since the academic year 2018-2019, a “Batalden Visiting Scholar” approach has been taken; this allows the “Batalden Visiting Scholar” to both visit classes and with students on the same day as the convocation and, in some cases, the following day. Previous Batalden Visiting Scholars have included Professor Jin Park (Buddhist scholar), Professor Frederic Reamer (ethicist), and Professor Kwame Anthony Appiah (ethicist).

For the current Batalden Scholar in Applied Ethics (Bibiana Koh) the overarching objective of the program is to promote broad conversations in interfaith, intersectional, or interdisciplinary applied ethics that promote social justice and social change across the Augsburg University campus and the community at large. The program defines applied ethics as work that focuses on, considers, and/or addresses public and/or private moral issues. The Batalden Ethics program is generously supported by Paul ’63 and LaVonne (Olson) Batalden ’63, and Stephen ’67 and Sandra Batalden.

In hope and anticipation of a pandemic-free year, planning for the Spring 2022 convocation begins now. To have a voice in the selection of the next Batalden Convocation speaker, please share your ideas using the link below. This brief 5-minute questionnaire (using Google Forms) will be open until the end of February. Those completing the survey may also enter a lottery to win a gift e-card.