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Regardless of how we instructors feel about it, students want to know their grades and track their progress. In a study (Borreson Caruso and Salaway, 2007, ECAR)of how students use their classroom management systems (like Moodle), almost 30,000 students from across the U.S. self-reported that keeping track of assignment and test grades was their 3rd most common use of the technology, just behind accessing the syllabus (ranked #1) and course readings and assignments (#2). However, 93% of these same students ranked keeping track of assignment and test grades as the number one most useful feature of this technology.
At Augsburg, the Augsburg Day Student Government (ADSG) has recommended to AAC that we faculty engage in “…updating Moodle grades or informing students of their progress in the class” throughout the semester. In response to this recommendation, Augsburg is conducting an Advisory Grading Pilot this semester to ensure that this information is provided to every undergraduate student for every class at least twice a semester. Please be on the lookout for more information about this process very soon!!
In the meantime, check-out the Faculty Moodle Resource page for tips and tricks on using the Moodle Gradebook and other Moodle Feedback tools.
Teaching Tips are posted on the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of each month. Find more resources on the CTL page: