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This fall Augsburg has received a grant from the Governor’s Emergency Education Relief Fund (GEER) to provide technology resources to students and faculty in need with a particular focus on “students and faculty who are indigenous or people of color; low-income; or disabled. A broader target population is all students and faculty at Augsburg University.”
Students can just come to the library and check out the items as priority has already been given to the grant focus population.
Faculty we ask to fill out this request form to aid the grant reporting though it is not required. The items are available for walk-up check out. (only aggregate data will be included in reporting)
The following items are available for check out at the library:
For Students
– COWIN E7 Wireless Bluetooth Headphones (especially good for students with sensory needs or Zooming in a noisy environment)
– WACOM One Pen Tablets (used in math and sciences for equations and diagrams or Art for digital sketching)
For Faculty
– INSWAN INS-1 document cameras,
– SnowBall iCE microphones,
-Wacom One, Medium, digital writing surfaces,