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Please help me extend a warm Ausburg welcome to Summer Bordon (she/her). Summer is Augsburg’s MN GreenCorps Member through August 2023. She is a recent graduate from Grinnell College where she majored in Religious Studies. She is excited to return to Minneapolis where she grew up and to support environmental sustainability efforts at Augsburg. Her work as a MN GreenCorps Member will strengthen Augsburg University’s capacity and community resilience to impacts of climate change by advancing sustainable practices and increasing the knowledge of students, staff, faculty, and neighborhood partner organizations. She will provide outreach, education, and assistance to raise understanding and increase best practices on air pollutant reduction through green transportation promotion, explore energy conservation and renewable options for green infrastructure improvements, and champion waste reduction, recycling, and organics management strategies in our dormitories and dining services.
Summer and I will be connecting with key folks related to this work in the coming weeks. She can be reached via email at and is part of the Sabo Center for Democracy and Citizenship team. Feel free to email her directly or myself at with greetings and questions. Please help me in welcoming Summer to Augsburg!
Monica McDaniel
Sustainability Officer