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I, Alexis Nagle, am an undergraduate student conducting URGO-funded research through the Augsburg University Psychology Department, under the mentorship of Dr. Stacy Freiheit. The study I am conducting focuses on the impact of sexual assault disclosure on the friends of sexual assault survivors among college students.
You are being invited to participate in this study because of your enrollment as an undergraduate student at Augsburg University. If you elect to participate in this study, you will be asked to respond to a 15-20 minute confidential & anonymous questionnaire about attitudes & experiences surrounding sexual assault. Your participation in this study will yield either course credit for PSY105 & PSY215 or $5 compensation.
This survey deals with sensitive topics, such as sexual assault & violence. If you choose to participate in this study, you have the right to withdraw or skip any questions at any time without affecting affect your current or future relations with Augsburg University or the researcher. The indirect benefits are that the results of this study may allow for a better understanding of the effects of sexual assault. A direct benefit is that you will receive course credit or compensation for completing this survey.
The results of this study will be disseminated in a final paper & presented to the faculty in the Psychology department at Augsburg University. The results also may be published in a professional journal or presented at local, regional, national, or international conferences via a poster or oral presentation. In any publication or conference presentation, I will not include any information that will make it possible to identify participants. All data will be stored on a password-protected computer and only my advisor & I will have access to it.
If you are interested in participating in this study, you may contact me, Alexis Nagle, at to arrange for a day and time.