
Public Safety and Facilities Announcements

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Teaching and Learning

Free Mid-term Tune-up

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Faculty, mid-term is an excellent time for a course tune-up. Seventeen faculty members currently serve as classroom consultants, representing a wide variety of disciplines and pedagogical styles. The consultants have been trained to offer confidential, non-judgmental assistance through a collaborative process.
Working with a consultant may include classroom or lab observations (in person or through the use of video), review of classroom materials and learning goals, brainstorming sessions to address classroom issues, or any combination based on your goals.

For more information, please visit the Classroom Consulting page on the CTL website.

Faculty and Staff Grants for Sesquicentennial Projects

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The Sesquicentennial Academic Sub-Committee is looking for project ideas and project leaders that will make the celebration of our Sesquicentennial year a special year for students, faculty, staff, alumni, and friends of Augsburg. Funds are available for evocative projects of all kinds that reflect Augsburg’s mission, academic excellence and community. The 150th anniversary will be celebrated between Homecoming 2019 and Homecoming 2020. Our aim is to have all Sesquicentennial projects identified by Spring 2018.

Submission Instructions:
Please submit all completed applications through the Google form ( The links to the form will be on the Academic Affairs website ( and Sesquicentennial website ( Applications are due April 15, 2018 for consideration.

Contact Darcey Engen for more information.

Find a Second Pair of Eyes in the Writing Lab

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All writers can use reviewers and the Writing Lab tutors are ready to help you! The lab is located in Lindell Library, street level, just left of the circulation desk. Any Augsburg student — grad or undergrad, any major — is welcome. Just bring a hard copy of whatever you are working on — essays, applications, personal statements, creative writing assignments. Here are the hours:

Mondays – 11:10–1:40 p.m., and 6:30–9:30 p.m.
Tuesdays – 12:30–3 p.m.; 3:30–6 p.m., and 7:30–10 p.m.
Wednesdays –11:10–1:40 p.m.; 3:30–6 p.m., and 6:30–9 p.m.
Thursdays – 12:30–3 p.m.; 3:30–6 p.m., and 7:30–10 p.m.
Fridays – 4–6:30 p.m.
Sundays – 5–8 p.m.

Questions? Contact Kathy Swanson, English

General Announcements

English Prof. Douglas Green published in Chronicle of Higher Education

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A letter by Prof. Douglas Green, “Academe is Not Anti-Science,” has been published in the Chronicle of Higher Education’s online correspondence section. Prof. Green’s letter is a thoughtful rejoinder to an essay by Stephen Pinker in the Chronicle’s Feb. 17 issue.

Read the letter here

Marina Christensen-Justice Award

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Please think about nominating someone for the Marina Christensen-Justice Award this year….

The recipient of the Marina Christensen-Justice Award must have demonstrated a dedication to the community beyond the Augsburg College campus, working in solidarity with marginalized people, as characterized by the personal and professional life of Marina Christensen-Justice. This award is given to one Augsburg senior each year at Commencement.

Nominations will be judged on the following criteria:

Depth and breadth of community involvement off-campus,
Commitment to understanding of systemic roots of the issues being addressed,
Personal and professional commitment to work with marginalized communities,
Bold and courageous leadership,
and authentic and sustained relationships with community and issues.

Please submit nominations to Mary Laurel True, by Friday, March 9. 2018.

Thank you,
Mary Laurel

Spring Intramural Sign-Ups Open

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Registration for spring intramurals is now OPEN!! Registration will be open until Wednesday, Feb. 28th. Leagues will start the week of March 5th and run until April 19th (with no intramurals during the week of spring break).

We will have volleyball, basketball, and soccer.

Check out the website for more info as well as registration links!

Augsburg Intramural Website

Today is the last day to be a part of the Public Leadership Scholars Program

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Want to engage in leadership, service, and learning to make a difference at Augsburg and in the wider community?

Apply to be in one of Augsburg’s 3 Public Leadership Scholar Programs:Christensen Scholars, Interfaith Scholars, or Sabo Scholars.

In any one of the programs you will have the opportunity to participate in a yearlong academic seminar with a cohort of your peers. You will contribute to public leadership on campus and in the wider community in either the Christian tradition, interfaith engagement, or civic life. You will also be able to earn 4 upper division semester credits in the Religion or Political Science along with receiving a $2,000 scholarship.

Current sophomores and juniors who plan to study on campus all of the 2017-18 academic year are eligible to apply.

APPLYING: The application for all three programs is available online through Sabo or CCV website, listed below.
Christensen Scholars:
Interfaith Scholars:
Sabo Scholars:

The application deadline is Monday, February 26th, 2018

Questions? Contact either the Christensen Center for Vocation at, 612-330-1403 or the Sabo Center for Democracy and Citizenship at

Help Twin Cities Middle Schoolers & Eat Free Pizza

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Do you want to earn service hours while making a difference for middle school students in the Twin Cities? Come judge debate rounds for the Minnesota Urban Debate League.

Middle school students will debate education reform, and we’re looking for caring students to judge them on their critical thinking, argumentation, and public speaking. No debate experience? No problem – we’ll train you. Judges also enjoy free pizza.

Volunteer shifts last from 3:15 – 7:30 PM.

We’re still looking for judges for the following tournaments (named for famous former debaters):

Tuesday – 2/27: Sherman Alexie Tournament (make up)
Thursday – 3/1: Rosalind Franklin Tournament
Thursday – 3/8: Rep. Patsy Takemoto Mink Tournament
Tues-Thurs 3/13-3/15: Justice Sotomayor Conference Championships
Tuesday – 3/20: Winona LaDuke Middle School City Championships

Please direct any questions to, or stop by our office in Foss 18.

Click the link below for more information and to sign up:

Volunteer With Us

2017-2018 Augsburg Leadership Awards/Senior Leadership Society

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Nominations for the 2017-2018 Augsburg Leadership Awards are now open! These awards celebrate and recognize outstanding student leaders and student organizations at Augsburg University for their innovation, mentorship, advocacy, and engagement throughout this academic year. (

We encourage all students, staff, faculty, alumni, and community members to nominate student leaders and student organizations for these awards. A list of awards with their descriptions can be found here:( Nominations are due no later than 5:00 p.m. on Friday, March 9.

Applications are also open for the 2017-2018 Augsburg Senior Leadership Society, which recognizes graduating seniors for their leadership contributions over the course of their tenure at Augsburg University. One individual who is inducted into the society will receive the Linda Schrempp Alberg Endowed Leadership Award, which has an award value of $500. (

Nominees will be honored and recipients will be announced at the 19th Annual Augsburg Leadership Awards, taking place Sunday, April 8 from 5:00-8:00pm.

Mexico: Summer study abroad program

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Earn language, Art, Keystone, or Internship credit in Mexico this summer:

CGEE in Mexico offers five 3 1/2 week sessions (blocks) focusing on Spanish language and Mexican culture in which students can take one course per session, and take up to five courses throughout the summer. This community-based program includes homestays, a trip to Mexico City, optional weekend excursions, and numerous guest speakers designed to help students learn about history, culture, and contemporary struggles for peace, justice, and human rights.

Spanish language courses at all levels beginning to advanced, as well as specialized Spanish courses in Business Spanish, Spanish for Ministry, and Spanish for Healthcare Professionals can be combined with internships in those fields to create a truly customized summer experience.

The summer is organized into five blocks, you may take anywhere from one to five blocks. Students who wish to take an internship must enroll for at least two blocks:
Block I: May 2-27
Block II: May 23-June 17 (KEY 490 offered only during Block II)
Block III: June 13-July 8
Block IV: July 5-29
Block V: July 25-August 19

Applications are due March 15, 2018

Scholarships are available!

Students eligible for Summer Pell Grants, may apply the summer grant funds to this program if they attend at least two Blocks.

Email, or come and talk to the Study Abroad/Away Office for more details! We are located in Oyate Commons, in the lower level of Christensen Center.

Check here for program details, scholarship info, and application

Event Announcements

Sabo Symposium-Next Wed. 2/28

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Are the “Nones” Done with Civic Engagement?
Organizing the religiously unaffiliated in today’s climate of polarization

Martin Olav Sabo Symposium
February 28, 2018
6-8 PM
Augsburg University, Hagfors Center, Room 150

How do the religiously unaffiliated factor into this current moment of political polarization, when many are seeking to increase political and civic participation? Join us for a symposium exploring this important topic, beginning with a keynote from Phil Zuckerman—chair of Pitzer College’s Secular Studies program and author of numerous books including The Nonreligious (Oxford, 2016) and Living the Secular Life (Penguin, 2014)—followed by a panel of researchers who study the religiously unaffiliated. Concluding the evening will be a conversation about how local community organizers and elected officials are engaging religiously diverse populations in their efforts, particularly the religiously unaffiliated.

Hosted by the Sabo Center for Democracy and Citizenship

TOMORROW: Minnesota Hillel Presentation

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What can we do to make Augsburg University more inclusive to students, staff, faculty, and visitors of the Jewish faith? The Augsburg Community is invited to attend a presentation by Minnesota Hillel’s Senior Jewish Educator, Rabbi Ryan Dulkin.

Tuesday, February 27
OGC 100
9:40-11:40 a.m.

Rabbi Ryan Dulkin brings with him an extensive background in Jewish education, having served most recently as a visiting professor of Jewish Studies at Franklin & Marshall College in Lancaster, Pennsylvania. His other academic appointments have included the Reconstructionist Rabbinical College, the Jewish Theological Seminary, and Washington University in St. Louis.

Vocation Lunch with Robert Tom – March 29th

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Faculty and Staff – you are invited to attend the Christensen Center for Vocation’s Spring Vocation Lunch with robert tom, Augsburg’s Ceramics and Sculpture Professor! This event will take place on Thursday, March 29th from 12:00 PM – 1:15 PM in East Commons, Christensen Center.

The Christensen Vocation Lunch is an event that strengthens the concept of vocation at Augsburg for faculty and staff by providing role models from within the community to share a presentation on their sense of call and life journey.

To learn more about robert tom and to register, please visit

Spaces are limited so please register soon. Note: upon completion of your registration, please be sure you receive a confirmation email and do not add the event to your calendar without completing the registration process.

If you have any questions, please contact the CCV office at (612) 330-1403 or email

We hope to see you there!

Study Abroad Info & Free Lunch

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Join the study abroad office for lunch on Thursday, March 1st to learn about one of the most affordable study abroad semester options for Auggies – fall semester at our study center in Mexico!

On the program, you can complete multiple general education requirements,including Modern Language 1 and 2, Natural Science (with lab), Humanities, Social Science, Wellness, and Fine Arts! Business courses also available.

There will be a presentation by the Mexico Site Director, Dr. Ann Lutterman-Aguilar, on Thursday, March 1st at 12:00 PM, in OGC 100.

Come to the presentation and learn about our Mexico study center, ask questions, have food, and get excited to study abroad! Questions to

RSVP to the Lunch & Presentation

Keeping Track of Auggies

Math Major co-authors study in AIDS and Behavior journal

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Auggie Jennifer Kochaver, a mathematics major and statistics minor, appears as a co-author with former Augsburg professors Brian Rood, Psychology, and Miles Ott, MSCS, and others on “Minority Stressors Associated with Sexual Risk Behaviors and HIV Testing in a U.S. Sample of Transgender Individuals” in AIDS and Behavior journal.


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