
Public Safety and Facilities Announcements

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Teaching and Learning

Deadlines Looming? Find Help in the WL Now

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Papers, reports, applications, resumes — whatever you are writing, please remember that the Augsburg College Writing Lab is open and the writing tutors are ready to help. Find the Writing Lab in Lindell Library, street level, just left of the circulation desk. Tutors will work with any Augsburg student with any writing assignment during these hours:

Mondays: 11:10 a.m.–1:40 p.m.; 6:30–9:30 p.m.
Tuesdays: 12:30–3 p.m.; 3:30–6 p.m.; 7:30–10 p.m.
Wednesdays: 3:30–6 p.m.; 6:30–9 p.m.
Thursdays: 12:30–3 p.m.; 3:30–6 p.m.; 7:30–10 p.m.
Fridays: 4–6:30 p.m.
Sundays: 5–8 p.m.

Speaking of Sabbaticals with Psychology Professor Henry Yoon – Tomorrow, March 2

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Members of the campus community are invited to this upcoming sabbatical reflection luncheon featuring Psychology professor Henry Yoon. Attendees will learn about Professor Yoon’s research with the Minnesota Twin Family Study on abnormal child and adolescent psychology. The title of his presentation is “Developmental Stability of the Reduced P3 Brain Response in ADHD Participants with ODD/CD Comorbidity: a Longitudinal Study.”

Thursday, March 2
OGC 200 (note new location!)

Co-sponsored by the Center for Teaching and Learning and the Christensen Center for Vocation.

Please RSVP for this event here.

Speaking of Sabbaticals with Education Professor Jeanine Gregoire – March 24

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This “Speaking of Sabbaticals” event originally scheduled for February 24 has been RESCHEDULED for March 24! Please RSVP for this new date using the link below.

Faculty and staff are invited to this sabbatical reflection and luncheon featuring Education Professor Jeanine Gregoire. The title of her talk is “Immigration, Migration and More: A yearlong journey to develop an Education semester abroad program in Mexico.”

This presentation highlights Minnesota-Mexico cultural, educational, economic and environmental connections and the rationale and framework behind the Education department semester abroad program. Dr. Gregoire will talk about how a spring break service learning trip to Cuernavaca in 2003 led to her sabbatical where she had the opportunity to explore and develop a new study abroad program with CGE-Cuernavaca, Mexico faculty and staff.

Friday, March 24
Marshall Room

Co-sponsored by CTL and CGEE.

Click here to RSVP.

General Announcements

NODAPL Meeting – Today at 3:30 p.m.

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There will be a meeting in OGC 202 at 3:30 p.m. today to discuss how the Augsburg community can help the No Dakota Access Pipeline effort. We will be discussing creating a documentary to educate people about the pipeline. This documentary will include interviews with people who have been to Standing Rock. We will also be discussing Augsburg’s relationship with Wells Fargo because of Wells Fargo’s involvement with funding the pipeline. All are welcome to join us today!

Augsburg Philosophy Department Receives Honor

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The Philosophy Department receives 20th place in top 20 affordable U.S. small college programs from

Spanning topics from the ancient and medieval to the modern and contemporary, Augsburg College’s affordable undergraduate philosophy program is a great introduction to the history of Western thought. In addition to reading pivotal thinkers like Plato, Hegel, and Russell, philosophy majors at Augsburg are trained in critical thinking, speaking, and writing to learn how to communicate difficult ideas with confidence. Many students also pursue an honors thesis project, for which they receive one-on-one mentorship from experienced faculty. But Augsburg’s most unique offering is its interdisciplinary minor (sic.) in Computational Philosophy, which leverages both disciplines to investigate artificial intelligence, logic, and the philosophy of mind.

Nominate Staff for January’s Auggie Pride Award

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Each month of the academic year, Staff Senate highlights two staff members for their outstanding work. The Auggie Pride Program was created to uplift the work of staff members who go above and beyond. Nominations can be submitted via email ( or submit a form found at

An Update From the Campus Climate Advisory Team (CCAT)

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Dear Augsburg Community,

Earlier this year on January 30 President Pribbenow and Provost Kaivola issued a statement about the executive orders issued by President Trump related to immigration and to undocumented/DACA students. In that statement the president and provost referenced the establishment of an Augsburg website which would provide our community with relevant information and resources. I would like to once again remind the community about the website and add that it has been and will continue to be updated as needed. Additionally, a new page has been added that provides detailed information about 1.) what are considered private and public campus spaces (and what does that mean) and 2.) what to do as a faculty member, staff member, or student in regards to interactions on campus with law enforcement officers from local, state, or federal agencies. The new page can be found here:

Please be assured that the Campus Climate Advisory Team (CCAT) and college leadership will continue to work to support all members of our community during these uncertain times.

Sincerely, Joanne K. Reeck

Apply for Public Leadership Scholars Program

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Current sophomores and juniors:

Want to engage in leadership, service, and learning to make a difference at Augsburg and in the wider community?

Apply to be in one of Augsburg’s three Public Leadership Scholar Programs: Christensen Scholars, Interfaith Scholars, or Sabo Scholars.

In any one of the programs you will have the opportunity to participate in a yearlong academic seminar with a cohort of your peers. You will contribute to public leadership on campus and in the wider community in either the Christian tradition, interfaith engagement, or civic life. You will also be able to earn four upper division semester credits in religion or political science along with receiving a $2,000 scholarship.

Current sophomores and juniors who plan to study on campus all of the 2017-18 academic year are eligible to apply.

Applying: The application for all three programs is available online through the Sabo Center or the Christensen Center for Vocation websites, listed below.

Christensen Scholars:
Interfaith Scholars:
Sabo Scholars:

The application deadline is Monday, March 6, 2017.

Questions? Contact either the Christensen Center for Vocation at, 612-330-1403 or the Sabo Center for Democracy and Citizenship at

Seniors – Still Need Augsburg Experience?

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Are you still in need of Augsburg Experience? Augsburg’s Center for Global Education & Experience has your solution!

Spend 3 weeks in Mexico this summer – take a class and finish up your Augsburg Experience requirement. The CGEE Mexico Study Center offers Spanish and Art classes (LAF Fine Arts) throughout the summer. Tuition is discounted for all Auggies, and scholarships are available.

Seniors – you can participate in the Graduation Ceremony, and still study abroad this summer. Treat yourself to an international experience before jumping into your job or grad school!

Summer course options are open to all students first year through seniors.

Learn more about summer courses in Mexico!

Event Announcements

Red Power Energy Film Screening with Filmmaker

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The Augsburg Native American Film Series is hosting Red Power Energy March 8 in Sateren Auditorium at Augsburg College .

Red Power Energy is a documentary film that combines engaging storytelling with in-depth journalism. Told solely from the Native perspective, with a nearly all-Native film crew and all-Native Advisory Council, the film features Western and Great Plains American Indian tribes from North Dakota, South Dakota, Montana, Wyoming and Colorado. First-person stories illustrate the complex realities of American Indian reservations grappling with how to balance their natural resources with their traditional beliefs. From the historic United Nations Climate Conference to the proliferation of non-Western countries industrializing their economies through fossil fuel production, Red Power Energy offers a rare glimpse into Indian Country while further advancing a deeper understanding of the energy debate. (Official Program Description from Red Power Energy Publicity)

Larry Pourier (Oglala Lakota), one of the director’s of this film, will host the film screening and answer questions after the screening.

Location and Time
Augsburg College
Sateren Auditorium, Music Hall, 715 22nd Ave South
Reception 6:15-6:45
Screening begins at 7:00
Discussion with filmmakers follows
This event is free to the public

Free Tickets to Walker Film Event: INAATE/SE on March 17 & 18

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INAATE/Se [it shines a certain way. to a certain place./ it flies.falls./] (directors Zack and Adam Khalil, 2016

This experimental documentary is part of the INDIgenesis: Indigenous Filmmakers, Past and Present program at the Walker and explores the Ojibwe story of the Seven Fires Prophecy, which has been interpreted as predicting the arrival of the Europeans in North America and the subsequent destruction they caused. Bold, smart, and unflinching, the film examines the relationship between cultural tradition and modern indigenous identity. 2016, US/Canada, 75 minutes.

As copresenters, the Augsburg Native American Film Series is proving 50 free tickets to each screening: March 17, 2017, 6:30 pm at the Walker Cinema and March 18, 2017, 7:30 pm at the Walker Cinema. Please contact M. Elise Marubbio ( or 612-330-1523) to be put on a reserve ticket list–specify which night you would prefer.

9th Traditional Powwow

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Augsburg College’s 9th Traditional Powwow will be held on Saturday, March 25, on campus in the Si Melby Gymnasium. Grand Entries (beginning of a dancing session) will be at 1 PM and 6 PM, however dancing/ceremony will be all day until roughly 9 PM. You are free to come and go throughout the day as you wish. Honoring for our Augsburg American Indian Graduates will be at 3 PM.

You are welcome to come, bring your family and friends, purchase some craft items from our vendors, come support our American Indian students here at Augsburg by showing up and learning about our rich culture and traditions at our hosted Powwow on campus. Augsburg is one of the only colleges in the metro area to host a Powwow and the only private college!

NO ADMISSION COSTS – FREE! Find us on Facebook and invite your friends!

VOLUNTEERS ARE NEEDED! If you are interested in volunteering at the concession stand, please email Athena Cloud, AISA Powwow Chair, at with your available time, t-shirt size and phone number. All volunteers get a t-shirt and much appreciation from us! We ask that people dedicate 2 1/2 hour time slots. Time slots to choose from are:

10:00 AM-12:30 PM
12:00-2:30 PM
2:30-5:00 PM
5:00-7:30 PM
7:30-10:00 PM (includes clean-up)

Pilamiya’ ye/Miigwech/Thank you!

General Education Focused Conversations Next Week

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Join the Focused Conversations next week about General Education. The sessions will be facilitated by Professor Jacqui deVries, director of general education.

Dates, times and location:
Tuesday, March 7, 2 p.m., Oren 100 (remote access will be available for this session)
Wednesday, March 8, 12:30 p.m., Oren 100

Click the following links to add a session to your calendar:

Tuesday session (the remote access link is posted at the top of the All Hands page):

Wednesday session:

See the full All Hands page schedule (login required)

Auggies Connect with Employers – Thursday

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Auggies Connect with Employers
Thursday, March 2, 2017
3-5 p.m. (come and stay for as long as you like)
Strommen Center, Suite 100, Christensen Center

Representatives are excited to meet you and answer your questions about their field, offer you tips for how to stand out in the job or internship search, and even review your resume. It is a wonderful opportunity to learn about possible careers you could have after leaving Augsburg College. No appointment necessary – feel free to dress casually.

Representatives include:

Pocket Hercules: Pocket Hercules is a Minneapolis advertising agency and public relations firm providing advertising, PR, digital, social and integrated communications

Anoka County: Staff of over 300 employees and volunteers serve the 4th largest county in the state. They offer a variety of careers and internships in all areas.

Gillette Children’s Specialty Healthcare: Gillette has been a Twin Cities Top Workplace seven years in a row and is a National Top Workplace. They offer a number of volunteer, internship, and full-time entry level positions. Positions include computer science, customer service, healthcare professionals, administrative, accounting and more.

League of Minnesota Cities: The League of Minnesota Cities is a membership organization dedicated to promoting excellence in local government. The League serves its more than 800 member cities through advocacy, education and training, policy development, risk management, and other services. They offer a wide range of full-time positions in a number of city wide government and other organizations.

Farewell Gathering for Jen Jacobs

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Jennifer Jacobs will be leaving her position at Augsburg at the end of this week to take on a new role as Head Volleyball Coach at Augustana in South Dakota.

Please join us in celebrating a new opportunity for Jen as well as thanking her for her excellent work at Augsburg.

Where: Si Melby 206/Lobby
When: Friday, March 3 from 12:00 – 1 p.m.
Lunch will be provided!

Refugees at our Border, Wed., Mar. 1, 4:30-6 p.m.

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Refugees at our Border, Wed., Mar. 1, 4:30-6 p.m.

Ms. Nazario is a Pulitzer Prize winning author who documented “Enrique’s Journey,” her story of a Honduran boy’s struggle to find his mother in the U.S. first published as a series in the Los Angeles Times. She will address the issues facing Central American migrants who continue to seek refuge at the southern borders of the United States.

Humphrey School of Public Affairs
301 19th Ave S
Minneapolis, MN 55455

For more information:

Morning Chapel: Ash Wednesday

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Join us in the chapel at 10:40am for Ash Wednesday worship with imposition of ashes. Rev. Mark Hanson preaching. Musician: Maria Gisselquist ’19.

Chapel This Week:
Thursday, 3/2, 11:30 a.m.: Alissa Gretzmann, Yale Divinity School, preaching.
Friday, 3/3, 10:40 a.m.: St. David’s Day. Musicians: Conie Borchardt ’98 and The Augsburg Choir, directed by Mark Sedio ’76.

We gather in Hoversten Chapel – Everyone is welcome!

More information

Keeping Track of Auggies

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