Immigration, Migration, and More – Sabbatical Reflection & Lunch is Today

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Members of the campus community are invited to attend today’s Speaking of Sabbaticals lunch featuring Education professor Jeanine Gregoire. The title of her presentation is “Immigration, Migration and More: A yearlong journey to develop an Education semester abroad program in Mexico.”

This presentation highlights Minnesota-Mexico cultural, educational, economic and environmental connections and the rationale and framework behind the Education department semester abroad program. Dr. Gregoire will talk about how a spring break service learning trip to Cuernavaca in 2003 led to her sabbatical where she had the opportunity to explore and develop a new study abroad program with CGE-Cuernavaca, Mexico faculty and staff.

Friday, March 24 (Today!)
Marshall Room

No need to RSVP this morning. Just come on over to Marshall and join us at 11:30! Co-sponsored by CTL and CGEE.