TC For Career, Cause and Community tabling TODAY

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Are you looking for a part-time summer job, volunteer or internship? Today in the Christensen Center lobby from 10:00 a.m. -1:00 p.m. the following employer will be on campus to meet with students. Stop by to learn more!

TC For Career, Cause and Community – C3 Twin Cities connects career, cause, and community through a service year that elevates the skills and professional relationships of the next generation of community leaders. In partnership with the Pohlad Family Foundation and Nexus Community Partners, C3 Twin Cities engages VISTAs in efforts that:

o Support Minneapolis students to succeed in strong schools and shape their own educational experience.
o Rekindle the dreams of youth by connecting them to career pathway and post-secondary opportunities.
o Build vibrant local economies through community wealth building.

We have fifteen positions to fill. Come check out our opportunities.