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All faculty and staff are invited to attend the 2017 Creating an Inclusive Campus (CIC) Workshop: “Supporting Our Students in Turbulent Times: Civic Engagement and Nonviolent Philosophy in Higher Education.”
This half day workshop will engage participants in exploring the history, philosophy and skills needed to promote a deep commitment to civic engagement, democratic principles and pedagogy in the classroom and broader community.
Co-sponsored by the Diversity, Inclusion & Equity Committee, CTL & the Sabo Center.
9:00 a.m.-10:15 a.m. – Opening General Session, Chapel
Harry Boyte & Joaquin Munoz: A Dialogue on Nonviolence in Higher Education
10:30 a.m.-12:00 p.m. – Civic Engagement Skills Development, Breakout Sessions, OGC Classrooms
– One to One, Relational Meetings, Facilitator: Dennis Donovan
– Nonviolent Communication, Facilitators: Sarah Myers & Joaquin Munoz
– Public Narrative, Facilitator: Rachel Lloyd
12:00 p.m.-1:00 p.m. – Lunch and Closing Conversations, Chapel
The opening session will be streamed live. Click here and tune in at 9:00am!