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I’m selling my nearly new RadWagon Electric Cargo Bike. I bought the bike in February and have only logged 40 miles on it.
This awesome orange cargo bike can:
— Go up to 40 miles on a charge.
— Haul as much as350 pounds of stuff.
— Decrease the heck out of your carbon footprint!
— Make neighbors and friends a bit envious of how leading-edge enviro-friendly you are.
— Leave you begging for reasons to leave your car in the garage.
— Replace your car! Yes. Replace.
My brother, who lives in Alaska, has been riding a RadWagon for 14 months in all kinds of weather and with his son on the back! He uses his bike to haul broken trailer axles to the shop for repair, tote his skiing gear to mountain bases, and more. I’ve used mine to hook up a dog trailer to take one of my mutts to the dog park, get groceries, and go visit friends. This bike is ready to work for you!
I’m asking $1,500 (firm). New, the bike is $1,600 and requires assembly. I’ve done the assembly and all the fine tuning so everything is working like a charm.
I’m only selling the RadWagon because my original electric bike, which was stolen on New Year’s Day, resurfaced and I want to go back to riding that! Selling this bike will allow me to finance the repairs.