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Coffee and Conversations: Norway Edition
Explore Your Relationship to Social Justice while Studying Abroad in Norway
Friday, October 6
8:30 – 9:30am
Marshall Room, Christensen Center
EVERYONE welcome – students, faculty, staff, advisors, and community members!
Join the study abroad office for coffee and conversation about HECUA’s “The New Norway” program. Come grab a cup of coffee and some refreshments while learning about study abroad in Norway with the HECUA Norway program director, Alex Bielicki.
The HECUA Norway program provides students the opportunity to deeply explore globalization, identity, and the politics surround nationality and immigration. The program is place-based, experiential learning paired an interdisciplinary internship.
Topics we’ll cover:
• HECUA study abroad general Information
• The New Norway themes, projects, and overall outline
• Program internship sites, past student experiences, and potential projects
• General Information about why Norway is a beneficial place for students to study away
Feel free to come with questions and ideas! We look forward to seeing you!