Four Students Wanted for Fair Trade Committee

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If you are interested in how to have agency on campus and care about social justice as well as sustainability, please consider serving on the Fair Trade Committee. The ultimate goal of the committee is to seek Fair Trade Certification for Augsburg University.

Expected commitment:

1. Attend approximately four meetings for the rest of the academic year. Meetings will take place on Friday afternoons.
2. Assist with taking inventory of Fair Trade certified products on campus.
3. Assist with planning an event, such as tabling, to promote Fair Trade.
4. Help draft a Fair Trade resolution.
5. Present to University Council.

Other members of the committee include A’viands Manager, Josh Ahrends, Augsburg Chief Officer of Sustainability, Allyson Green, and Master of Art in Leadership student & Civic Studies Fellow, Christy Mattingly. There will be perks such as Fair Trade coffee and chocolate provided at meetings.

If you are willing to take on a very low time commitment for meaningful work, please text, call, or email Christy Mattingly at 612-723-9463 or

Congratulations to October’s Auggie Pride Recipients

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Congratulations to Eric Graham, Groundskeeper and Mel Lee, Assistant Athletic Director, Head Softball Coach, and Instructor for receiving the October Auggie Pride Award. Their hard work in their new roles here at Augsburg made a huge impact across campus. Staff Senate admires the work they do everyday and are honored to award them both with this month’s Auggie Pride Award.

Read more about the winners on the Staff Senate website

Deadlines Looming? Find Help in the Writing Lab

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If you haven’t already visited the Writing Lab, it’s time to do so! More than 650 Auggies have already used the WL this semester. Writing Lab tutors await all students, grad and undergrad, and their written work – essays, applications, personal statements, creative writing. The Lab is located on the street level of Lindell Library and is just left of the circulation desk. No appointments are taken.
Here are the hours:

Mondays – 11:10–1:40 p.m., and 6:30–9:30 p.m.
Tuesdays – 12:30–3 p.m.; 3:30–6 p.m., and 7:30–10 p.m.
Wednesdays –11:10–1:40 p.m.; 3:30–6 p.m., and 6:30–9 p.m.
Thursdays – 12:30–3 p.m.; 3:30–6 p.m., and 7:30–10 p.m.
Fridays – 4–6:30 p.m.
Sundays – 5–8 p.m.

Any questions? Contact Kathryn Swanson, English.

Students – open enrollment for health insurance

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Open enrollment for health insurance began November 1!
MNSure open enrollment is November 1, 2017, to January 14, 2018. MNsure is Minnesota’s health insurance marketplace where individuals, families and small businesses can shop, compare and choose health insurance coverage.

For more information, go to

MNsure is the only place you can apply for financial help to lower the cost of your monthly insurance premium and out-of-pocket costs. Most Minnesotans who enroll through MNsure qualify for financial help.

Contact Center: you can call to speak with a MNsure representative about your options: 1-855-366-7873 (or 651-539-2099).

LSAMP NSS Funding for Underrepresented Students in STEM

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Are you an underrepresented student pursuing a degree in STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics)? If so, you might be eligible to participate in LSAMP North Star STEM (NSS). Augsburg’s LSAMP NSS program is designed to help STEM students succeed through peer mentoring, workshops, research opportunities, industry visits, and conference travel. LSAMP NSS funding opportunities include:

-Professional development stipends (up to $500) for participation in LSAMP NSS programming
-Travel funding for professional STEM conferences (including airfare and lodging)
-Academic year or summer research funding (contingent on mentor match)

STEM majors at Augsburg: biology, biopsychology, chemistry, computer science, environmental studies, mathematics, physics

LSAMP NSS eligibility:
-Full-time student pursuing a STEM major.
-US citizen or permanent resident.
-Underrepresented in STEM as defined by the National Science Foundation (NSF). This includes being Black, Hispanic/Latinx, Native American, Alaska Native or Pacific Islander.

The Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation (LSAMP) is an initiative funded by the NSF to support underrepresented students pursuing a STEM degree. Minnesota’s LSAMP program is called the North Star STEM Alliance and includes 17 colleges, universities and community organizations.

If you are interested in any of these opportunities, please contact us at Please note that funding through NSF requires citizenship or permanent residence, but all students are welcome to participate in programming.


TODAY: Connect with employers- Service Opportunity Event

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Thursday, November 30th
3:00-5:00 p.m. (come and stay for as long as you like)
Strommen Career & Internship Center, Suite 100, Christensen Center

Why Attend: It is never to early to begin to think about your plans after graduation! All students from first year through senior year, are invited to stop by and learn how you can begin to prepare now for a one or two year long service opportunity that will help you explore career paths and gain experience and credentials that could contribute to graduate school. Depending on the program some of the sites offer an educational and living stipend.

Representatives will be on campus:
Peace Corps
College Possible
MN Reading & Math Corps
Conservation Corps
Lutheran Volunteer Corps

All majors and students are invited to stop by for this informal meet and greet to learn about service opportunities. Have your resume reviewed, get information and ask questions.

Questions? Email

Greece: Summer study abroad program

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Study abroad for two weeks in summer 2018:

Join this two-week course to participate in an amazing learning experience in beautiful Greece! Students will obtain an understanding of Greek history, Greek culture and how that has led to the current Greek business/economic model. Talking with people from various sectors of the community about how their lives have changed in an economic downturn and hearing stories from local people about economic and social relationships will help students understand the complexity of history and culture that has resulted in the contemporary culture and identity of Greece.

Applications are due January 24, 2018

Email, or come and talk to the Study Abroad/Away Office for more details! We are located in Oyate Commons, in the lower level of Christensen Center.

Check here for program details and application information

Mexico: Summer study abroad program

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Earn language, Art, Keystone, or Internship credit in Mexico this summer:

CGEE in Mexico offers five 3 1/2 week sessions (blocks) focusing on Spanish language and Mexican culture in which students can take one course per session, and take up to five courses throughout the summer. This community-based program includes homestays, a trip to Mexico City, optional weekend excursions, and numerous guest speakers designed to help students learn about history, culture, and contemporary struggles for peace, justice, and human rights.

Spanish language courses at all levels beginning to advanced, as well as specialized Spanish courses in Business Spanish, Spanish for Ministry, and Spanish for Healthcare Professionals can be combined with internships in those fields to create a truly customized summer experience.

The summer is organized into five blocks, you may take anywhere from one to five blocks. Students who wish to take an internship must enroll for at least two blocks:
Block I: May 2-27
Block II: May 23-June 17 (KEY 490 offered only during Block II)
Block III: June 13-July 8
Block IV: July 5-29
Block V: July 25-August 19

Applications are due March 15, 2018

Scholarships are available!

Students eligible for Summer Pell Grants, may apply the summer grant funds to this program if they attend at least two Blocks.

Email, or come and talk to the Study Abroad/Away Office for more details! We are located in Oyate Commons, in the lower level of Christensen Center.

Check here for program details, scholarship info, and application

Curious about Study Abroad or Study Away in the USA?

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Have you thought about Study Abroad or Study Away in the USA? Attend one of our daily drop-in Info Sessions to hear about the basics and how you can get started. We cover how to choose a program, study abroad finances, academic credit, and more.

Come to the Oyate Commons, in the lower level of Christensen Center, for a 20-minute Info Session:
Mondays at 10:40 am
Tuesdays at 2:15 pm
Wednesdays at 10:40 am
Thursdays at 3:40 pm
Fridays at 1:45 pm

Check here for more info about Study Abroad/Away

Thailand & Laos: Summer study abroad program

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Study abroad for two weeks in summer 2018:

Course: SWK 280 (elective credit for non-majors, requirement for social work majors). It also fulfills Augsburg Experience!

This program explores diversity and social inequality as a prerequisite to professional social work practice in a global context – specifically, in the context of Southeast Asia and Hmong culture. A critical dimension of professional practice is competence in work with diverse populations. The course introduces students to key theories and constructs undergirding cultural competence, including social construction theory, social contact theory, aversive racism, implicit bias, and micro-aggressions. Additionally, course introduces key social work practice models and frameworks as they pertain to cultural competence, including systems theory, ecological framework, strengths perspective and person-in- environment.

Applications are due on January 15, and SCHOLARSHIPS ARE AVAILABLE!

Email, or come and talk to the Study Abroad/Away Office for more details! We are located in Oyate Commons, in the lower level of Christensen Center.

Check here for program details, scholarship info, and application

Denmark & Iceland: Summer study abroad program

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Study abroad for two weeks in summer 2018:

Courses: ENL 270 or ENL 395, AND SOC 111/URB 111, or SOC 295/URB 295 The program also fulfills Augsburg Experience

In this program, students will have the opportunity to learn about two amazing cities: Reykjavik and Copenhagen and earn 8 credits at the same time! This two-course Augsburg Abroad experience explores the relationship between city and text; it is an interdisciplinary celebration of cities, with Reykjavik and Copenhagen and their environs as the sites of the celebration. Students will access the artistic heart of the city by immersing themselves in the real-life locations of Hamlet, Copenhagen Noir, and major films. Simultaneously, they will tour Copenhagen (often via bike and public transport) to learn why it is a mecca of urban sustainability and livability with some of the most inspired public spaces in the world. The program will also include a one-night stopover in Iceland, where students can explore Icelandic community life, explore its Viking history and storytelling (sagas).

Applications are due on January 31.

Students eligible for Summer Pell Grants can apply their summer funds to this program!

Email, or come and talk to the Study Abroad/Away Office for more details! We are located in Oyate Commons, in the lower level of Christensen Center.

Check here for program details and application information

Native American Book Sale

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As National Native American Heritage Month (November) comes to an end, the Augsburg Indigenous Student Association (AISA) and American Indian Student Services would like to invite you to check out the Native American Book Sale they are hosting on Wednesday, November 29th from 2- 6 PM and again on Thursday, November 30th from 11 AM – 4 PM in the Lobby of the Christensen Center @ Augsburg University 720 22nd Ave South, Minneapolis, MN

Word Carrier Trading Post is a Native American owned book business, specializing in Literature of the Northern Plains. Books range from pre-school level reading to college level reading. There will be a lot of books to choose from!!

For more information on Word Carrier Trading Post, visit their website at They are based out of Rapid City, South Dakota.

Save the Date: Relaxation Seminar on December 12

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Join fellow Auggies for a guided relaxation training program to help you manage stress, sleep more soundly at night, and approach your day with renewed energy and vitality.

Come relax with Beth Freschi, from a Time for Expression.

When: Tuesday, December 12, from 12-1 pm
Where: OGC 100

For questions, contact Nicole at

Mark Your Calendar for December 7: Informational Sleep Seminar

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Are you having problems sleeping, falling asleep, staying asleep or even just want to learn more about how to get a better night’s sleep?

Come join Regions Hospital Sleep Health Center’s Sleep Team and Insomnia physician, James Davig, Ph.D, for an informational seminar.

When: Thursday, December 7, from 12-1 pm
Where: Marshall Room

Bring your own lunch and join us.

For questions, contact Nicole at

Personal Hygiene and Food Drive

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TriBeta (Biological Honor Society) is hosting a personal hygiene and food drive from Monday 11/21/17 to Monday 12/4/17. Please consider donating! Items can be placed in the five boxes throughout campus (Christensen Center Welcome Desk, Enrollment Center Lobby, Foss Atrium (outside of the Campus Ministry offices), Oren Gateway Center Welcome Desk and Si Melby Lobby (outside of the Athletics offices)). All items will be donated to Merrick Food Shelf who opens their doors to the Twin Cities community for those who are in need.

Food and Fun

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You are all invited to the International Students 2nd general meeting! There will be food, fun, and goodbyes. It is also our last meeting of 2017.

Please stop by to hear about our events next semester, and say goodbye to the Fall 2017 International exchange students – all while dining with Caribbean style food.

The Meeting is: December 12th from 5:00-6:30 PM. It will be held in OGC 100.

See you all there!

ISO Team

ISO Facebook Page

Open Faculty/Staff feedback sessions on the University’s Consensual Relationship Policy

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The Employee Handbook Review Committee seeks your input as it develops a newly proposed University Consensual Relationship Policy. Because this policy will impact all employees, a sub-committee has been formed and seeks your viewpoints on consensual relationships. The sub-committee has two open seats. One faculty and one staff member will be selected from those who attend an open session and express an interest in participating in this sub-committee.

Two one-hour sessions will take place during the week of December 4 – December 8. Please watch future A-Mail notices for dates/times.

Please contact Dawn Miller in HR at for additional information.

Study Abroad Scholarships – Apply by January 15

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The Fund For Education Abroad has opened their annual scholarship application. To be eligible, an applicant must meet the following criteria:

**U.S. citizen or permanent resident
**Currently enrolled as undergraduate at U.S. university or college
**Minimum of 4 weeks (28 days) in-country study
**Study abroad programs must take place in summer 2018, fall 2018, and/or spring 2019
**Program must be eligible for academic credit

Applications are open November 15 through January 10.
To learn more visit the website below, or stop by the Study Abroad/Away Office in Oyate Commons, in the lower level of Christensen Center.

Get more scholarship details here

Short Term Study Abroad/Away in Summer 2018

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The Center for Global Education and Experience is accepting applications for all of the Summer 2018 short-term study abroad programs! Check out these great options, good for any student:

-Thailand & Laos: Diversity and Inequality in Global Professional Practice
-Denmark & Iceland: The Dark Side of the Happy City
-Interfaith Engagement in Palestine & Israel
-Economics & Cultural Change in Greece
-Music Therapy in China
-Language and Culture in Mexico

Applications are Due on January 31! Come and talk to the Study Abroad/Away Office for more details! We are located in Oyate Commons, in the lower level of Christensen Center.

Check here for program details and application information

Greece: Summer study abroad program

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Maren Stoddard Mack

Greece: Summer study abroad program
Study abroad for two weeks in summer 2018:

Join this two-week course to participate in an amazing learning experience in beautiful Greece! Students will obtain an understanding of Greek history, Greek culture and how that has led to the current Greek business/economic model. Talking with people from various sectors of the community about how their lives have changed in an economic downturn and hearing stories from local people about economic and social relationships will help students understand the complexity of history and culture that has resulted in the contemporary culture and identity of Greece.

Applications are due January 24, 2018

Email, or come and talk to the Study Abroad/Away Office for more details! We are located in Oyate Commons, in the lower level of Christensen Center.

Check here for program details and application information

Curious about Study Abroad or Study Away in the USA?

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Have you thought about Study Abroad or Study Away in the USA? Attend one of our daily drop-in Info Sessions to hear about the basics and how you can get started. We cover how to choose a program, study abroad finances, academic credit, and more.

Come to the Oyate Commons, in the lower level of Christensen Center, for a 20-minute Info Session:
Mondays at 10:40 am
Tuesdays at 2:15 pm
Wednesdays at 10:40 am
Thursdays at 3:40 pm
Fridays at 1:45 pm

Check here for more info about Study Abroad/Away

Music Therapy in China: Summer study abroad program

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Study abroad for two weeks in summer 2018:

Course options:
-MUS 374, -MUS 474, or MUS 582. It also fulfills Augsburg Experience

Music therapists benefit greatly from exploring the evolution of music from one generation to the next, the way in which music is integrated into everyday life, and its role in health, healing, and well-being in China. Through visits to hospitals, clinics, musical venues, conservatories, and community organizations that provide health related care, students experience the interplay of music and healing practices in China. Students also engage in direct dialogue with Chinese music therapists and other rehabilitation therapists. The program allows participants to reflect on their own musical roots, and to discover how their own musical preferences have developed based on cultural experiences. We will also visit other locations of interest such as The Great Wall, Old-Town Beijing, Dazu Rock Carvings, Yangtze River Cruise and more.

Applications are due March 15, 2018

Email, or come and talk to the Study Abroad/Away Office for more details! We are located in Oyate Commons, in the lower level of Christensen Center.

Check here for program details and application information

Palestine & Israel: Summer study abroad program

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Study abroad for two weeks in summer 2018:

Courses: RLN 205 or RLN 490. This program also fulfills Augsburg Experience

Join this two-week course to gain a transformational learning experience. You will be immersed in the Israeli and Palestinian contexts, particularly focusing on the three Abrahamic faiths – Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. Through lectures, readings, and conversations you will deepen your understanding of the history, sacred texts, beliefs and practices of the three Abrahamic faiths. Particular attention will be given to the roots of conflicts in the region and to peacebuilding movements.
We will visit holy sites that are at the center of the sacred stories that shape the beliefs and practices of Jews, Christians, and Muslims. We will hear how faith shapes the daily lives of those living in the land often called “holy.”

Applications are due on January 31, and SCHOLARSHIPS ARE AVAILABLE!

Email, or come and talk to the Study Abroad/Away Office for more details! We are located in Oyate Commons, in the lower level of Christensen Center.

Check here for program details, scholarship info, and application

Winter Intramural League Registration Now Open

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Registration for winter intramurals will run Nov. 27th-Dec. 3rd.

Leagues will start Dec. 7th. Sign your teams up for Soccer, Volleyball, Basketball, and Flag Football. Soccer and Flag football will both be played Thursday nights in the Dome. Volleyball and basketball will be played in Si-Melby hall and game nights will depend on participation numbers as well as gym availability.

All leagues will run Dec. 7th- Feb. 15th.

For more information and registration instructions, visit the intramurals web page.

Augsburg Intramural Website

Director at Rochester

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I am pleased to announce that Jeremy Updike will be the new Director at our site in Rochester. Jeremy will play a critical role in supporting our work in Rochester including, but not limited to, increasing student enrollment, supporting program growth, and expanding our external partnerships. The Director will supervise staff and operations and serve as a liaison to business and community organizations in Rochester and the surrounding area.

Jeremy has 11 years of experience as the Director of Summer Academic Programs at Carleton College. In this work, he has collaborated with faculty, staff and external partners to develop and enhance new and continuing programs. Jeremy will begin his work at Augsburg on January 16, 2018.

A special thanks to the members of the search committee who were critical to the successful search process and to Dawn Miller (HR) for her excellent work throughout the search.

Please join me in welcoming Jeremy Updike to Augsburg University.

TODAY Paid Summer Experience: URGO Summer Research Info Session

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URGO Summer Research Info Session
Today @6pm in OGC 100
Hear from past researchers and get the scoop on writing a strong application!

The URGO Summer Research Program is an 11-week, on-campus program where undergraduate students are funded to conduct research under the guidance of a faculty mentor. Student researchers gain important analytic, technical, and writing skills that are important for graduate school and careers. The URGO program is also includes a weekly Speaker Series focused on research skills and professional development, as well as weekly seminars with fellow researchers. Students from all disciplines are invited to participate, and past projects have ranged from biology lab work to theater performance.

URGO provides full-time summer researchers (400 hours) with a $4,000 stipend while half-time researchers (200 hours) receive a $2,000 stipend. Both receive a significant campus housing discount as well. The program runs from mid-May to the end of July and students must plan to be enrolled at Augsburg for Fall 2018 to be eligible.

URGO Summer Research Assistantships
In addition to the URGO Summer Research Program, URGO also funds 100-hour summer research assistantships where undergraduate students assist a faculty member with an ongoing research project. Research Assistants and mentors determine how to spread the 100 hours of work over the course of the summer and it is an excellent opportunity to try out research for the first time or focus on a specific aspect of a research project.

If you have any questions regarding the program or cannot make it to an info session and would like to learn more, please contact or call 612-330-1446 to set up an appointment.

Faculty & Staff appreciation sale at the Bookstore Thursday – Saturday

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Faculty and Staff, this week Thursday through Saturday is the faculty/staff appreciation sale. All regular priced clothing, trade books, gifts and school spirit merchandise will be 40% off. I hope you have your list and have checked it twice because it is a perfect time to do your holiday shopping, plus a great opportunity to get some new Augsburg University gear for yourself! . Take advantage of this great discount as a thank you for your support of the bookstore throughout the year.

Shop during store hours:
Thursday Nov. 30: 9am – 5pm
Friday Dec.1: 9am – 5pm
Saturday Dec. 2: 10am – 2pm

Congratulations to 2017 Emerging Leaders Program Graduates

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Campus Activities and Orientation would like to congratulate the 2017 Emerging Leaders Program graduates! These individuals successfully completed an intense ten week course around developing, enhancing, and promoting their leadership skills and capabilities. They are:

Abdi Abdullahi
Alana Goodson
Alyssa Crow
Anthony Villagrana
Ashlyn Winkels
Ava Pedersen
Bella Dawson
Billy Thao
Bobbi Hernandez
Brooke Pontinen
Carrington Nowak
Cyrus Frye-Dixon
Emily Brown
Emily Miszkiewicz
Emily Vang
Gabrielle Lewis
Ian Heseltine
Jasmine Gonzalez
Jessica Hing
Jessica Mendoza
Joe Gaskill
Kayla Cross
Khadra Bashir
Kristi Schulz
Lauren Holzem
Lydia Stephens
Mac Quist
Melissa Flores Jaimes
Mike Reeder
Nelago Nashandi
Oteju Oluwatofunmi
Pheng Xiong
Portia Green
Rose Zahn
Sabrin Gadow
Samantha Marholtz
Seakh Menheer
Shamarr McKinney-Vanburen
Shamsa Ahmed
Simon Redstone
Tanner Hintz
Yvonne Twinawe

Also thank you to the student leaders who provided mentorship to those participating in ELP:

Abe Johnson
Ariel Gutierrez
Ash Kaun
Destyn Land
Esteban Perez Cortez
Jose Perales
Mahamoud Abdi
Mayli Camposeco

Movie night at the Riverview, Dec 7

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Take a break and see a drama/comedy about a Norwegian immigrant family in 1910 San Francisco. Only $3 with pre-movie entertainment.

I Remember Mama (1948) (sometimes called a holiday classic)
Thursday, December 7
7:00 pm, Doors open at 6:30
Showing at Riverview Theater, 3800 42nd Ave So, Minneapolis, 55406

Tickets sold at Ingebretsen’s,1601 E. Lake Street, Minneapolis, MN 55407
Presented by Ingebretsen’s Scandinavian Gifts. For more information, call 612-729-9333

Riverview Theater

Auggie Pride Awards – Taking Nominations for November

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Staff Senate is seeking nominations for the Auggie Pride Award! The Auggie Pride Award is given to staff members who have gone above and beyond to serve Augsburg and fulfill its mission and values. Reasons to acknowledge a staff member can include a variety of things, such as the completion of a project, the implementation of an innovative idea, or simply giving directions to a lost campus guest.

If you have a colleague who you feel is deserving of this award, please nominate them by filling out the nomination form at

The Auggie Pride Awards are awarded monthly, throughout the academic year. More information found at

Ugly Sweaters at the Bookstore

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The tradition of the ‘ugly sweater’ is back, featuring our Auggie wrapped in a scarf and ready for the holidays. Also at the bookstore– retro is back! We have a limited supply of personal, arcade style video games: Frogger, Space Invaders, Ms. Pac-Man and Double Dragon! There are many more gift ideas for the whole family so stop on by, we can’t wait to see you!

Coming changes to Google Drive for faculty and staff zoom sessions

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October was Cyber Security Month. Tune in for an information session to hear briefly what the current cyber threats are, learn some tips that apply at work or home, share your experiences and strategies.

Also in December IT is adding new tool to Google Drive to protect regulated data. If faculty or staff have regulated data in Drive you will get an email notification. What is regulated data? Come and find out! Adding this tool means we will not dissuade you from keeping FERPA data in Google Drive in 2018. We want to you to be able to fully use Google Drive in your work.

There will also be a required online self-paced information security training coming for faculty and staff as part of our work on information security. Come and find out more!

Zoom virtual sessions
Thursday November 30, 9:00 – 9:30 AM
Monday December 4, 9:00 – 9:30 AM

Find out what more about we’re doing for information security at Augsburg

Thursday: Connect with Employers-Service Opportunity Event

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Thursday, November 30th
3:00-5:00 p.m. (come and stay for as long as you like)
Strommen Career & Internship Center, Suite 100, Christensen Center

Why Attend: It is never to early to begin to think about your plans after graduation! All students from first year through senior year, are invited to stop by and learn how you can begin to prepare now for a one or two year long service opportunity that will help you explore career paths and gain experience and credentials that could contribute to graduate school. Depending on the program some of the sites offer an educational and living stipend.

Representatives will be on campus:
Peace Corps
College Possible
MN Reading & Math Corps
Conservation Corps
Lutheran Volunteer Corps

All majors and students are invited to stop by for this informal meet and greet to learn about service opportunities. Have your resume reviewed, get information and ask questions.

Questions? Email


Save the Date: Relaxation Seminar on December 12

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Join fellow Auggies for a guided relaxation training program to help you manage stress, sleep more soundly at night, and approach your day with renewed energy and vitality.

Come relax with Beth Freschi, from a Time for Expression.

When: Tuesday, December 12, from 12-1 pm
Where: OGC 100

For questions, contact Nicole at

Mark Your Calendar for December 7: Informational Sleep Seminar

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Are you having problems sleeping, falling asleep, staying asleep or even just want to learn more about how to get a better night’s sleep?

Come join Regions Hospital Sleep Health Center’s Sleep Team and Insomnia physician, James Davig, Ph.D, for an informational seminar.

When: Thursday, December 7, from 12-1 pm
Where: Marshall Room

Bring your own lunch and join us.

For questions, contact Nicole at

Submit your creative work for the Engman Prize

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The John Engman Writing Prize, a literary competition sponsored by Murphy Square and the Augsburg English Department, is awarded each year to promising writers. This year’s submission deadline is December 21st (the last day of finals). Judges of the competition will select winners in each of the categories of fiction, poetry, and creative non-fiction.

To enter writers must submit the following:

Short Fiction – One complete short story of not more than 15 pages.
Creative Non-fiction – One complete piece not longer than 15 pages.
Poetry – At least three poems.

All writers must be enrolled at Augsburg University and may enter each of the categories as often as they wish, but they may only win in one. Names of writers must not be on the works submitted.

Entries must be submitted through Moodle.

The direct link to the site is:

The prize was named in honor of poet and Augsburg alumnus John Engman who died in 1996. Judges for the contest are English Department faculty members. The judges reserve the right to withhold awards if entries in specific categories are not of winning quality; they may also increase the number of awards in a category that has attracted entries of obvious merit. Winners will be notified in January and will be awarded gift cards to the university bookstore.

Donate your old Jewelry

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On February 13 and 14, the Associates will have a Valentine’s Day Vintage and Used Jewelry Sale on campus. To get ready for this sale, we are asking for your donations of gently used jewelry – those items that have been laying in your jewelry box for years just waiting to be worn. Now, those fancy earrings, delicate necklaces, shiny cuff links and awesome tie bars can find a new home and show themselves off again!

There will be a basket for your donations at Velkommen Jul on Friday, December 1st on the 2nd floor of Christensen Center near the Scholarship Table. Look for the signage! Donated jewelry can also be dropped off in the Alumni Office (OGC Suite 106) no later than January 10. The Associates will neatly package all of the jewelry and bring it back to campus for the sale in February. There will also be fudge for sale!

Augsburg Associates is a volunteer group of alumni, retired faculty and friends of Augsburg. This is an opportunity for you to support the Associates in their fund-raising projects for student scholarships. Don’t miss this opportunity and THANK YOU!

Students – open enrollment for health insurance

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Open enrollment for health insurance began November 1!
MNSure open enrollment is November 1, 2017, to January 14, 2018. MNsure is Minnesota’s health insurance marketplace where individuals, families and small businesses can shop, compare and choose health insurance coverage.

For more information, go to

MNsure is the only place you can apply for financial help to lower the cost of your monthly insurance premium and out-of-pocket costs. Most Minnesotans who enroll through MNsure qualify for financial help.

Contact Center: you can call to speak with a MNsure representative about your options: 1-855-366-7873 (or 651-539-2099).

Native American Book Sale

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As National Native American Heritage Month (November) comes to an end, the Augsburg Indigenous Student Association (AISA) and American Indian Student Services would like to invite you to check out the Native American Book Sale they are hosting on Wednesday, November 29th from 2- 6 PM and again on Thursday, November 30th from 11 AM – 4 PM in the Lobby of the Christensen Center @ Augsburg University 720 22nd Ave South, Minneapolis, MN

Word Carrier Trading Post is a Native American owned book business, specializing in Literature of the Northern Plains. Books range from pre-school level reading to college level reading. There will be a lot of books to choose from!!
For more information on Word Carrier Trading Post, visit their website at They are based out of Rapid City, South Dakota.

No Parking in the Hagfors Center Roundabout

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A reminder that, beginning this week, vehicles parked in the roundabout in front of Hagfors Center will be ticketed and towed. Avoid parking your vehicle in this area!

Last week, crews installed the operable doors on the Hagfors Center coffee shop, and the first two art installations were installed:
>>Six Minnesota Wildflowers to Meet and Know by Amy Rice
>>Mississippi River Quartet by Mary Lingen

For photos and information about the artists, see the link below.

View the Hagfors Center update for the week of November 27

Campus Cupboard is open

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Hello everyone,

Here are the hours for the Cupboard this week:

Tuesday 8am-1:40pm, 2pm-6pm

Wednesday 8am-9:15am, 9:30am-1:40pm, 4-6pm

Thursday 8am-9:30am, 10am-1:45pm, 3:30pm-6pm

Friday 8am-9:15am 10am-5pm


Stop by if you’re in need of groceries! We’re located in the Foss Lobby.

We are still in need of donations! Non-perishable food items, personal hygiene products, gently used clothing, etc. are all things that students would greatly appreciate. Please let me know if you have any question-

Thank you!

Janet Nguyen

Improving Course Evaluation Response Rates

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The course evaluation revision group is looking for faculty willing to pilot a different process for collecting end-of-term data this fall semester and improving response rates. Faculty will be asked to have the online evaluations completed during class time, as was previously done with old paper forms. If you are able to participate, this effort will allow us to collect comparative data on response rates. We will send specific instructions/guidance in early December. Please send your name to Diane Pike, or Scott Krajewski if you can join this work. Thank you.

Also, there are two additional sessions to hear your questions and comments about revising the current course evaluation system (into a new University Course Survey model). Join us in Foss Atrium on December 1st 11:15-12:30 and/or on December 6th from 11-12. What matters to you in this process and why?

Semester’s End Is Near – Find the Writing Lab

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If you haven’t already visited the Writing Lab, it’s time to do so! More than 650 Auggies have already used the WL this semester. Writing Lab tutors await all students, grad and undergrad, and their written work – essays, applications, personal statements, creative writing. The Lab is located on the street level of Lindell Library and is just left of the circulation desk. No appointments are taken.
Here are the hours:

Mondays – 11:10–1:40 p.m., and 6:30–9:30 p.m.
Tuesdays – 12:30–3 p.m.; 3:30–6 p.m., and 7:30–10 p.m.
Wednesdays –11:10–1:40 p.m.; 3:30–6 p.m., and 6:30–9 p.m.
Thursdays – 12:30–3 p.m.; 3:30–6 p.m., and 7:30–10 p.m.
Fridays – 4–6:30 p.m.
Sundays – 5–8 p.m.

Any questions? Contact Kathryn Swanson, English.

River Semester Fall 2018 – Apply now

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Students interested in a once-in- a-lifetime opportunity to travel the length of the Mississippi River as part of a full semester of courses should check out Augsburg’s River Semester program for Fall 2018.

Students in the program will spend 100 days paddling from the Twin Cities, to St. Louis, Memphis, and beyond, before returning to the Twin Cities in December. Courses offered include:

POL 241 Environmental and River Politics (meets Liberal Arts Foundation for Social and Behavioral Sciences)
ENV 310 Environmental Studies Field Seminar. Study grassroots organizing and meeting with stakeholders throughout the watershed.
ENV 120: Environmental Science (Lab Science)
BIO 495: Topics: Field Research Methods (focus on aquatic ecosystems)
BIO 495 Topics: Ecology of Rivers, Streams, and Estuaries (with lab)
POL/ENV/BIO 499 Directed Research Project (possible Keystone credit)
POL/ENV 399 Internship (with a river-related organization; some internships are paid)
Other courses and specialized curriculum available by special arrangement

The deadline for early registration is Dec. 15, 2017, which qualifies you for a $500 discount on the program fee.

Full information and details at or by contacting the Augsburg Study Abroad/Away Office in Christensen Center or Prof. Joe Underhill at

River Semester Information and Application

Auggie Pride Awards – Taking Nominations for November

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Staff Senate is seeking nominations for the Auggie Pride Award! The Auggie Pride Award is given to staff members who have gone above and beyond to serve Augsburg and fulfill its mission and values. Reasons to acknowledge a staff member can include a variety of things, such as the completion of a project, the implementation of an innovative idea, or simply giving directions to a lost campus guest.

If you have a colleague who you feel is deserving of this award, please nominate them by filling out the nomination form at

The Auggie Pride Awards are awarded monthly, throughout the academic year. More information found at

Summer Undergraduate Research in Biomedical Ethics

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The Mayo Clinic seeks applicants for its 2018 summer undergraduate research program in biomedical ethics. This program is highly competitive and 4-5 students will be selected. Each student will be placed with a faculty mentor for approximately 10 weeks. Students will participate in educational session on bioethics research and lunch meetings with faculty.
Interested applicants should apply to job posting 87872BR: Bioethics Intern on the Mayo Clinic jobs website ( ) by January 12, 2018.
Candidates must attach the following to the online application:
1. Cover letter describing your careers goals & how bioethics research relates to those goals
2. Resume/CV including your major, relevant coursework, honors, and related experiences
3. 5-10 page writing sample (such as a course paper), preferably on a topic in bioethics
4. Current college transcript
5. Two letters of recommendation from research mentors or professors
For further information, please contact Catherina Kipper at

Post-Baccalaureate Program in Biomedical Ethics Research

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The Mayo Clinic seeks applicants for a one-year, 2018-2019 academic year, post-baccalaureate research experience in empirical biomedical ethics as part of the Mayo Clinic Graduate Research Employment Program (GREP). GREP is designed for individuals who plan to attend graduate or medical school and must receive their bachelor’s degree before the position starts.
Interested applicants should email the following materials to by March 16, 2018.
1. Cover letter describing your careers goals and how biomedical ethics research relates to those plans
2. Resume/CV including your major, relevant coursework, honors, and related experiences
3. 5-10 page writing sample (such as a course paper), preferably on a topic in bioethics
4. Current college transcript
5. Two letters of recommendation from research mentors or professors. Letters should be sent directly to Dr. Richard Sharp, Program Director, by the recommender.

For further information, please contact Catherina Kipper at

Applying for Grad School? Come See URGO

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The Office of Undergraduate Research and Graduate Opportunity (URGO) staff is available to provide individualized advising for students and alumni who are applying to graduate school. Applying for graduate school requires planning and involves many details, so wherever you are at in the process – picking schools, studying for the GRE, or writing your personal statements – we encourage you to make an appointment with us at or 612-330-1446. URGO can provide resources and strategies to help you build your list of programs, prep for your GRE, and craft and tailor your application essays to put your best foot forward!

Paid Summer Experience: URGO Summer Research Info Sessions Nov. 28 & 29

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URGO Summer Research Info Sessions
November 28th @3:30 in the Marshall Room
November 29th @6pm in OGC 100
Hear from past researchers and get the scoop on writing a strong application!

The URGO Summer Research Program is an 11-week, on-campus program where undergraduate students are funded to conduct research under the guidance of a faculty mentor. Student researchers gain important analytic, technical, and writing skills that are important for graduate school and careers. The URGO program is also includes a weekly Speaker Series focused on research skills and professional development, as well as weekly seminars with fellow researchers. Students from all disciplines are invited to participate, and past projects have ranged from biology lab work to theater performance.

URGO provides full-time summer researchers (400 hours) with a $4,000 stipend while half-time researchers (200 hours) receive a $2,000 stipend. Both receive a significant campus housing discount as well. The program runs from mid-May to the end of July and students must plan to be enrolled at Augsburg for Fall 2018 to be eligible.

URGO Summer Research Assistantships
In addition to the URGO Summer Research Program, URGO also funds 100-hour summer research assistantships where undergraduate students assist a faculty member with an ongoing research project. Research Assistants and mentors determine how to spread the 100 hours of work over the course of the summer and it is an excellent opportunity to try out research for the first time or focus on a specific aspect of a research project.

If you have any questions regarding the program or cannot make it to an info session and would like to learn more, please contact or call 612-330-1446 to set up an appointment.

URGO Research and Travel Grants

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The Office of Undergraduate Research and Graduate Opportunity (URGO) offers $1,000 Academic-Year Research Grants to fund 100 hours of student research. Students who are interested in conducting research during the year are encouraged to seek out ongoing faculty research projects that they may join.

URGO also offers Conference Travel Grants of up to $850 for students who have been accepted to present their research at a professional conference.
Both applications can be found on the URGO website. The funds may be used at any time during the academic year, however the grants are given out on a rolling basis, so we recommend interested students apply in the fall.
If you have any questions about these grants, please contact Kirsten O’Brien ( or x1446), Research and Graduate Opportunities Specialist.

A Cello for Sale: The Perfect Holiday Gift

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My name is April Johnson and I am a senior here at Augsburg! I am selling an Amati’s Fine Arts Instrument, full size, artisan model cello. It is held in a red, light weight, molded case that can be locked. The case has wheels, backpack straps, and can be zipped closed. The cello also comes with two bows, lightly used rosin, and a rubber rock stop.

The cello has four years of use and is in excellent condition.
Please contact with any questions! 701-552-1045

Fair Trade Open Forum, Nov. 29, 12-1:00 p.m. in Cedar

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What is Fair Trade? Come if you are interested in social justice, poverty, anti-trafficking and how these relate to “thoughtful stewardship”, “responsible leadership”, and “intentional diversity”. Please join Sarah Combellick-Bidney, Associate Professor, and Master of Arts in Leadership student, Christy Mattingly, on Wednesday, November 29 from noon to 1 PM in Cedar Room (2nd floor of Christensen) for an open forum on fair trade. Everyone welcome!

Save the Date: Relaxation Seminar on December 12

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Join fellow Auggies for a guided relaxation training program to help you manage stress, sleep more soundly at night, and approach your day with renewed energy and vitality.

Come relax with Beth Freschi, from a Time for Expression.

When: Tuesday, December 12, from 12-1 pm
Where: OGC 100

For questions, contact Nicole at

Mark Your Calendar for December 7: Informational Sleep Seminar

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Are you having problems sleeping, falling asleep, staying asleep or even just want to learn more about how to get a better night’s sleep?

Come join Regions Hospital Sleep Health Center’s Sleep Team and Insomnia physician, James Davig, Ph.D, for an informational seminar.

When: Thursday, December 7, from 12-1 pm
Where: Marshall Room

Bring your own lunch and join us.

For questions, contact Nicole at

Personal Hygiene and Food Drive

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TriBeta (Biological Honor Society) is hosting a personal hygiene and food drive from Monday 11/21/17 to Monday 12/4/17. Please consider donating! Items can be placed in the five boxes throughout campus (Christensen Center Welcome Desk, Enrollment Center Lobby, Foss Atrium (outside of the Campus Ministry offices), Oren Gateway Center Welcome Desk and Si Melby Lobby (outside of the Athletics offices)). All items will be donated to Merrick Food Shelf who opens their doors to the Twin Cities community for those who are in need.

Wanted: Jewelry Donations

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On February 13 and 14, the Associates will have a Valentine’s Day Vintage and Used Jewelry Sale on campus. To get ready for this sale, we are asking for your donations of gently used jewelry – those items that have been laying in your jewelry box for years just waiting to be worn. Now, those fancy earrings, delicate necklaces, shiny cuff links and awesome tie bars can find a new home and show themselves off again!

There will be a basket for your donations at Velkommen Jul on Friday, December 1st on the 2nd floor of Christensen Center near the Scholarship Table. Look for the signage! Donated jewelry can also be dropped off in the Alumni Office (OGC Suite 106) no later than January 10. The Associates will neatly package all of the jewelry and bring it back to campus for the sale in February. There will also be fudge for sale!

Augsburg Associates is a volunteer group of alumni, retired faculty and friends of Augsburg. This is an opportunity for you to support the Associates in their fund-raising projects for student scholarships. Don’t miss this opportunity and THANK YOU!

Save the dates: Nobel Peace Prize Forum dates shifted to September 13-15, 2018

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The 2018 Nobel Peace Prize Forum will take place on September 13 – 15 between Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur. Two laureates have received invitations to participate in 2018, President Santos of Colombia and the International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons (ICAN), and our programming will be built around the theme Paradox of Peace. The Forum will be hosted again on Augsburg’s campus and we look forward to your engagement and participation. Make sure you save the dates!

Women’s Soccer Blaze Pizza Fundraiser

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The Augsburg Women’s Soccer team is raising money for our upcoming trip to Barcelona! If you go to the Blaze Pizza location in Stadium Village on Sunday, December 3 from 11:00 am to 10:00pm , 20% of the proceeds will go back to Women’s Soccer. All you have to do is show the person at the register the flyer found in the attached link. Come out and show your Auggie Pride!

Join SMART for a Craft Night – Tonight 11/27

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SMART, the Sexual Misconduct Awareness Raising Team, will be hosting a craft night tonight 11/27 from 6pm to 8pm in OGC 100. Crafts include making hand warmers, bath/sugar scrubs, and gift boxes for our Fall semester Fundraiser.
Self-care Kits will be sold this week, Tuesday 11/28 and Wednesday 11/29 in Christensen Center. Put together a self-care kit for you or a friend as we enter the last few (stressful) weeks of the semester.
Snacks and music will be provided. All are welcome and may come and go as you need!

The SMART Board

Winter Intramural League Registration Now Open

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Registration for winter intramurals will run Nov. 27th-Dec. 3rd. Leagues will start Dec. 7th.

Sign your teams up for Soccer, Volleyball, Basketball, and Flag Football. Soccer and Flag football will both be played Thursday nights in the Dome. Volleyball and basketball will be played in Si-Melby hall and game nights will depend on participation numbers as well as gym availability.

All leagues will run Dec. 7th- Feb. 15th.

For more information and registration instructions, visit the intramurals web page.

Augsburg Intramural Website

Fair Trade Open Forum

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What is Fair Trade? Come if you are interested in social justice, poverty, anti-trafficking and how these relate to “thoughtful stewardship”, “responsible leadership”, and “intentional diversity”. Please join Sarah Combellick-Bidney, Associate Professor, and Master of Arts in Leadership student, Christy Mattingly, on Wednesday, November 29 from noon to 1 PM in Cedar Room (2nd floor of Christensen) for an open forum on fair trade. Everyone welcome!

Live Jazz Music for the Holidays and Beyond

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There is no better way to warm up your holiday festivities than with holiday music performed by a live band. The Yuletide Tree-O is a group of professional jazz musicians, including Augsburg staff and alumni, that have put together a specialized holiday ensemble that works with any budget for any gathering. Check out the website to hear sample tracks, view the playlist, and contact with questions or booking requests. Mention Augsburg University and save 15%!

Yuletide Tree-O!

Learn to Improvise

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Jazz Improvisation can sound intimidating, but anyone can take advantage of the time-tested techniques used to spontaneously create musical ideas. This low-pressure improvisation class will benefit anyone who plays an instrument or sings, and will help you improvise in any style of music. Email with any questions!

MUS-242A – Jazz Improvisation I is open for Spring 18 registration now!

Greece: Summer study abroad program

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Study abroad for two weeks in summer 2018:

Join this two-week course to participate in an amazing learning experience in beautiful Greece! Students will obtain an understanding of Greek history, Greek culture and how that has led to the current Greek business/economic model. Talking with people from various sectors of the community about how their lives have changed in an economic downturn and hearing stories from local people about economic and social relationships will help students understand the complexity of history and culture that has resulted in the contemporary culture and identity of Greece.

Applications are due January 24, 2018

Email, or come and talk to the Study Abroad/Away Office for more details! We are located in Oyate Commons, in the lower level of Christensen Center.

Check here for program details and application information

Mexico: Summer study abroad program

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Earn language, Art, Keystone, or Internship credit in Mexico this summer:

CGEE in Mexico offers five 3 1/2 week sessions (blocks) focusing on Spanish language and Mexican culture in which students can take one course per session, and take up to five courses throughout the summer. This community-based program includes homestays, a trip to Mexico City, optional weekend excursions, and numerous guest speakers designed to help students learn about history, culture, and contemporary struggles for peace, justice, and human rights.

Spanish language courses at all levels beginning to advanced, as well as specialized Spanish courses in Business Spanish, Spanish for Ministry, and Spanish for Healthcare Professionals can be combined with internships in those fields to create a truly customized summer experience.

The summer is organized into five blocks, you may take anywhere from one to five blocks. Students who wish to take an internship must enroll for at least two blocks:
Block I: May 2-27
Block II: May 23-June 17 (KEY 490 offered only during Block II)
Block III: June 13-July 8
Block IV: July 5-29
Block V: July 25-August 19

Applications are due March 15, 2018

Scholarships are available!

Students eligible for Summer Pell Grants, may apply the summer grant funds to this program if they attend at least two Blocks.

Email, or come and talk to the Study Abroad/Away Office for more details! We are located in Oyate Commons, in the lower level of Christensen Center.

Check here for program details, scholarship info, and application

Thailand & Laos: Summer study abroad program

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Study abroad for two weeks in summer 2018:

Course: SWK 280 (elective credit for non-majors, requirement for social work majors). It also fulfills Augsburg Experience!

This program explores diversity and social inequality as a prerequisite to professional social work practice in a global context – specifically, in the context of Southeast Asia and Hmong culture. A critical dimension of professional practice is competence in work with diverse populations. The course introduces students to key theories and constructs undergirding cultural competence, including social construction theory, social contact theory, aversive racism, implicit bias, and micro-aggressions. Additionally, course introduces key social work practice models and frameworks as they pertain to cultural competence, including systems theory, ecological framework, strengths perspective and person-in- environment.

Applications are due on January 15, and SCHOLARSHIPS ARE AVAILABLE!

Email, or come and talk to the Study Abroad/Away Office for more details! We are located in Oyate Commons, in the lower level of Christensen Center.

Check here for program details, scholarship info, and application

Denmark & Iceland: Summer study abroad program

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Study abroad for two weeks in summer 2018:

Courses: ENL 270 or ENL 395, AND SOC 111/URB 111, or SOC 295/URB 295 The program also fulfills Augsburg Experience

In this program, students will have the opportunity to learn about two amazing cities: Reykjavik and Copenhagen and earn 8 credits at the same time! This two-course Augsburg Abroad experience explores the relationship between city and text; it is an interdisciplinary celebration of cities, with Reykjavik and Copenhagen and their environs as the sites of the celebration. Students will access the artistic heart of the city by immersing themselves in the real-life locations of Hamlet, Copenhagen Noir, and major films. Simultaneously, they will tour Copenhagen (often via bike and public transport) to learn why it is a mecca of urban sustainability and livability with some of the most inspired public spaces in the world. The program will also include a one-night stopover in Iceland, where students can explore Icelandic community life, explore its Viking history and storytelling (sagas).

Applications are due on January 31.

Students eligible for Summer Pell Grants can apply their summer funds to this program!

Email, or come and talk to the Study Abroad/Away Office for more details! We are located in Oyate Commons, in the lower level of Christensen Center.

Check here for program details and application information

Holiday movie night @ Riverview Theater, Dec 7

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Take a break from studying and see a drama/comedy about a Norwegian immigrant family in 1910 San Francisco. Only $3, with pre-movie entertainment.

I Remember Mama (1948) is sometimes called a holiday classic.
Thursday, December 7
7:00 pm, Doors open at 6:30
Showing at Riverview Theater, 3800 42nd Ave So, Minneapolis, 55406

Tickets sold at Ingebretsen’s,1601 E. Lake Street, Minneapolis, MN 55407
Presented by Ingebretsen’s Scandinavian Gifts. For more information, call 612-729-9333

Riverview Webpage

Minnesota Nice: Truth Telling in Judaism Lunch and Learn

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Come join MN Hillel-Augsburg and UMN Hillel’s Rabbi Dulkin for a lunch and learn on Minnesota Nice and Truth Telling in Judaism. We will be looking at Jewish texts to explore passive-aggressiveness and telling the truth in Judaism. Food will be provided.

Wednesday, Nov. 29 from 11:30am-12:30pm in the campus ministry office.

Auggies Connect with Employers – Service Opportunity Event

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Thursday, November 30th
3:00-5:00 p.m. (come and stay for as long as you like)
Strommen Career & Internship Center, Suite 100, Christensen Center

Why Attend: It is never to early to begin to think about your plans after graduation! All students from first year through senior year, are invited to stop by and learn how you can begin to prepare now for a one or two year long service opportunity that will help you explore career paths and gain experience and credentials that could contribute to graduate school. Depending on the program some of the sites offer an educational and living stipend.

Representatives will be on campus:
Peace Corps
College Possible
MN Reading & Math Corps
Conservation Corps
Lutheran Volunteer Corps

All majors and students are invited to stop by for this informal meet and greet to learn about service opportunities. Have your resume reviewed, get information and ask questions.

Questions? Email


Career Center Drop-In Hours

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Do you have a quick question about your resume? Registering an internship? Deciding on a major? Finding or applying for any opportunity? Stop in for a 15 minute drop-in appointment (no need to schedule) at Strommen Career & Internship Services (located in Christensen across from Einstein’s).
Mondays and Tuesdays: 2:30 p.m. – 4 p.m.
Wednesdays and Thursdays: 10:30 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.

Strommen Center for Meaningful Work

Strommen Center for Meaningful Work

School Space Media – Tabling on Campus

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School Space Media, a sports marketing and out-of-home advertising company, will be on campus tabling today (Monday, November 27) from 10:00 – 1:00 p.m. in the Christensen Center lobby. They are looking for reliable, enthusiastic men and women to join their Event Crew to help set up, operate, and take down LED boards at varsity athletic events around the Twin Cities metro. Ideal candidates will be self-starters, have excellent communication and critical thinking skills, be able to trouble-shoot with the assistance of our technical support team, and display professionalism during all shifts worked. Stop by their table!

Wanted: Jewelry Donations

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On February 13 and 14, the Associates will have a Valentine’s Day Vintage and Used Jewelry Sale on campus. To get ready for this sale, we are asking for your donations of gently used jewelry – those items that have been laying in your jewelry box for years just waiting to be worn. Now, those fancy earrings, delicate necklaces, shiny cuff links and awesome tie bars can find a new home and show themselves off again!

There will be a basket for your donations at Velkommen Jul on Friday, December 1st on the 2nd floor of Christensen Center near the Scholarship Table. Look for the signage! Donated jewelry can also be dropped off in the Alumni Office (OGC Suite 106) no later than January 10. The Associates will neatly package all of the jewelry and bring it back to campus for the sale in February. There will also be fudge for sale!

Augsburg Associates is a volunteer group of alumni, retired faculty and friends of Augsburg. This is an opportunity for you to support the Associates in their fund-raising projects for student scholarships. Don’t miss this opportunity and THANK YOU!

Movie Night at the Riverview Theater – Dec. 7

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Take a break from studying or grading and see a drama/comedy about a Norwegian immigrant family in 1910 San Francisco. Only $3 with pre-movie entertainment.

I Remember Mama (1948) is sometimes called a holiday classic.
Thursday, December 7
7:00 pm, Doors open at 6:30
Showing at Riverview Theater, 3800 42nd Ave So, Minneapolis, 55406

Tickets sold at Ingebretsen’s,1601 E. Lake Street, Minneapolis, MN 55407
Presented by Ingebretsen’s Scandinavian Gifts. For more information, call 612-729-9333

Special Showing at Riverview

Personalize Your Holiday Parties with Live Music

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There is no better way to warm up your holiday festivities than with holiday music performed by a live band. The Yuletide Tree-O is a group of professional jazz musicians, including Augsburg staff and alumni, that have put together a specialized holiday ensemble that works with any budget for any gathering. Check out the website to hear sample tracks, view the playlist, and contact with questions or booking requests. Mention Augsburg University and get a 15% discount!

Learn more about the Yuletide Tree-O!

Learn to Improvise in 2018

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Jazz Improvisation can sound intimidating, but anyone can take advantage of the time-tested techniques used to spontaneously create musical ideas. This low-pressure improvisation class will benefit anyone who plays an instrument or sings, and will help you improvise in any style of music. Email with any questions!

MUS-242A – Jazz Improvisation I is open for Spring 18 registration now!

“No Parking” Notice

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In accordance with Minnesota State Statute 169.34, no vehicles may park in the roundabout or crosswalk areas at 21st Ave. S. and 7th St. S. The roundabout is a traffic control device for an intersection, and parking within the roundabout creates an unnecessary safety hazard.

Beginning immediately, any vehicle parked in the roundabout or crosswalk areas will be ticketed, and beginning Monday 11/27/2017 any vehicles parked in the roundabout will be towed immediately. Any questions regarding parking on campus can be sent to