Public Safety and Facilities Announcements
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Teaching and Learning
- Papers, Revisions, Applications Due? Find Help in the Writing Lab
- Assigning and Assessing Student Writing Panel – Monday
General Announcements
- Apply for the Christensen Vocation Internship Program
- Curious about Study Abroad or Study Away in the USA?
- Short Term Study Abroad/Away in Summer 2018
- Represent Colombia at the 2018 National Model UN Conference in NYC
- Free Pizza and Service Learning Hours with Minnesota Urban Debate League
- Benefits Open Enrollment: Remote Meeting Option TODAY
- Students – open enrollment for health insurance
- Nabo Special Of The Day
- Commons Lunch Menu
- Commons Dinner Menu
Event Announcements
- Are you a student interested in being a part of Advent Vespers?
- Final Flu Shot Clinic on 11/14
- Faculty/Staff Appreciation sale at the Bookstore
- Morning Chapel
- SMART and AURA Collaborative Panel
- Enjoy a slice of fun with Augsburg at Waitress at The Orpheum Theater Nov. 22, 7:30pm
Keeping Track of Auggies
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