
Public Safety and Facilities Announcements

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Teaching and Learning

Find the WL before Thanksgiving Break

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If you haven’t already visited the Writing Lab, it’s time to do so! Almost 600 Auggies have already used the WL this semester. Writing Lab tutors await all students, grad and undergrad, and their written work – essays, applications, personal statements, creative writing. The Lab is located on the street level of Lindell Library and is just left of the circulation desk. No appointments are taken.
Here are the hours:

Mondays – 11:10–1:40 p.m., and 6:30–9:30 p.m.
Tuesdays – 12:30–3 p.m.; 3:30–6 p.m., and 7:30–10 p.m.
Wednesdays –11:10–1:40 p.m.; 3:30–6 p.m., and 6:30–9 p.m.
Thursdays – 12:30–3 p.m.; 3:30–6 p.m., and 7:30–10 p.m.
Fridays – 4–6:30 p.m.
Sundays – 5–8 p.m.

Note: The Lab will be closed for Thanksgiving break after the 11:10 – 1:40 shift on Wed., Nov. 22 and will reopen on Monday, Nov. 27.

Denmark & Iceland: Summer study abroad program

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Study abroad for two weeks in summer 2018:

Courses: ENL 270 or ENL 395, AND SOC 111/URB 111, or SOC 295/URB 295 The program also fulfills Augsburg Experience

In this program, students will have the opportunity to learn about two amazing cities: Reykjavik and Copenhagen and earn 8 credits at the same time! This two-course Augsburg Abroad experience explores the relationship between city and text; it is an interdisciplinary celebration of cities, with Reykjavik and Copenhagen and their environs as the sites of the celebration. Students will access the artistic heart of the city by immersing themselves in the real-life locations of Hamlet, Copenhagen Noir, and major films. Simultaneously, they will tour Copenhagen (often via bike and public transport) to learn why it is a mecca of urban sustainability and livability with some of the most inspired public spaces in the world. The program will also include a one-night stopover in Iceland, where students can explore Icelandic community life, explore its Viking history and storytelling (sagas).

Applications are due on January 31. Students eligible for Summer Pell Grants can apply their summer funds to this program!

Email, or come and talk to the Study Abroad/Away Office for more details! We are located in Oyate Commons, in the lower level of Christensen Center.

Check here for program details and application information

General Announcements

Students – open enrollment for health insurance

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Open enrollment for health insurance began November 1!
MNSure open enrollment is November 1, 2017, to January 14, 2018. MNsure is Minnesota’s health insurance marketplace where individuals, families and small businesses can shop, compare and choose health insurance coverage.

For more information, go to

MNsure is the only place you can apply for financial help to lower the cost of your monthly insurance premium and out-of-pocket costs. Most Minnesotans who enroll through MNsure qualify for financial help.

Contact Center: you can call to speak with a MNsure representative about your options: 1-855-366-7873 (or 651-539-2099).

Study abroad in Thaland/Laos: Diversity and Inequality in Global Professional Practice

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Diversity and Inequality in Global Professional Practice
April 30 – May 13, 2018

Program Description: This program explores diversity and social inequality as a prerequisite to professional social work practice in a global context – specifically, in the context of Southeast Asia and Hmong culture. A critical dimension of professional practice is competence in work with diverse populations. Learning in this course is meant to complement learning in other social work supporting and foundation courses.

A large part of student learning in this course occurs through self-exploration, since knowledge of self is critical to professional social work practice. In pre travel meetings, students use readings, experiential exercises, dialogue, and assignments to deepen awareness of themselves as members of social groups. Students also learn about others’ social identities through course assignments, exercises and dialogue – completed both prior to and following travel to Thailand and Laos. Finally, the course provides an opportunity to improve communication with others through regular dialogue practice.

The deadline to apply is January 31, 2018 (please link below). For additional information, please email Professor Bibiana Koh (

2018 Open Enrollment Elections Due TODAY (11/17) by 4:30 pm

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Today is the final day of Open Enrollment: your only time outside of qualifying events to make any benefit changes and elections.

Your current year’s elections will not carry-over to 2018 without action on your part. Please log in and make your elections now.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Nicole Peterlin at or at 612.330.1602.

Auggie Pride Awards – Taking Nominations for November

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Staff Senate is seeking nominations for the Auggie Pride Award! The Auggie Pride Award is given to staff members who have gone above and beyond to serve Augsburg and fulfill its mission and values. Reasons to acknowledge a staff member can include a variety of things, such as the completion of a project, the implementation of an innovative idea, or simply giving directions to a lost campus guest.

If you have a colleague who you feel is deserving of this award, please nominate them by filling out the nomination form at

The Auggie Pride Awards are awarded monthly, throughout the academic year. More information found at

Jewelry Donations Welcomed

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On February 13 and 14, the Associates will have a Valentine’s Day Vintage and Used Jewelry Sale on campus. To get ready for this sale, we are asking for your donations of gently used jewelry – those items that have been laying in your jewelry box for years just waiting to be worn. Now, those fancy earrings, delicate necklaces, shiny cuff links and awesome tie bars can find a new home and show themselves off again!

There will be a basket for your donations at Velkommen Jul on Friday, December 1st on the 2nd floor of Christensen Center near the Scholarship Table. Look for the signage! Donated jewelry can also be dropped off in the Alumni Office (OGC Suite 106) no later than January 10. The Associates will neatly package all of the jewelry and bring it back to campus for the sale in February. There will also be fudge for sale!

Augsburg Associates is a volunteer group of alumni, retired faculty and friends of Augsburg. This is an opportunity for you to support the Associates in their fund-raising projects for student scholarships. Don’t miss this opportunity and THANK YOU!

Music Therapy in China: Summer study abroad program

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Study abroad for two weeks in summer 2018:

Course options:
-MUS 374, -MUS 474, or MUS 582. It also fulfills Augsburg Experience

Music therapists benefit greatly from exploring the evolution of music from one generation to the next, the way in which music is integrated into everyday life, and its role in health, healing, and well-being in China. Through visits to hospitals, clinics, musical venues, conservatories, and community organizations that provide health related care, students experience the interplay of music and healing practices in China. Students also engage in direct dialogue with Chinese music therapists and other rehabilitation therapists. The program allows participants to reflect on their own musical roots, and to discover how their own musical preferences have developed based on cultural experiences. We will also visit other locations of interest such as The Great Wall, Old-Town Beijing, Dazu Rock Carvings, Yangtze River Cruise and more.

Applications are due March 15, 2018

Email, or come and talk to the Study Abroad/Away Office for more details! We are located in Oyate Commons, in the lower level of Christensen Center.

Check here for program details and application information

Study Abroad Scholarships – Apply by January 15

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The Fund For Education Abroad has opened their annual scholarship application. To be eligible, an applicant must meet the following criteria:

**U.S. citizen or permanent resident
**Currently enrolled as undergraduate at U.S. university or college
**Minimum of 4 weeks (28 days) in-country study
**Study abroad programs must take place in summer 2018, fall 2018, and/or spring 2019
**Program must be eligible for academic credit

Applications are open November 15 through January 10.
To learn more visit the website below, or stop by the Study Abroad/Away Office in Oyate Commons, in the lower level of Christensen Center.

General Announcements (use on Mondays and Fridays) or
Teaching and Learning (use on Wednesday)

Get more scholarship details here

Take a Knee Rally this Sunday

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This Sunday (Nov. 19) from 11 am – 12 pm, local activists and organizers will be holding a Take a Knee Rally outside of US Bank Stadium. This rally joins the movement started by Colin Kaepernick and other professional athletes to kneel during the national anthem to call attention to the nationwide, systemic issues of racial inequity and police violence. The rally will meet on the corner of 10th Street and Chicago Ave at 11 am and walk to the stadium together.

More information on the facebook event!

Event Announcements

SMART and AURA Collaborative Panel

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Augsburg’s SMART and AURA are collaborating to create a dialogue on the intersections of substance use/abuse and sexual misconduct. This panel will take place on Tuesday, November 21 from 6-8 pm in the Marshall Room. Join us to hear stories from SMART and AURA members, learn about Title IX, and be a part of this unique and necessary discussion. All Augsburg students, faculty and staff are invited! Snacks will be provided!

Are you a student interested in becoming a part of Advent Vespers?

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Be a part of one of the biggest celebrations at Augsburg! Each December, Augsburg students, faculty, staff, alumni and friends celebrate Advent at Central Lutheran Church in downtown Minneapolis with word and song. Students can join the Liturgical Team and carry bells, candle, banner or torch as part of the Gospel Processional (if not already in the choir or orchestra).

Advent Vespers is the first Friday and Saturday in December, with services on Friday at 5pm and 8pm, and Saturday at 2pm and 5pm. Practices are on Tuesday at 4:30 pm and Thursday at 6:45 pm. Transportation for the liturgical team is provided between Augsburg campus and Central Lutheran Church, as well as some meals and snacks. Many past participants have commented on how meaningful their participation in Advent Vespers is – that they feel a true sense of the Auggie spirit.

Be a part of this fun and moving experience! For more information, stop by Campus Ministries in Foss 104 or contact Janice Dames at

Palestine & Israel: Summer study abroad program

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Study abroad for two weeks in summer 2018:

Courses: RLN 205 or RLN 490. This program also fulfills Augsburg Experience

Join this two-week course to gain a transformational learning experience. You will be immersed in the Israeli and Palestinian contexts, particularly focusing on the three Abrahamic faiths – Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. Through lectures, readings, and conversations you will deepen your understanding of the history, sacred texts, beliefs and practices of the three Abrahamic faiths. Particular attention will be given to the roots of conflicts in the region and to peacebuilding movements.
We will visit holy sites that are at the center of the sacred stories that shape the beliefs and practices of Jews, Christians, and Muslims. We will hear how faith shapes the daily lives of those living in the land often called “holy.”

Applications are due on January 31, and SCHOLARSHIPS ARE AVAILABLE!

Email, or come and talk to the Study Abroad/Away Office for more details! We are located in Oyate Commons, in the lower level of Christensen Center.

Check here for program details, scholarship info, and application

Students: Connect with employers

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Auggies Connect with Employers – Service Opportunity Event

Thursday, November 30th
3:00-5:00 p.m. (come and stay for as long as you like)
Strommen Career & Internship Center, Suite 100, Christensen Center

Why Attend: It is never to early to begin to think about your plans after graduation! Rather you are a first year or senior, stop by and learn how you can begin to prepare now for a one or two year long service opportunity that will help you explore career paths and gain experience and credentials that could contribute to graduate school. Depending on the program some of the sites offer an educational and living stipend.

Representatives will be on campus:
Peace Corps
College Possible
MN Reading & Math Corps
Conservation Corps
Lutheran Volunteer Corps

All majors and students are invited to stop by for this informal meet and greet to learn about service opportunities. Have your resume reviewed, get information and ask questions.

Questions? Email


Keeping Track of Auggies


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