Four Students Wanted for Fair Trade Committee

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If you are interested in how to have agency on campus and care about social justice as well as sustainability, please consider serving on the Fair Trade Committee. The ultimate goal of the committee is to seek Fair Trade Certification for Augsburg University.

Expected commitment:

1. Attend approximately four meetings for the rest of the academic year. Meetings will take place on Friday afternoons.
2. Assist with taking inventory of Fair Trade certified products on campus.
3. Assist with planning an event, such as tabling, to promote Fair Trade.
4. Help draft a Fair Trade resolution.
5. Present to University Council.

Other members of the committee include A’viands Manager, Josh Ahrends, Augsburg Chief Officer of Sustainability, Allyson Green, and Master of Art in Leadership student & Civic Studies Fellow, Christy Mattingly. There will be perks such as Fair Trade coffee and chocolate provided at meetings.

If you are willing to take on a very low time commitment for meaningful work, please text, call, or email Christy Mattingly at 612-723-9463 or