Accessibility Workshop on Thursday: Creating Accessible Documents

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Creating accessible documents is not only a good idea to ensure all students, faculty, staff, and visitors to our campus have equal access, but as a result of recent changes in the legal world, it’s now the law for us to do so on our campus too. We all have the ability to make our documents accessible to everyone, once we know how to do it. In this session, we’ll go over how to create accessible Microsoft Word and Google Docs. We’ll provide easy steps to create these documents, provide resources for accessible document creation, and feature tools to help check if you are on the right track. In addition, we’ll talk about how to make your Moodle courses accessible as well. Bring a document or Moodle site, and your computer. At the end of the session we will have work time practice these skills. Sponsored by the CLASS office and the E-Learning Team.

Adjunct instructors currently on contract who attend this event are eligible for a $50 stipend. Contact to ensure that your attendance was noted!

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