submitted by
The Academic Affairs Committee (AAC) and Graduate Academic Affairs Committee (GAAC) are the undergraduate and graduate curriculum committee of the college. Here’s what the committees have approved so far this year:
New Undergraduate Courses:
FLM 372 Producing for Film and Television
CAR 160 Designing Your Future: Majors, Careers, and a Life of Joy
Undergraduate Course Revisions:
-BIO 476 Microbiology (prereq)
-FLM 260 Documentary Production I (AugEx)
-MIS 260 Problem Solving for Business (online delivery)
-THR 366 Stage Direction (prereq)
-THR 367 New Method. of Stage Direction and Dramaturgy (prereq)
-THR 490 Theater Keystone: Exploring Vocation and Artistic Practice (credits)
Undergraduate Major/Minor/Program Revisions (effective Fall 2018):
-Computer Science Minor
-Computer Science BS (LAF/Lang Waiver)
Graduate Course Revisions:
-MBA 583 Entrepreneurship: Execution, Planning & Strategy (title, content)
-MBA 595 Strategic Management (content)
Graduate Program Revision (effective Fall 2018)
-MBA Program – Entrepreneurship Concentration
Graduate Program Policy:
-Required Transcript Submission Policy
All curricular updates are posted on the live document “Summary of AAC/GAAC Action.” Please use this resource to stay up to date and to read directions on how to find out more information on a particular item.
Need to submit a curricular change to the committee? See for undergraduate programs and for graduate programs.