submitted by
The Academic Affairs Committee (AAC) and Graduate Academic Affairs Committee (GAAC) are Augsburg’s undergraduate and graduate curriculum committees. Here’s what the committees have approved so far this year:
New Undergraduate Courses:
-FLM 372 Producing for Film and Television
-CAR 160 Designing Your Future: Majors, Careers, and a Life of Joy
Undergraduate Course Revisions:
-BIO 476 Microbiology (prereq)
-FLM 260 Documentary Production I (AugEx)
-MIS 260 Problem Solving for Business (online delivery)
-THR 366 Stage Direction (prereq)
-THR 367 New Method. of Stage Direction and Dramaturgy (prereq)
-THR 490 Theater Keystone: Exploring Vocation and Artistic Practice (credits)
Undergraduate Major/Minor/Program Revisions (effective Fall 2018):
-Computer Science Minor
-Computer Science BS (LAF/Lang Waiver)
Graduate Course Revisions:
-MBA 583 Entrepreneurship: Execution, Planning & Strategy (title, content)
-MBA 595 Strategic Management (content)
Graduate Program Revision (effective Fall 2018)
-MBA Program – Entrepreneurship Concentration
Graduate Program Policy:
-Required Transcript Submission Policy
All curricular updates are posted on the live document “Summary of AAC/GAAC Action,” linked below. Please use this resource to stay up to date and to read directions on how to find out more information on a particular item.
Need to submit a curricular change to the committee? See for undergraduate programs and for graduate programs.