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In preparation for year-end 2018, we ask each employee to review the items below and contact us with any changes or updates to your personal information that we have on file.
1) Verify the Name and Social Security Number on your pay stub.
In order for the Social Security Administration to properly post your earnings, the name on your pay stub must match the name on your social security card. If your name has changed legally (marriage, divorce, etc.) and it does not match your pay stub, please submit a copy of a social security card displaying the correct name to Human Resources to update your employment record.
To help protect your identity, your social security number (SSN) is not normally printed on your pay stub. We are including it on the 12/07/18 and 12/21/18 pay stubs so the SSN may be verified. Please take a look at your pay stub and verify that the correct SSN is listed. If the Social Security Number on your pay stub is incorrect, please notify HR/Payroll immediately.
2) Verify the address on your pay stub
W-2 forms will be mailed and available online by January 31, 2019, however we do request that you review the address listed on your pay stub to ensure we have your correct address on file. If address corrections are needed please contact Human Resources.
3) Check your tax withholdings
The tax withholdings you are currently claiming are printed on the bottom left section of your pay stub. If you wish to change your tax withholdings, please complete a new federal W-4 form and submit to the Payroll office.
If you need any further assistance please contact Payroll at Thank you and have a safe and happy holiday!