Fortnite Tournament Tonight

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Please come join Gamers United and Residence Life for the Fortnite Tournament tonight at 6:00 PM in the Student Lounge. We are welcoming spectators, players, friends, and others to come play and watch. We will be providing snacks, drinks, and a couple of other games for viewers and contestants that are waiting.

If you’re still interested, please register using the registration link below or walk-into the event during sign up (5:50-6:10 PM) and we will see if placing you in the tournament will be possible.

Registration Form

Apply for the Christensen Vocation Internship Program

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Current Students – Have you ever contemplated the question, “How am I called to work and serve in a community?” Are you wondering about how your talents, skills, preferences, and passions can inform your career decision making and preparations? Are you interested in exploring purpose, meaning, and vocation in a practical way?

If so, we have a spring semester internship opportunity for you to consider: the Christensen Vocation Internship Program!
Paid Internship with opportunity for a personalized role at a faith-based nonprofit in Minneapolis
Ongoing contact and mentorship with knowledgeable site supervisors
Reflect on your internship experiences, readings, and personalized assessments with a cohort of your peers

There are four sites available for the internship, with roles ranging from youth development to community organizing to emergency rental assistance with people experiencing homelessness.

For more information –

Apply to one or more of the intern sites through Handshake,

Note: Priority deadline for applications due December 7. Following that date, applications will be accepted on a rolling basis as the positions are open.

URGO Conference Travel Grants Available for Student Researchers

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URGO offers up to $850 in travel funding for Augsburg undergraduates who have been accepted to present research at a professional conference. These funds can mitigate the high costs of travel such as airfare and lodging, and can contribute to students’ professionalization.

The application is available at the URGO website ( at the “conference travel” page. Grants are awarded on a rolling basis, so students are encouraged to work with their research mentor to submit a travel application as soon as possible after receiving acceptance to a conference. The URGO Advisory Committee meets bi-monthly throughout the school year and will begin reviewing applications September 10th.

If you have any questions about undergraduate conference travel opportunities, please contact Kirsten O’Brien at or x1446.

URGO Academic-Year Research Application Available

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Each year URGO offers $1,000 research grants for undergraduates who wish to gain research experience with an Augsburg faculty member. These grants require 100 hours of research over the course of the academic year and are a great way to ease into research or to continue work on an existing project.

The application is available at the URGO website ( at the “on-campus research” page. Grants are awarded on a rolling basis, so student-faculty research teams are encouraged to submit proposals in the fall. The URGO Advisory Committee meets bi-monthly and will begin reviewing proposals September 10th.

If you have any questions about undergraduate research opportunities, please contact Kirsten O’Brien at or x1446

Paid Summer Experience: URGO Summer Research Info Session: Dec. 4

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Upcoming URGO Summer Research Info Session:
December 4th @ 6pm in OGC 100

Get the scoop on writing a strong application! And pizza!

The URGO Summer Research Program is an 11-week, on-campus program where undergraduate students are funded to conduct research under the guidance of a faculty mentor. Student researchers gain important analytic, technical, and writing skills that are important for graduate school and careers. The URGO program is also includes a weekly Speaker Series focused on research skills and professional development, as well as weekly seminars with fellow researchers. Students from all disciplines are invited to participate, and past projects have ranged from biology lab work to theater performance.

URGO provides full-time summer researchers (400 hours) with a $4,000 stipend while half-time researchers (200 hours) receive a $2,000 stipend. Both receive a significant campus housing discount as well. The program runs from mid-May to the end of July and students must plan to be enrolled at Augsburg for Fall 2019 to be eligible.

In addition to the URGO Summer Research Program, URGO also funds 100-hour summer research assistantships where undergraduate students assist a faculty member with an ongoing research project. Research Assistants and mentors determine how to spread the 100 hours of work over the course of the summer and it is an excellent opportunity to try out research for the first time or focus on a specific aspect of a research project.

If you have any questions regarding the program or cannot make it to an info session and would like to learn more, please contact to set up an appointment.

Study Abroad this summer

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Travel and earn credit this summer! Options around the world and the USA to help you get ahead on credits and graduation requirements. Every program fulfills your Augsburg Experience requirement, too! Apply by January 31!

May 12-27, 2019, choose one or two courses:
• PSY 205: Culture and Psychology, Fulfills Social & Behavioral Sciences LAF
• EDC 490/580: School and Society

May 13-29, 2019
• THR 295: Art Performing Social Change, fulfills Fine Arts LAF
• Scholarships available

May 13-27, 2019
• PHY101: Astronomy, fulfills Natural Sciences LAF

May 18 – June 2, 2019, choose a history & an art course:
• HIS 195 Topics: Innovation in the Netherlands, fulfills Humanities Gen Ed, or
• HIS 440: upper level elective for history majors
• ART 133: Intro to Digital Photography, fulfills Fine Arts Gen Ed
• ART 333: Advanced Digital Photography

July 9-22, 2019, choose one course:
• MUS 374 or 475: Practicum
• MUS 582: Transcultural Mus. Therapy II
• MUS 511: Practicum

Multiple 3-week course blocks, May to August
• Spanish classes, beginning to advanced: fulfills Modern Language Gen Ed, or electives for Spanish Majors and Minors
• SPA/ART 231: fulfills Fine Arts Gen Ed
• Internship and Independent Research opportunities
• Scholarships available

June 5 – July 21, 2019
• SPA 206: Spanish for Healthcare Professionals
• INS/SPA 399: Internship, Medical Observership
• Scholarships available

Learn more and apply online

Share your Study Abroad/Away Story

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How was your experience on a Study Abroad or Away Program? Would you like to share your experience and maybe a few photos with your fellow Auggies? Auggies go on programs all over the world on short and long programs–share your story, give advice, or simply give us some feedback on how your program went.

Share your study abroad story here!

Rally and march TODAY: No troops at the border

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Bienvenidos sean los refugiados hondureños!
Alto a la militarización de la frontera!
We welcome Honduran refugees!

Friday, November 30, 2018 / Viernes 30 de noviembre 2018
Gather at 5 pm, Rally at 5:15 pm, March at 6 pm / Unirse a las 5:00 pm, Mitin a las 5:15, Marcha a las 6:00
Minneapolis Federal Building, 4th St and 4th Ave / Edificio federal de Minneapolis, Esquina de Calle 4ª y Avenida 4ª
Everyone welcome! Todxs bienvenidxs!

As migrants from Honduras approach the southern border of the US to seek asylum, we welcome them. The right to seek asylum is a human right protected by the world community. Al aproximarse los migrantes hondureños a la frontera sur de los EEUU en busca de asilo, le pedimos que se una a nosotros para un mitin gritando que asilo es un derecho.

Organized by Minnesotans and groups known as Minnesota Caravan Solidarity / Acción organizada por Minnesotanos y grupos conocido como
Minnesota en Solidaridad con la Caravana

Hondurans continue to flee one year after post-election crackdown

Support for Students with Personal Concerns Affecting School

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Support for Students with Personal Concerns Affecting School

Students, are you struggling with something that is affecting your ability to do your best work as a student, but don’t know where to go for support? Please check out the new Student Support Guide to identify resources for support (on campus and in the community) when you are dealing with personal concerns that may be affecting your well-being. The Guide Includes information on Alcohol/Drug Problem, Anxiety/Stress Management, Depression, Eating Disorder, Family Problems, Gambling, Grief & Loss, Relationship Violence, Self-Injury When Distressed, Sexual Assault & Stalking, Social Life, Suicidal Thoughts, and Unplanned Pregnancy. The Student Support Guide can be found in the “A-Z Directory”, on the Student Affairs webpage, and on the Moodle Resources tab.

Student Support Guide

Still need a Spring elective course?

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If you are still looking for Spring classes AIS is offering the following courses:
• AIS 105 Introduction to American Indian Studies (fulfills a humanities LAF and a Culture and Social Justice elective) MWF 11:10-12:20

• AIS 264 American Indians in the Cinema (fulfills an AIS, film, or Culture and Social Justice elective) T-TH 1:50-3:30 pm

• AIS 405 Indigenous Activism and Resistance in the Americans (fulfills AIS uppder division elective, Keystone and Culture and Social Justice upper division course) MWF 1:50-3:00 pm

American Indian Studies

You’re invited to a Story Circle

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A Story Circle is an opportunity to gather in groups of 5-25 people for 1½ to 2 hours to tell stories, write down thoughts, and share experiences about Augsburg. It’s a great way to build community for groups and organizations, and provides an opportunity to share what Augsburg means to you. Out of these stories, we will create a new Music-Theater piece about, for, and with people who have been or are currently a part of the Augsburg University Community to be performed during our Sesquicentennial Homecoming, October 2019.

We would love to hear YOUR stories! Click the link below to RSVP for an upcoming Story Circle – or request to schedule a Story Circle.

Story Circle RSVP

DPS Update Presentation—12/5

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Wednesday, December 5 | 1–2 p.m.
Christensen Center, Marshall Room

Staff Senate is hosting a presentation by Scott Brownell, director of public safety and risk management, who will be leading a 45 minute update on the Department of Public Safety. He’ll be discussing:

• 2018 Annual Security Report
• Campus Trends
• Parking Updates
• CampusShield Safety App
• Q&A

Auggie Pride Awards – Taking Nominations for November

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Staff Senate is seeking nominations for the Auggie Pride Award! The Auggie Pride Award is given to staff members who have gone above and beyond to serve Augsburg and fulfill its mission and values. Reasons to acknowledge a staff member can include a variety of things, such as the completion of a project, the implementation of an innovative idea, or simply giving directions to a lost campus guest.

If you have a colleague who you feel is deserving of this award, please nominate them by filling out the nomination form at

The Auggie Pride Awards are awarded monthly, throughout the academic year. More information found at

Velkommen Jul: TOMORROW

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Make sure you know where your Norwegian Sweater is! Tomorrow, Friday, the Augsburg Associates put on their annual Velkommen Jul event. The festivities will begin in the Chapel service at 10:40am (Norwegian sweater photo to follow!), then will head over to Christensen Center for a boutique (credit cards accepted), smorgasbord of lefsa and cookies, coffee, and a fun Scandinavian time. The event lasts until 1:00 PM. Don’t miss it!

You’re Invited to a Story Circle

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A Story Circle is an opportunity to gather in groups of 5-25 people for 1½ to 2 hours to tell stories, write down thoughts, and share experiences about Augsburg. It’s a great way to build community for groups and organizations, and provides an opportunity to share what Augsburg means to you. Out of these stories, we will create a new Music-Theater piece about, for, and with people who have been or are currently a part of the Augsburg University Community to be performed during our Sesquicentennial Homecoming, October 2019.

We would love to hear YOUR stories! Click the link below to RSVP for an upcoming Story Circle – or request to schedule a Story Circle.

Story Circle RSVP

River Semester Students Present

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On Thursday, Dec. 6th at 7:00pm in the Marshall Room, the group of students from this year’s River Semester will be sharing stories of their adventures, research results, fashion tips, maybe a song or two, and life lessons learned from their epic journey down the Mississippi River. Find out what it takes to complete a full semester of courses while paddling down the river in the midst of a changed climate–with rainstorms, straight-line winds, flash floods, and snow–and the amazing generosity of people we met all along the way.

Check out this year’s River Semester Facebook Page

“Dead in the Water” Book Launch & Reception

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Augsburg alum, Bruce Shoemaker and co-author, William Robichaud will be on campus to talk about their new book, “Dead in the Water: The World Bank’s Model Hydropower Project in Laos”. The book addresses the social, economic and environmental costs of dams and expert calls for a critical reassessment of the approach to these kinds of structures.
Thursday, November 29th, 4-6pm
Student Art Gallery, Christensen Center
Food and drinks will be provided as part of this event sponsored by the McKnight Foundation and the Sabo Center for Democracy and Citizenship.

Outgoing Departmental USPS Mail

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This memo concerns only mail that is being charged to departments and not stamped or pre-paid mail or any mail/packages from other carriers.

Augsburg Central Services is switching the way that outgoing mail is handled. We are retiring the mail meter machine and starting to use a presort mail service. This brings with it some small changes that we would ask you to observe if you are sending out mail.

– If your mail is not sealed please bring it to shipping/receiving or have it ready for pickup with the flaps down and not nested.
– All mail has to have a complete “To Address” in the center of the envelope and a complete “Return Address” in the upper left of the envelope. If it does not have both of these it may be returned to you to complete.
– Please include the cost center either on a post-it note attached to your mail or somewhere on the piece (top piece if multiple) that will not interfere with postage (upper right) or addresses.
– All mail must be in shipping/receiving before 3:30 to be processed the same day. This is a little later than it used to be.

We will still have our regular USPS pickup at 3pm for any stamped or pre-paid mail or packages. If you have any additional questions about this transition please contact us at either 612-330-1054 or

Work for Residence Life

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The Department of Residence Life is now accepting RA and Lead Staff applications for the 2019-2020 academic year. Gain great leadership skills and engage with our residential students throughout the year!

Apply on-line through Handshake which can be located through On-Campus Student jobs in Inside Augsburg. Applications are due the last day of fall semester classes, December 14th at 11:59pm.

For more information or questions, please contact Ryan Hoye at

Rally and march Friday: We welcome Honduran refugees

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Bienvenidos sean los refugiados hondureños!
Alto a la militarización de la frontera!
No troops at the Border!

As migrants from Honduras approach the southern border of the US to seek asylum, we welcome them. The right to seek asylum is a human right protected by the world community. Al aproximarse los migrantes hondureños a la frontera sur de los EEUU en busca de asilo, le pedimos que se una a nosotros para un mitin gritando que asilo es un derecho.

Everyone welcome! Todxs bienvenidxs!

Friday, November 30, 2018 / Viernes 30 de noviembre 2018
Gather at 5 pm, Rally at 5:15 pm, March at 6 pm / Unirse a las 5:00 pm, Mitin a las 5:15, Marcha a las 6:00

Minneapolis Federal Building, 4th St and 4th Ave / Edificio federal de Minneapolis, Esquina de Calle 4ª y Avenida 4ª

Organized by Minnesotans and groups known as Minnesota Caravan Solidarity / Acción organizada por Minnesotanos y grupos conocido como
Minnesota en Solidaridad con la Caravana

Hondurans continue to flee one year after post-election crackdown

Mental Health Listening Tour

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Please join the Hennepin County National Alliance on Mental Health, EPIC Peer Health Educators and Augsburg Psychology Association for an informal conversation and sharing of personal experiences with mental health and support systems. We want to hear from young adults in order to help NAMI decide what direction to take their advocacy in. The Listening Tour will be Monday 12/10/18 from 6 – 7 pm in the Student Lounge in Christensen Center. Refreshments will be provided. Questions call the CWC office 612-330-1707

Study abroad in summer

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Travel and earn credit this summer! Options around the world and the USA to help you get ahead on credits and graduation requirements. Every program fulfills the Augsburg Experience requirement, in addition to class credit!

May 13-29, 2019
• THR 295: Art Performing Social Change, fulfills Fine Arts LAF
• Scholarships available

May 13-27, 2019
• PHY101: Astronomy, fulfills Natural Sciences LAF

May 12-27, 2019, choose one or two courses:
• PSY 205: Culture and Psychology, Fulfills Social & Behavioral Sciences LAF
• EDC 490/580: School and Society

May 18 – June 2, 2019, choose a history & an art course:
• HIS 195 Topics: Innovation in the Netherlands, fulfills Humanities Gen Ed, or
• HIS 440: upper level elective for history majors
• ART 133: Intro to Digital Photography, fulfills Fine Arts Gen Ed
• ART 333: Advanced Digital Photography

July 9-22, 2019, choose one course:
• MUS 374 or 475: Practicum
• MUS 582: Transcultural Mus. Therapy II
• MUS 511: Practicum

Multiple 3-week course blocks, May to August
• Spanish classes, beginning to advanced: fulfills Modern Language Gen Ed, or electives for Spanish Majors and Minors
• SPA/ART 231: fulfills Fine Arts Gen Ed
• Internship and Independent Research opportunities
• Scholarships available

June 5 – July 21, 2019
• SPA 206: Spanish for Healthcare Professionals
• INS/SPA 399: Internship, Medical Observership
• Scholarships available

Learn more and apply online

Michael Wentzel selected for CIC NetVUE Seminar

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Congratulations to Michael Wentzel, Associate Professor of Chemistry, on being selected as one of this year’s faculty participants in the 2019 seminar on Teaching Vocational Exploration. This competitive seminar offers a rich learning experience for faculty with demonstrated commitment to teaching vocational exploration to their students—an educational journey that helps students discover what constitutes a good, meaningful, and flourishing life, a life that cultivates well-being for others as well as oneself. There is no better gift Augsburg can offer our students. We are excited that Michael will join next summer’s NetVUE faculty seminar.

Spring 2019 parking permit sale dates

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Upcoming parking permit sales will be as follows:

Parking Registration/Sale Dates for Spring 2019:

Faculty/Staff surface lot permits on sale December 17th at 9:00 AM
Part Time $126 per semester
Full Time $252 per semester

Adult Undergraduate and Graduate student parking permits on sale December 17th at 9:00 AM
$61 per semester

Senior Commuter & Resident permits on sale December 17th at 9:00 AM
Commuter: $179 per semester
Resident: $195 per semester

Junior Commuter & Resident permits on sale December 18th at 9:00 AM
Commuter: $179 per semester
Resident: $195 per semester

Sophomore Commuter & Resident permits on sale December 19th at 9:00 AM
Commuter: $179 per semester
Resident: $195 per semester

First Year Commuter permits on sale December 20th at 9:00 AM
Commuter: $179 per semester
***First year resident students are ineligible to have their vehicles on campus***

Luther Hall Underground lot permits:
$470 per semester
Oren Gateway Underground lot permits:
$505 per semester
Underground permit Sale Dates:
Senior students: December 17th at 9:00am
Adult undergraduate and graduate students: December 17th at 9:00am
Junior students: December 18th at 9:00am
Sophomore students: December 19th at 9:00am
Faculty and Staff: December 20th at 9:00am

Paid Summer Experience: URGO Summer Research Info Sessions: TODAY & Dec. 4

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URGO Summer Research Info Sessions
November 28th (today!) @ 6pm in Hagfors 150A
December 4th @ 6pm in OGC 100

Get the scoop on writing a strong application! And pizza!

The URGO Summer Research Program is an 11-week, on-campus program where undergraduate students are funded to conduct research under the guidance of a faculty mentor. Student researchers gain important analytic, technical, and writing skills that are important for graduate school and careers. The URGO program is also includes a weekly Speaker Series focused on research skills and professional development, as well as weekly seminars with fellow researchers. Students from all disciplines are invited to participate, and past projects have ranged from biology lab work to theater performance.

URGO provides full-time summer researchers (400 hours) with a $4,000 stipend while half-time researchers (200 hours) receive a $2,000 stipend. Both receive a significant campus housing discount as well. The program runs from mid-May to the end of July and students must plan to be enrolled at Augsburg for Fall 2019 to be eligible.

In addition to the URGO Summer Research Program, URGO also funds 100-hour summer research assistantships where undergraduate students assist a faculty member with an ongoing research project. Research Assistants and mentors determine how to spread the 100 hours of work over the course of the summer and it is an excellent opportunity to try out research for the first time or focus on a specific aspect of a research project.

If you have any questions regarding the program or cannot make it to an info session and would like to learn more, please contact to set up an appointment.

Data Visualization as an Ethical Act

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John Zobitz will give the next EDTalk on Wednesday, December 5th from 3:20-3:35 in Hagfors 151. Grab your coffee and come listen to him speak on Data Visualization.

“Data visualization is not a new concept, but in today’s data-rich world we rely on visualization to make meaningful connections to our professional work and personal lives. How do we discern the intent and intentionality of a data visualization? This presentation will showcase visualizations spanning from the 19th century to today and beyond.”

Zoom: Meeting ID 987-896-017

Wednesday, December 5th | EDTalk with John Zobitz | 3:20-3:35 pm, HC 151


Congrats to the Emerging Leaders Program Graduates

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Campus Activities and Orientation would like to congratulate the 75 graduates of the Fall 2018 Emerging Leaders Program. Those in ELP participated in a 10-week intensive leadership course that focused on issues such as strengths, intercultural communication, power and privilege, public achievement, nonviolent organizing, intercultural conflict management, and much more.

Please congratulate the following students if you see them. They include:
* Lydia Anderson
* Maxwell Bannister
* Loise Barhayiga
* Julia Bishop
* Parker Blake
* Olivia Brammer
* Rachel Brezinka
* Olivia Brich
* Ani Cassellius
* Bryam Castillo
* Mindy Chang
* Nou-Chee Chang
* Javeriah Chughtai
* Alli Coleman
* Anna Cox
* Ayan Daud
* Agatha Dennis
* Kai Ealy
* Jasmine Epps-Flowers
* Yomiyu Gafesu
* Willington Gahona
* Estefani Guiracocha
* Katia Gutierrez-Peralta
* Hunter Hansen
* Will Harvieux
* Ong Her
* Riviera Him
* Josh Holtz
* Siham Isse
* James Jensen
* Rob Jewell
* Saw Johny
* Jasmyn Kendall
* Zoua Khang
* Savannah Klinepier
* Ashley Kronebusch
* Bolu Kuku
* Sam Lopez
* Kelly Lu
* Mario Marin Luna
* Ruti Mejia
* Imran Merchant
* Jacey Mismash
* Jacynthe Moua
* Kristy Moua
* Antonio Olivos-Reyes
* Sucaado Omar
* Chyanne Phravoraxay
* Ethan Quezada
* Maty Rasche
* Danny Reinan
* Adriana Robinson
* Rachel Rose
* Marcia Rowe
* Kye Saunders
* Weston Schug
* RJ Schultz
* Taiwana Shambley
* Adam Sharpless
* Jessika Starry
* Erin Stene
* Falak Tawakalna
* Kyle Thompson
* Sahra Tobe
* Gaolee Vang
* Chenyeng Vang
* Angel Velazquez
* Wyatt Vessey
* Joey Walker
* Abby Wamstad
* Amber Wiebe
* Lillie Williamson
* Gloria Yang
* Asheema Yang
* Muaj Yang

“Dead in the Water” Book Launch & Reception

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Augsburg alum, Bruce Shoemaker and William Robichaud will be on campus to talk about their new book, “Dead in the Water: The World Bank’s Model Hydropower Project in Laos”. The book addresses the social, economic and environmental costs of dams and experts call for a critical reassessment of the approach to these kinds of structures.
Thursday, November 29th, 4-6pm
Student Art Gallery, Christensen Center
Food and drinks will be provided as part of this event sponsored by the McKnight Foundation and the Sabo Center for Democracy and Citizenship.

Still need a class this Spring?

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If you are still looking for Spring classes AIS is offering the following courses:
• AIS 105 Introduction to American Indian Studies (fulfills a humanities LAF and a Culture and Social Justice elective) MWF 11:10-12:20

• AIS 264 American Indians in the Cinema (fulfills an AIS, film, or Culture and Social Justice elective) T-TH 1:50-3:30 pm

• AIS 405 Indigenous Activism and Resistance in the Americans (fulfills AIS uppder division elective, Keystone and Culture and Social Justice upper division course) MWF 1:50-3:00 pm

American Indian Studies

Auggie Pride Awards – Taking Nominations for November

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Staff Senate is seeking nominations for the Auggie Pride Award! The Auggie Pride Award is given to staff members who have gone above and beyond to serve Augsburg and fulfill its mission and values. Reasons to acknowledge a staff member can include a variety of things, such as the completion of a project, the implementation of an innovative idea, or simply giving directions to a lost campus guest.

If you have a colleague who you feel is deserving of this award, please nominate them by filling out the nomination form at

The Auggie Pride Awards are awarded monthly, throughout the academic year. More information found at

Effective Writing in The Star Tribune

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First-year student Randi Lawson shared her ENL 111 assignment with a larger audience this week when her letter to the editor was published by the Star Tribune!

Spring 2019 parking permit sale dates

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Upcoming parking permit sales will be as follows:

Parking Registration/Sale Dates for Spring 2019:

Faculty/Staff surface lot permits on sale December 17th at 9:00 AM
Part Time $126 per semester
Full Time $252 per semester

Adult Undergraduate and Graduate student parking permits on sale December 17th at 9:00 AM
$61 per semester

Senior Commuter & Resident permits on sale December 17th at 9:00 AM
Commuter: $179 per semester
Resident: $195 per semester

Junior Commuter & Resident permits on sale December 18th at 9:00 AM
Commuter: $179 per semester
Resident: $195 per semester

Sophomore Commuter & Resident permits on sale December 19th at 9:00 AM
Commuter: $179 per semester
Resident: $195 per semester

First Year Commuter permits on sale December 20th at 9:00 AM
Commuter: $179 per semester
***First year resident students are ineligible to have their vehicles on campus***

Luther Hall Underground lot permits:
$470 per semester
Oren Gateway Underground lot permits:
$505 per semester
Underground permit Sale Dates:
Senior students: December 17th at 9:00am
Adult undergraduate and graduate students: December 17th at 9:00am
Junior students: December 18th at 9:00am
Sophomore students: December 19th at 9:00am
Faculty and Staff: December 20th at 9:00am

Holiday Receiving & Packages

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We are now in the holiday season! This means that the Shipping & Receiving Department will be getting very busy until January.

If you order a package and have it sent to the University please observe the following guidelines as we have fairly limited storage space.

Faculty & Staff
-We will still try to deliver all staff packages the same day that they arrive although there may be some occurrences where we are unable to do this.
-You may have your personal package sent to the University if you would like but we would ask if you would attempt to pick up the packages as they arrive, we will still attempt to deliver all packages, as we don’t know what is personal or not, but picking up will ease our burden.

-Try to make sure you pick up any packages the same day that you receive the email.
-You can have someone else pick up your package, if you are unable to make it within the open hours of shipping/receiving, if you email with their name, they MUST bring their ID (one pick-up per email).

Thank you for being patient as our busy season sets in!

Meet and Greet with Ger Vang, Hmong Shaman

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Come to the Marshall Room on Tuesday, November 27th, from 1-2pm, to meet the first Batalden Interfaith Fellow, Ger Vang. Ger is Hmong Shaman currently living in Saint Paul. He is from a family and culture with a long history of shamanism and spiritual healers. Ger began his own spiritual journey as a healer six years ago. This event is sponsored by the Augsburg Asian Student Association, the Batalden Program in Applied Ethics, Hmong Women Together, and Pan-Asian Student Services.

Calling Sophmores and Juniors Interested in Global Issues

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Calling Sophomores and Juniors Interested in Global Issues

Have an interest in promoting global governance or United Nations? If yes, please consider applying for the Workable World Trust fellowship.
Augsburg University is pleased to announce an opportunity for you to share ideas on global governance and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). A $400 scholarship will be offered to four Augsburg students who will form a cohort with the ACTC campuses to organize a series of on-campus events related to the subject of global governance.

The requirements for the scholarship follow:
· Must be a Sophomore or Junior interested in global affairs and world
· Attend and organize on-campus events promoting global governance and/or
United Nation reform.
· Attend a day-long retreat for students and faculty

To apply please submit the following:

500-word essay on why you should be selected to participate in the WWT and your interest in global governance, the United Nations, or the SDGs; what kind of project you might want to undertake as part of this to promote the work of the UN locally

Copy of your transcript

The deadline for the application is Jan 15th, 2019. Please submit questions, essay, and a copy of your transcripts to Sara Wendt at

Please feel free to e-mail any questions you may have. Thank you.

Paid Summer Experience: URGO Summer Research Info Sessions TOMORROW & Dec. 4

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URGO Summer Research Info Sessions
November 28th (tomorrow!) @ 6pm in Hagfors 150A
December 4th @ 6pm in OGC 100

Hear from past researchers and get the scoop on writing a strong application!

The URGO Summer Research Program is an 11-week, on-campus program where undergraduate students are funded to conduct research under the guidance of a faculty mentor. Student researchers gain important analytic, technical, and writing skills that are important for graduate school and careers. The URGO program is also includes a weekly Speaker Series focused on research skills and professional development, as well as weekly seminars with fellow researchers. Students from all disciplines are invited to participate, and past projects have ranged from biology lab work to theater performance.

URGO provides full-time summer researchers (400 hours) with a $4,000 stipend while half-time researchers (200 hours) receive a $2,000 stipend. Both receive a significant campus housing discount as well. The program runs from mid-May to the end of July and students must plan to be enrolled at Augsburg for Fall 2019 to be eligible.

In addition to the URGO Summer Research Program, URGO also funds 100-hour summer research assistantships where undergraduate students assist a faculty member with an ongoing research project. Research Assistants and mentors determine how to spread the 100 hours of work over the course of the summer and it is an excellent opportunity to try out research for the first time or focus on a specific aspect of a research project.

If you have any questions regarding the program or cannot make it to an info session and would like to learn more, please contact to set up an appointment.

HWT Batalden Interfaith Fellow: Ger Vang

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Location: Marshall Room
Come the meet and greet Batalden Interfaith Fellow: Ger Vang:

Ger Vang is Hmong Shaman currently living in Saint Paul. He is from a family and culture with long history of shamanism and spiritual healers. His late father was a gifted healer; his grandfather was also a shaman. Ger began his own spiritual journey as a healer six years ago. The Power of Spiritual Healing chose him. The spiritual guides, the source of his healing gift, provide him with the necessary spiritual training in diagnosing illnesses and healing practices. Besides being a spiritual healer, he is a musician. He is also the Vice President of Training and Development for the Generational Financial Group, a local insurance firm. To learn more about Ger, please visit

2 session this week – discussion and training on active threat

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For faculty and staff: Prevention, Mitigation, and Response Preparedness for active threats. Scott Brownell, Director, Public Safety. Includes presentation, video, and discussion.

Offered two times
Wed., Nov. 28, 8:30am to 10:00am, Christensen Center, Marshall Room
Thursday, Nov. 29, 2-3:30 pm, OGC 100

Sad news about Jeroy Carlson ’48

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We are deeply saddened to share the news that Jeroy Carlson ’48 passed away yesterday. Jeroy spent more than 60 years at Augsburg. He was a student, parent, grandparent, volunteer, alumni director, and a senior development officer for Augsburg. Known as “Mr. Augsburg,” he spent much of his life inspiring, connecting, and mentoring Auggies.

Read more about Jeroy here

Congrats to the Emerging Leaders Program Graduates

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Campus Activities and Orientation would like to congratulate the 75 graduates of the Fall 2018 Emerging Leaders Program. Those in ELP participated in a 10-week intensive leadership course that focused on issues such as strengths, intercultural communication, power and privilege, public achievement, nonviolent organizing, intercultural conflict management, and much more.

Please congratulate the following students if you see them. They include:
* Lydia Anderson
* Maxwell Bannister
* Loise Barhayiga
* Julia Bishop
* Parker Blake
* Olivia Brammer
* Rachel Brezinka
* Olivia Brich
* Ani Cassellius
* Bryam Castillo
* Mindy Chang
* Nou-Chee Chang
* Javeriah Chughtai
* Alli Coleman
* Anna Cox
* Ayan Daud
* Agatha Dennis
* Kai Ealy
* Yomiyu Gafesu
* Willington Gahona
* Estefani Guiracocha
* Katia Gutierrez-Peralta
* Hunter Hansen
* Will Harvieux
* Ong Her
* Riviera Him
* Josh Holtz
* Siham Isse
* James Jensen
* Rob Jewell
* Saw Johny
* Jasmyn Kendall
* Zoua Khang
* Savannah Klinepier
* Ashley Kronebusch
* Bolu Kuku
* Sam Lopez
* Kelly Lu
* Mario Marin Luna
* Ruti Mejia
* Imran Merchant
* Jacey Mismash
* Jacynthe Moua
* Kristy Moua
* Antonio Olivos-Reyes
* Sucaado Omar
* Chyanne Phravoraxay
* Ethan Quezada
* Maty Rasche
* Danny Reinan
* Adriana Robinson
* Rachel Rose
* Marcia Rowe
* Kye Saunders
* Weston Schug
* RJ Schultz
* Taiwana Shambley
* Adam Sharpless
* Jessika Starry
* Erin Stene
* Falak Tawakalna
* Kyle Thompson
* Sahra Tobe
* Gaolee Vang
* Chenyeng Vang
* Angel Velazquez
* Wyatt Vessey
* Joey Walker
* Abby Wamstad
* Amber Wiebe
* Lillie Williamson
* Gloria Yang
* Asheema Yang
* Muaj Yang

Wait – Advent Vespers is This weekend

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There are still a few tickets available for Advent Vespers. This is one of the largest Advent & Christmas celebrations in the Twin Cities – Don’t miss out!

11/29, Thursday Dress Rehearsal – 8 p.m.
11/30, Friday Services – 5 & 8 p.m. (dwindling fast!)
12/1, Saturday Services – 2 & 5 p.m. (FULL)

– Stop by the Christensen Center Welcome Desk
– Stop by the Music Office
– Reserve online

Tickets are free (a goodwill donation will be taken at the door)
Free shuttles are available from Augsburg to Central Lutheran Church

Online Reservations

Congratulations to October’s Auggie Pride Recipients

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Congratulations to Katie Asfeld, Assistant Director of Admissions and Multicultural Student Services—Ruby Murillo, Jennifer Simon, and Hli Vang for receiving the October Auggie Pride Awards. Their support of Augsburg’s students is above and beyond their call of duty and their impact is felt across campus. Staff Senate admires their outstanding work and are honored to award them with this month’s Auggie Pride Award.

Learn more about October’s Auggie Pride Award Recipients

DPS Staff Update Presentation & Trainings

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Wednesday, December 5 | 1–2 p.m.
Christensen Center, Marshall Room

Scott Brownell, director of public safety and risk management, will be leading a 45 minute presentation on the Department of Public Safety. He’ll be discussing:
• 2018 Annual Security Report
• Campus Trends
• Parking Updates
• CampusShield Safety App
• Q&A


DPS is also hosting two Discussion and Trainings on Active Threats for faculty and staff focusing on prevention, mitigation, and response preparedness for active threats.

Wednesday, November 28 | 8:30 to 10 a.m.
Christensen Center, Marshall Room

Thursday, November 29 | 2 to 3:30 p.m.
Oren Gateway Center, Room 100


Scholarships and early registration discount for River Semester

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We are pleased to announce that, due to the generous support of the Pentair Foundation, there will again be scholarships for students on the 2019 River Semester. Scholarships will be awarded on a first-come, first-serve basis and range from $500 – $3,000. All students are encouraged to apply, with award amounts based on strength of the application, financial need, and for underrepresented students in the STEM fields. Students who complete their application before Dec. 15th receive a $500 early registration discount. Visit the Augsburg Abroad website or office for more information or to start your application.

River Semester Application

John Zobitz will give next EDTalk

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Mark your calendar for the next EDTalk on December 5th. John Zobitz will speak on “Data Visualization as an Ethical Act”. This presentation will showcase visualizations spanning from the 19th century to today and beyond.

Zoom Link: Meeting ID 987-896-017

EDTalks take place in Hagfors 151 just prior to the faculty meetings. See the CTL website for the more information, as well as a link to the last EDTalk.

Wednesday, December 5th | EDTalk with John Zobitz | 3:20-3:35 pm, HC 151


Advent Vespers – Space still available on Thursday & Friday. (Saturday Full)

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Reserve your spot at Advent Vespers TODAY. This is one of the largest Advent & Christmas celebrations in the Twin Cities – Don’t miss out!

11/29, Thursday Dress Rehearsal – 8 p.m.
11/30, Friday Services – 5 & 8 p.m.
12/1, Saturday Services – 2 & 5 p.m. (FULL)

– Stop by the Christensen Center Welcome Desk
– Stop by the Music Office
– Reserve online

Tickets are free (a goodwill donation will be taken at the door)
Free shuttles are available from Augsburg to Central Lutheran Church

Online Reservations

Last Day to Apply for Midco Scholarship Program

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The Midco Scholars Program is a partnership between Midcontinent Communications (Midco) and Augsburg University which provides opportunities for underrepresented students to explore a career in business/IT and gain relevant work experience. This semester, up to 4 students will be selected to become Midco Scholars. Each Scholar will take part in monthly professional development workshops, receive a $2,500 scholarship, and will also have the opportunity to apply for a competitive full-time Summer 2019 internship with Midco, either in their Sioux Falls, SD or Edina, MN offices. (Internships will more likely take place in Sioux Falls, so applicants should be available to live in Sioux Falls for the summer – housing is available).

Ideal candidates for the Midco Scholars Program will:
-Be a Junior in good standing at Augsburg (strong applications from Sophomores will be considered)
-Have a major or minor in MIS, Computer Science, Mathematics, Finance, Accounting, Marketing, Data Analytics or other business related fields
-Be authorized to work in the United States for the duration of a summer internship and provide documents to verify work authorization

Underrepresented students, including students of color, low-income (Pell Grant eligible/Dream Grant eligible), and/or first generation college students are highly encouraged to apply.

Interested students should review the following link for more information and to apply: Applications are due today, Monday, November 26th.

Any questions please contact Janet Morales ( or 612-330-1792)

Midco Scholars Application

2 sessions – Discussion and training on active threats

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For faculty and staff: Prevention, Mitigation, and Response Preparedness for active threats. Scott Brownell, Director, Public Safety. Includes presentation, video, and discussion.

Offered two times
Wed., Nov. 28, 8:30am to 10:00am, Christensen Center, Marshall Room
Thursday, Nov. 29, 2-3:30 pm, OGC 100

DPS Staff Update Presentation & Trainings

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Wednesday, December 5 | 1–2 p.m.
Christensen Center, Marshall Room

Scott Brownell, director of public safety and risk management, will be leading a 45 minute presentation on the Department of Public Safety. He’ll be discussing:

• 2018 Annual Security Report
• Campus Trends
• Parking Updates
• CampusShield Safety App
• Q&A


DPS is also hosting two Discussion and Trainings on Active Threats for faculty and staff focusing on prevention, mitigation, and response preparedness for active threats.

Wednesday, November 28 | 8:30 to 10 a.m.
Christensen Center, Marshall Room

Thursday, November 29 | 2 to 3:30 p.m.
Oren Gateway Center, Room 100


Open Editor Position For Spring Semester

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The position of A&E Editor is open for next semester. Job details include:
Attend all weekly staff and editor meetings.

Prepare content for their respective section or content area for each weekly staff meeting.

Prepare a plan for reaching content requirements if the editor does not have enough content by the time of the meeting.

Prepare a report of content for weekly editor meetings.

Be knowledgeable about Artistic happenings in the Augsburg and greater Minneapolis community.

Understand the components of a fair and adequate review.

If you would like to apply, please submit a brief resume and cover letter to by Nov. 30. Feel free to reach out to us with any questions.

Echo Team

EDTalk on December 5th with John Zobitz

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Data Visualization as an Ethical Act: Data visualization is not a new concept, but in today’s data-rich world we rely on visualization to make meaningful connections to our professional work and personal lives. How do we discern the intent and intentionality of a data visualization? This presentation will showcase visualizations spanning from the 19th century to today and beyond.

Come to Hagfors 151 just prior to the Faculty Meeting to hear more on this fascinating subject.

Zoom Meeting ID 987-896-017

Wednesday, December 5th | EDTalk with John Zobitz | 3:20-3:35 pm, HC 151


Need a Spring Elective? Try American Indian Studies

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If you are still looking for Spring classes AIS is offering the following courses:
• AIS 105 Introduction to American Indian Studies (fulfills a humanities LAF and a Culture and Social Justice elective) MWF 11:10-12:20

• AIS 264 American Indians in the Cinema (fulfills an AIS, film studies, or Culture and Social Justice elective) T-TH 1:50-3:30 pm

• AIS 405 Indigenous Activism and Resistance in the Americans (fulfills AIS upper division elective, Keystone, and Culture and Social Justice upper division course) MWF 1:50-3:00 pm

American Indian Studies

It’s Model UN application time

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Apply now to take the spring semester Model UN course, POL 368. Members of this class will participate in the 59th Midwest Model United Nations from February 20-23, 2019, held in St. Louis, Missouri.

In this course, you will gain in-depth understanding of the United Nations and international diplomacy through the process of preparation for attending the conference in February. Students research a country and set of issues for the committee on which they will serve.

The conference provides experiential learning that enables you to develop a better understanding of the inner workings of the UN, and a forum to hone skills in diplomacy, negotiation, critical thinking, compromise, public speaking, writing, and research. This opportunity is a great chance to put your learning into practice!

For more information about the course, contact professor Liz Klages, who will be teaching the course and leading the delegation to St. Louis.

Apply by December 1

Model UN Course & Program Info and Application

2 sessions – Discussion and training on active threats

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For faculty and staff: Prevention, Mitigation, and Response Preparedness for active threats. Scott Brownell, Director, Public Safety. Includes presentation, video, and discussion.

Offered two times
Wed., Nov. 28, 8:30am to 10:00am, Christensen Center, Marshall Room
Thursday, Nov. 29, 2-3:30 pm, OGC 100

Time is running out to submit to Murphy Square

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The deadline for this year’s Murphy Square is quickly approaching! Make sure to have your submission in to before Dec. 21!

Murphy Square is Augsburg’s literary and visual arts magazine. We accept prose (fiction and nonfiction short stories/essays), poetry, and visual art (drawing, painting, photography, etc.). Submit your work today!

DPS Staff Update Presentation & Trainings

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Wednesday, December 5 | 1–2 p.m.
Christensen Center, Marshall Room

Scott Brownell, director of public safety and risk management, will be leading a 45 minute presentation on the Department of Public Safety. He’ll be discussing:

2018 Annual Security Report
Campus Trends
Parking Updates
CampusShield Safety App


DPS is also hosting two Discussion and Trainings on Active Threats for faculty and staff focusing on prevention, mitigation, and response preparedness for active threats.

Wednesday, November 28 | 8:30 to 10 a.m.
Christensen Center, Marshall Room

Thursday, November 29 | 2 to 3:30 p.m.
Oren Gateway Center, Room 100


URGO Conference Travel Grants Available for Student Researchers

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URGO offers up to $850 in travel funding for Augsburg undergraduates who have been accepted to present research at a professional conference. These funds can mitigate the high costs of travel such as airfare and lodging, and can contribute to students’ professionalization.

The application is available at the URGO website ( at the “conference travel” page. Grants are awarded on a rolling basis, so students are encouraged to work with their research mentor to submit a travel application as soon as possible after receiving acceptance to a conference. The URGO Advisory Committee meets bi-monthly throughout the school year and will begin reviewing applications September 10th.

If you have any questions about undergraduate conference travel opportunities, please contact Kirsten O’Brien at or x1446.

URGO Academic-Year Research Application Available

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Each year URGO offers $1,000 research grants for undergraduates who wish to gain research experience with an Augsburg faculty member. These grants require 100 hours of research over the course of the academic year and are a great way to ease into research or to continue work on an existing project.

The application is available at the URGO website ( at the “on-campus research” page. Grants are awarded on a rolling basis, so student-faculty research teams are encouraged to submit proposals in the fall. The URGO Advisory Committee meets bi-monthly and will begin reviewing proposals September 10th.

If you have any questions about undergraduate research opportunities, please contact Kirsten O’Brien at or x1446

Paid Summer Experience: URGO Summer Research Info Sessions Nov. 28 & Dec. 4

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Come learn about this on-campus, paid opportunity to work toward your academic and career goals!

URGO Summer Research Info Sessions
November 28th @6pm in Hagfors 150A
December 4th @6pm in OGC 100
Hear from past researchers and get the scoop on writing a strong application!

URGO Summer Research Program
The URGO Summer Research Program is an 11-week, on-campus program where undergraduate students are funded to conduct research under the guidance of a faculty mentor. Student researchers gain important analytic, technical, and writing skills that are important for graduate school and careers. The URGO program also includes a weekly Speaker Series focused on research skills and professional development, as well as weekly seminars with fellow researchers. Students from all disciplines are invited to participate, and past projects have ranged from biology lab work to theater performance. URGO provides full-time summer researchers (400 hours) with a $4,000 stipend while half-time researchers (200 hours) receive a $2,000 stipend. Both receive a significant campus housing discount as well. The program runs from mid-May to the end of July and students must plan to be enrolled at Augsburg for Fall 2019 to be eligible.

URGO Summer Research Assistantships
In addition to the URGO Summer Research Program, URGO also funds 100-hour summer research assistantships where undergraduate students assist a faculty member with an ongoing research project. Research Assistants and mentors determine how to spread the 100 hours of work over the course of the summer and it is an excellent opportunity to try out research for the first time or focus on a specific aspect of a research project.

If you have any questions regarding the program or cannot make it to an info session and would like to learn more, please contact or call 612-330-1446 to set up an appointment.

Augsburg Asian Student Association Hosts Cultural Exploration: Syria

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Hello Augsburg Community! Students, Faculty, and Staff are invited to AASA’s Cultural Exploration.

The Augsburg Asian Student Association’s Cultural Exploration aims explore a culture in the Pan-Asian community in various of ways to educate our members and to have a better understanding of a Pan-Asian identities.

Cultural Exploration: Syria will take place during AASA 6th General Meeting from 5:30 pm to 6:30 pm in room Hagfors 150A and B. AASA has invited a guest speaker, alumnus Nazhi Safi 17′, to present on Syria. Come and learn about Syria’s history and culture.

Auggie Pride Awards – Taking Nominations for November

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Staff Senate is seeking nominations for the Auggie Pride Award! The Auggie Pride Award is given to staff members who have gone above and beyond to serve Augsburg and fulfill its mission and values. Reasons to acknowledge a staff member can include a variety of things, such as the completion of a project, the implementation of an innovative idea, or simply giving directions to a lost campus guest.

If you have a colleague who you feel is deserving of this award, please nominate them by filling out the nomination form at

The Auggie Pride Awards are awarded monthly, throughout the academic year. More information found at

Advent Vespers – Reserve your spot now

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Reserve your spot at Advent Vespers TODAY. This is one of the largest Advent & Christmas celebrations in the Twin Cities – Don’t miss out!

– Stop by the Christensen Center Welcome Desk
– Stop by the Music Office
– Reserve online

Tickets are free (a goodwill donation will be taken)
Free shuttles are available from Augsburg to Central Lutheran Church

Online Reservation Requests

Still need to fulfill service hour requirements? It’s not too late

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The Minnesota Urban Debate League is a program of Augsburg University. We provide academic competitive debate programming to middle and high school students in the Twin Cities.

We’re looking for debate judges and hospitality volunteers for its upcoming high school debate tournaments.

No debate experience? No problem. We train volunteers at every tournament.

What Judges Do:

● Watch rounds and evaluate teams on logic, argumentation, and public speaking.
● Provide written feedback and assign points to each debater.
● Choose the winner of each debate!

Opportunities to Volunteer:

● December 7th & 8th: UDL Championship (WTMS, St. Paul)

We have open evening shifts on Fridays and open morning or afternoon shifts on Saturdays.

Can’t make it this semester? We’ll need volunteers for our middle School, Spanish, and Somali debate tournaments in spring. Email us at for more information.

Come for the pizza. Stay to learn from our amazing students!

Visit us in Foss Office 18 |

Learn More & Sign Up

Tuesday Tech Tip (from E-Learning)

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By default, only non-empty grades in the Moodle Gradebook are aggregated; the others are ignored. This means that if instructors want students to have an accurate understanding of their progress in a course, a value must be inserted into the points window. If students have not submitted an assignment, instructors need to insert a 0 (rather than leaving the place blank) to affect the final grade. Here is a quick way to add zeros for all students who haven’t already received a grade for an activity.

2 sessions – Discussion and training on active threats

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For faculty and staff: Prevention, Mitigation, and Response Preparedness for active threats. Scott Brownell, Director, Public Safety. Includes presentation, video, and discussion.

Offered two times
Wed., Nov. 28, 8:30am to 10:00am, Christensen Center, Marshall Room
Thursday, Nov. 29, 2-3:30 pm, OGC 100

TODAY—Staff Athletics Facilities Tour

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Tuesday, November 20 | 11:30 a.m.
Kennedy Center Lobby

Staff Senate invites you to take a tour of the athletic facilities! As a staff member, you have access to these facilities and athletic sporting events on campus. Come to learn more about these facilities (weightroom, gym, dome, locker rooms, etc), how and when to access them, and who to contact with any questions. This is the perfect opportunity to ask any general athletic facilities questions you might have, and to learn about the resources available on campus to help you achieve your health and fitness goals!

Stick around to continue conversation with other colleagues and join Staff Senate for an optional lunch following the tour.

Spring Courses in American Indian Studies

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If you are still looking for Spring classes AIS is offering the following courses:
• AIS 105 Introduction to American Indian Studies (fulfills a humanities LAF and a Culture and Social Justice elective) MWF 11:10-12:20

• AIS 264 American Indians in the Cinema (fulfills an AIS, film, or Culture and Social Justice elective) T-TH 1:50-3:30 pm

• AIS 364 Indigenous Filmmakers (fulfills an AIS, film, or Culture and Social Justice elective) W 6:00-9:30 pm

• AIS 405 Indigenous Activism and Resistance in the Americans (fulfills AIS Keystone and Culture and Social Justice upper division course) MWF 1:50-3:00 pm

American Indian Studies

Visit the Writing Lab before Thanksgiving Break

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The Writing Lab will be closed for Thanksgiving Break (Wednesday-Sunday), but you can still stop by today (Monday) or tomorrow (Tuesday) between 2:00 pm and 9:30 pm. We will open again on Monday, November 26th.

Our regular hours are Monday-Thursday from 2:00pm-9:30pm and Sundays from 7:00pm-9:30pm. We are located on the main floor of Lindell Library, to the left of the circulation desk. No appointment is needed – just show up! Tutors meet one-on-one with undergraduate and graduate students. They’ll talk about all kinds of writing (for any class, or even for writing that you’re doing outside of class) and can work with you at any stage of the writing process.

If you have questions about the Writing Lab, please email Prof. Sarah Groeneveld Kenney (

2 sessions – Discussion and training on active threats

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For faculty and staff: Prevention, Mitigation, and Response Preparedness for active threats. Scott Brownell, Director, Public Safety. Includes presentation, video, and discussion.

Offered two times
Wed., Nov. 28 8:30am to 10:00am, Christensen Center, Marshall Room
Thursday, Nov. 29, 2-3:30 pm, OGC 100

Norwegian Julefest: Tickets Available

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Start off your holiday season with participating at the 5th Annual Julefest, the Twin Cities’ Scandinavian Christmas party!

After all, our very own institution, Augsburg University, was founded by Norwegian immigrants 150 years ago, and this is a way to celebrate our own heritage and network with the Norwegian (and Scandinavian) community in Minnesota.

When: Thursday, November 29
Time: 6:00 pm – 10:00 pm
Location: Watson Block, Minneapolis

We need to recruit 3 more student volunteers for the evening. Your volunteer ticket provides you with free access to the event (and includes food and drinks).

If you are interested in volunteering, please contact Bettine at

Tickets (for non-volunteers) can be purchased by following the link below.

We welcome you!

Julefest Tickets and Registration

Prof. Emeritus Bibus conducted workshop on developing cultural humility in child welfare supervision

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Social work professor emeritus Tony Bibus conducted a workshop on developing cultural humility in child welfare supervision at the Second Annual Child Welfare Conference in St. Paul on Friday, November 16, 2018.

Please welcome Dr. Lauren Causey, Augsburg’s new Manager of Sponsored Research

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I’m pleased to announce that Dr. Lauren Causey is Augsburg’s new Manager of Sponsored Research.

Lauren comes to Augsburg via the Science Museum of Minnesota, where she held the title of Senior Evaluation and Research Associate. In this position, Lauren served as lead proposal writer and/or evaluator on several $1M+ federal grants; served as a peer reviewer on National Science Foundation proposal review panels, and conducted prospect research on grantmakers familiar to faculty here.

Lauren was recently a member of the 2017-2018 cohort of Leaders in Equitable Evaluation and Diversity (LEEAD), a program under the auspices of the Annie E. Casey Foundation. LEEAD supports talented researchers in their pursuits of careers in evaluation that will influence the life outcomes of children, families, and communities.

As Manager of Sponsored Research, her primary responsibility will be to provide faculty and staff with guidance and direct support to help secure funds from external agencies and government sources such as the National Science Foundation and the U.S. Department of Education. These grants will support faculty and student research, federal outreach and student services programs (e.g. TRIO-SSS, TRIO – McNair); equipment purchases; and other academic and learning services functions of the university.

Please join me in welcoming Lauren to Augsburg!

Jay D. Tacke Peterson
Director, Grants & Sponsored Programs

Last week to apply for Midco Scholars

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The Midco Scholars Program is a partnership between Midcontinent Communications (Midco) and Augsburg University which provides opportunities for underrepresented students to explore a career in business/IT and gain relevant work experience. This semester, up to 4 students will be selected to become Midco Scholars. Each Scholar will take part in monthly professional development workshops, receive a $2,500 scholarship, and will also have the opportunity to apply for a competitive full-time Summer 2019 internship with Midco, either in their Sioux Falls, SD or Edina, MN offices. (Internships will more likely take place in Sioux Falls, so applicants should be available to live in Sioux Falls for the summer – housing is available).

Ideal candidates for the Midco Scholars Program will:
-Be a Junior in good standing at Augsburg (strong applications from Sophomores will be considered)
-Have a major or minor in MIS, Computer Science, Mathematics, Finance, Accounting, Marketing, Data Analytics or other business related fields
-Be authorized to work in the United States for the duration of a summer internship and provide documents to verify work authorization

Underrepresented students, including students of color, low-income (Pell Grant eligible/Dream Grant eligible), and/or first generation college students are highly encouraged to apply.

Interested students should review the following link for more information and to apply: Applications are due Monday, November 26th.

Any questions please contact Janet Morales ( or 612-330-1792)

Category *

Midco Scholars Application

UPS – Tabling – Hiring Seasonal Workers

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Are you looking for a part-time job? UPS is currently hiring!

UPS (United Parcel Service) will be tabling in the Christensen Center lobby today from 10:00-12:30. Stop by their booth and learn about part-time employment as package handlers. Pay is $15 per hour and they offer an earn & learn package of up to $5,250 per year and their excellent benefit package.

It’s Model UN application time

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Apply now to take the spring semester Model UN course, POL 368. Members of this class will participate in the 59th Midwest Model United Nations from February 20-23, 2019, held in St. Louis, Missouri.

In this course, you will gain in-depth understanding of the United Nations and international diplomacy through the process of preparation for attending the conference in February. Students research a country and set of issues for the committee on which they will serve.

The conference provides experiential learning that enables you to develop a better understanding of the inner workings of the UN, and a forum to hone skills in diplomacy, negotiation, critical thinking, compromise, public speaking, writing, and research. This opportunity is a great chance to put your learning into practice!

For more information about the course, contact professor Liz Klages, who will be teaching the course and leading the delegation to St. Louis.

Apply by December 1

Model UN Course & Program Info and Application