
Public Safety and Facilities Announcements

Spring 2019 parking permit sale dates

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Upcoming parking permit sales will be as follows:

Parking Registration/Sale Dates for Spring 2019:

Faculty/Staff surface lot permits on sale December 17th at 9:00 AM
Part Time $126 per semester
Full Time $252 per semester

Adult Undergraduate and Graduate student parking permits on sale December 17th at 9:00 AM
$61 per semester

Senior Commuter & Resident permits on sale December 17th at 9:00 AM
Commuter: $179 per semester
Resident: $195 per semester

Junior Commuter & Resident permits on sale December 18th at 9:00 AM
Commuter: $179 per semester
Resident: $195 per semester

Sophomore Commuter & Resident permits on sale December 19th at 9:00 AM
Commuter: $179 per semester
Resident: $195 per semester

First Year Commuter permits on sale December 20th at 9:00 AM
Commuter: $179 per semester
***First year resident students are ineligible to have their vehicles on campus***

Luther Hall Underground lot permits:
$470 per semester
Oren Gateway Underground lot permits:
$505 per semester
Underground permit Sale Dates:
Senior students: December 17th at 9:00am
Adult undergraduate and graduate students: December 17th at 9:00am
Junior students: December 18th at 9:00am
Sophomore students: December 19th at 9:00am
Faculty and Staff: December 20th at 9:00am

Teaching and Learning

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General Announcements

Michael Wentzel selected for CIC NetVUE Seminar

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Congratulations to Michael Wentzel, Associate Professor of Chemistry, on being selected as one of this year’s faculty participants in the 2019 seminar on Teaching Vocational Exploration. This competitive seminar offers a rich learning experience for faculty with demonstrated commitment to teaching vocational exploration to their students—an educational journey that helps students discover what constitutes a good, meaningful, and flourishing life, a life that cultivates well-being for others as well as oneself. There is no better gift Augsburg can offer our students. We are excited that Michael will join next summer’s NetVUE faculty seminar.

Work for Residence Life

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The Department of Residence Life is now accepting RA and Lead Staff applications for the 2019-2020 academic year. Gain great leadership skills and engage with our residential students throughout the year!

Apply on-line through Handshake which can be located through On-Campus Student jobs in Inside Augsburg. Applications are due the last day of fall semester classes, December 14th at 11:59pm.

For more information or questions, please contact Ryan Hoye at

Outgoing Departmental USPS Mail

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This memo concerns only mail that is being charged to departments and not stamped or pre-paid mail or any mail/packages from other carriers.

Augsburg Central Services is switching the way that outgoing mail is handled. We are retiring the mail meter machine and starting to use a presort mail service. This brings with it some small changes that we would ask you to observe if you are sending out mail.

– If your mail is not sealed please bring it to shipping/receiving or have it ready for pickup with the flaps down and not nested.
– All mail has to have a complete “To Address” in the center of the envelope and a complete “Return Address” in the upper left of the envelope. If it does not have both of these it may be returned to you to complete.
– Please include the cost center either on a post-it note attached to your mail or somewhere on the piece (top piece if multiple) that will not interfere with postage (upper right) or addresses.
– All mail must be in shipping/receiving before 3:30 to be processed the same day. This is a little later than it used to be.

We will still have our regular USPS pickup at 3pm for any stamped or pre-paid mail or packages. If you have any additional questions about this transition please contact us at either 612-330-1054 or

You’re Invited to a Story Circle

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A Story Circle is an opportunity to gather in groups of 5-25 people for 1½ to 2 hours to tell stories, write down thoughts, and share experiences about Augsburg. It’s a great way to build community for groups and organizations, and provides an opportunity to share what Augsburg means to you. Out of these stories, we will create a new Music-Theater piece about, for, and with people who have been or are currently a part of the Augsburg University Community to be performed during our Sesquicentennial Homecoming, October 2019.

We would love to hear YOUR stories! Click the link below to RSVP for an upcoming Story Circle – or request to schedule a Story Circle.

Story Circle RSVP

Velkommen Jul: TOMORROW

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Make sure you know where your Norwegian Sweater is! Tomorrow, Friday, the Augsburg Associates put on their annual Velkommen Jul event. The festivities will begin in the Chapel service at 10:40am (Norwegian sweater photo to follow!), then will head over to Christensen Center for a boutique (credit cards accepted), smorgasbord of lefsa and cookies, coffee, and a fun Scandinavian time. The event lasts until 1:00 PM. Don’t miss it!

Event Announcements

Study abroad in summer

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Travel and earn credit this summer! Options around the world and the USA to help you get ahead on credits and graduation requirements. Every program fulfills the Augsburg Experience requirement, in addition to class credit!

May 13-29, 2019
• THR 295: Art Performing Social Change, fulfills Fine Arts LAF
• Scholarships available

May 13-27, 2019
• PHY101: Astronomy, fulfills Natural Sciences LAF

May 12-27, 2019, choose one or two courses:
• PSY 205: Culture and Psychology, Fulfills Social & Behavioral Sciences LAF
• EDC 490/580: School and Society

May 18 – June 2, 2019, choose a history & an art course:
• HIS 195 Topics: Innovation in the Netherlands, fulfills Humanities Gen Ed, or
• HIS 440: upper level elective for history majors
• ART 133: Intro to Digital Photography, fulfills Fine Arts Gen Ed
• ART 333: Advanced Digital Photography

July 9-22, 2019, choose one course:
• MUS 374 or 475: Practicum
• MUS 582: Transcultural Mus. Therapy II
• MUS 511: Practicum

Multiple 3-week course blocks, May to August
• Spanish classes, beginning to advanced: fulfills Modern Language Gen Ed, or electives for Spanish Majors and Minors
• SPA/ART 231: fulfills Fine Arts Gen Ed
• Internship and Independent Research opportunities
• Scholarships available

June 5 – July 21, 2019
• SPA 206: Spanish for Healthcare Professionals
• INS/SPA 399: Internship, Medical Observership
• Scholarships available

Learn more and apply online

Mental Health Listening Tour

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Please join the Hennepin County National Alliance on Mental Health, EPIC Peer Health Educators and Augsburg Psychology Association for an informal conversation and sharing of personal experiences with mental health and support systems. We want to hear from young adults in order to help NAMI decide what direction to take their advocacy in. The Listening Tour will be Monday 12/10/18 from 6 – 7 pm in the Student Lounge in Christensen Center. Refreshments will be provided. Questions call the CWC office 612-330-1707

Rally and march Friday: We welcome Honduran refugees

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Bienvenidos sean los refugiados hondureños!
Alto a la militarización de la frontera!
No troops at the Border!

As migrants from Honduras approach the southern border of the US to seek asylum, we welcome them. The right to seek asylum is a human right protected by the world community. Al aproximarse los migrantes hondureños a la frontera sur de los EEUU en busca de asilo, le pedimos que se una a nosotros para un mitin gritando que asilo es un derecho.

Everyone welcome! Todxs bienvenidxs!

Friday, November 30, 2018 / Viernes 30 de noviembre 2018
Gather at 5 pm, Rally at 5:15 pm, March at 6 pm / Unirse a las 5:00 pm, Mitin a las 5:15, Marcha a las 6:00

Minneapolis Federal Building, 4th St and 4th Ave / Edificio federal de Minneapolis, Esquina de Calle 4ª y Avenida 4ª

Organized by Minnesotans and groups known as Minnesota Caravan Solidarity / Acción organizada por Minnesotanos y grupos conocido como
Minnesota en Solidaridad con la Caravana

Hondurans continue to flee one year after post-election crackdown

“Dead in the Water” Book Launch & Reception

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Augsburg alum, Bruce Shoemaker and co-author, William Robichaud will be on campus to talk about their new book, “Dead in the Water: The World Bank’s Model Hydropower Project in Laos”. The book addresses the social, economic and environmental costs of dams and expert calls for a critical reassessment of the approach to these kinds of structures.
Thursday, November 29th, 4-6pm
Student Art Gallery, Christensen Center
Food and drinks will be provided as part of this event sponsored by the McKnight Foundation and the Sabo Center for Democracy and Citizenship.

River Semester Students Present

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On Thursday, Dec. 6th at 7:00pm in the Marshall Room, the group of students from this year’s River Semester will be sharing stories of their adventures, research results, fashion tips, maybe a song or two, and life lessons learned from their epic journey down the Mississippi River. Find out what it takes to complete a full semester of courses while paddling down the river in the midst of a changed climate–with rainstorms, straight-line winds, flash floods, and snow–and the amazing generosity of people we met all along the way.

Check out this year’s River Semester Facebook Page

Keeping Track of Auggies

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