
Public Safety and Facilities Announcements

Teaching and Learning

EDTalk on December 5th with John Zobitz

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Data Visualization as an Ethical Act: Data visualization is not a new concept, but in today’s data-rich world we rely on visualization to make meaningful connections to our professional work and personal lives. How do we discern the intent and intentionality of a data visualization? This presentation will showcase visualizations spanning from the 19th century to today and beyond.

Come to Hagfors 151 just prior to the Faculty Meeting to hear more on this fascinating subject.

Zoom Meeting ID 987-896-017

Wednesday, December 5th | EDTalk with John Zobitz | 3:20-3:35 pm, HC 151


General Announcements

Need a Spring Elective? Try American Indian Studies

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If you are still looking for Spring classes AIS is offering the following courses:
• AIS 105 Introduction to American Indian Studies (fulfills a humanities LAF and a Culture and Social Justice elective) MWF 11:10-12:20

• AIS 264 American Indians in the Cinema (fulfills an AIS, film studies, or Culture and Social Justice elective) T-TH 1:50-3:30 pm

• AIS 405 Indigenous Activism and Resistance in the Americans (fulfills AIS upper division elective, Keystone, and Culture and Social Justice upper division course) MWF 1:50-3:00 pm

American Indian Studies

Open Editor Position For Spring Semester

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The position of A&E Editor is open for next semester. Job details include:
Attend all weekly staff and editor meetings.

Prepare content for their respective section or content area for each weekly staff meeting.

Prepare a plan for reaching content requirements if the editor does not have enough content by the time of the meeting.

Prepare a report of content for weekly editor meetings.

Be knowledgeable about Artistic happenings in the Augsburg and greater Minneapolis community.

Understand the components of a fair and adequate review.

If you would like to apply, please submit a brief resume and cover letter to by Nov. 30. Feel free to reach out to us with any questions.

Echo Team

Event Announcements

2 sessions – Discussion and training on active threats

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For faculty and staff: Prevention, Mitigation, and Response Preparedness for active threats. Scott Brownell, Director, Public Safety. Includes presentation, video, and discussion.

Offered two times
Wed., Nov. 28, 8:30am to 10:00am, Christensen Center, Marshall Room
Thursday, Nov. 29, 2-3:30 pm, OGC 100

It’s Model UN application time

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Apply now to take the spring semester Model UN course, POL 368. Members of this class will participate in the 59th Midwest Model United Nations from February 20-23, 2019, held in St. Louis, Missouri.

In this course, you will gain in-depth understanding of the United Nations and international diplomacy through the process of preparation for attending the conference in February. Students research a country and set of issues for the committee on which they will serve.

The conference provides experiential learning that enables you to develop a better understanding of the inner workings of the UN, and a forum to hone skills in diplomacy, negotiation, critical thinking, compromise, public speaking, writing, and research. This opportunity is a great chance to put your learning into practice!

For more information about the course, contact professor Liz Klages, who will be teaching the course and leading the delegation to St. Louis.

Apply by December 1

Model UN Course & Program Info and Application

Keeping Track of Auggies

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