Become a Phillips Scholar, make a difference in your community

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Apply to be a Phillips Scholar!

The Phillips Scholars Program recognizes and rewards private college students who strive to make life better for those with unmet needs. Applicants are challenged to think creatively and become community-service leaders by developing a project to meet an unmet need in Minnesota communities. Phillips Scholars receive scholarships during their junior and senior years, and a stipend to complete a project during the summer between junior and senior year.

This preliminary application is used to select two finalists from Augsburg University who will then develop a full proposal to be submitted to the Minnesota Private College Council for the scholarship. This will include a 5-7 page project proposal, official transcript, and 3 letters of recommendation. Staff members of the Sabo Center will help finalist complete their applications.

You must be a sophomore during the 2018-2019 school year to apply.

Read more about the Phillips Scholarship program here:

Preliminary application (see link, below): Wednesday, January 23, 2018, 11:59 p.m.

Full applications will be due February 8, 2018.

Phillips Scholarship Preliminary Application