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Calling all Auggies!! Share what you are grateful for during 12 Days of Gratitude.
Augsburg’s virtual gratitude jar will be open until December 21st for all Auggies to share what they are grateful for–big or small. Statements of gratitude made here will be shared at the start of 2019 through Augsburg Wellbeing (hint, hint: we’re re-branding!). This will give us a moment to reflect on the good, and feel grateful for what was, while looking forward to 2019. Gratitude statements will be shared anonymously unless otherwise requested by the statement writer. The form will be open for the 12 days leading up to the holiday break (from now through December 21st).
Examples of gratitude statements (obviously, specific to me–yours will look different!): I am grateful for my HR team and all the work they do to support Augsburg.