
Public Safety and Facilities Announcements

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Teaching and Learning

Paid Fellowship for Trip to Holocaust Museum in Washington, D.C.

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The MINNE Holocaust Fellows program annually selects college students to participate in a fully-paid, one-day trip to the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington D.C. to acquire a more in-depth knowledge of the Holocaust. Fellows tour the permanent exhibits and featured exhibits, as well as meet with a museum representative. Awards come through the MINNE Fund of the Minneapolis Jewish Federation, who has chosen Augsburg to be one of the select few universities to participate in the program. Multiple Augsburg students were selected last year for the trip.

The 2019 trip will take place on April 16th. Applications are due on February 28th and can be found at If you would like to learn more about the program or would like advising on the application, please contact the URGO office at or 612-330-1446.

– U.S. Citizen
– Full-time student
– Sophomore or junior planning to graduate no earlier than Spring 2020
– 3.0 GPA or higher

Wednesday, Discussion with Lyz Wendland

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Using Online Discussions to Foster Quality In-Class Discussions. In this workshop, Lyz Wendland, Assistant Professor in the Department of Art and Design, will discuss her research that implements online pre-discussions for greater in-class participation. Come learn strategies, layouts, and rubrics that foster active class discussions. *Attendees will be entered into a drawing for a $5 A’viands gift card!

Wednesday, February 6th | Using Online Discussions to Foster Quality In-Class Discussions with Lyz Wendland | 3:30-4:30 pm, OGC 100


RSVP for Using Online Discussions to Foster Quality In-Class Discussions

Remember to Submit Your Grant Applications

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Faculty, time is running out to apply for the Scholarship Grant, the Integrated Course Design Grant, and the Provost’s Internationalization Travel Grant. Descriptions and application forms are in the link below. The due date for all three of these grants is Friday, February 15th at noon, so apply now!

Grant Descriptions and Applications

Nominations – Due February 20th

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The Office of Academic Affairs and the Center for Teaching and Learning invite your nominations for the annual Distinguished Contributions to Teaching and Learning Awards. Augsburg annually recognizes individuals or groups that have made exemplary contributions to creating an engaging academic learning environment through awards for teaching, scholarship, or service. All faculty or full-time staff who have been employed at the university for at least three years are eligible for the awards. Further information and the nomination form can be found in the link below.

Distinguished Contributions to Teaching and Learning Awards

Long Live the Lecture

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Diane Pike will be delivering the next EDTalk!

Everyone talks in class and doing so as effectively as possible is important. Focusing on interactive lecture pedagogy, this session introduces rationale for paying attention to lecture style and strategies for making it work.

Zoom, Meeting ID 965-258-110

Wednesday, February 20th | EDTalk with Diane Pike | 3:20-3:35 pm, HC 151


URGO Phase 1 Research Application due February 5

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Are you looking for a paid summer research opportunity here on campus? URGO applications for 2019 summer research are now available on the URGO website at All fields of study welcome!

We have multiple summer opportunities available for students.

The URGO Summer Research Program is an 11-week, on-campus program where students are funded to conduct research with a faculty mentor. Students receive support throughout the research process from their faculty mentor, a Speaker Series, and weekly seminars with fellow researchers. URGO provides full-time summer researchers (400 hours) with a $4,000 stipend and housing discount while half-time researchers (200 hours) receive a $2,000 stipend. The program runs from May 16th – July 31st.

URGO also provides funding for students to work for a professor as a research assistant on an ongoing research project. This is a 100-hour commitment over the course of the summer and comes with a $1,000 stipend. This is an excellent opportunity to try out research for the first time or focus on a specific aspect of a research project.

Phase 1 of the applications are due February 5th, so start talking with your faculty members to learn about what research is going on in your department!

Faculty: How URGO Can Support Your Research

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URGO’s summer research program is designed to both enhance undergraduate student learning and support faculty research here on campus. Faculty are the driving force behind the research program, and we want it to be as beneficial to you as possible.

Some of you may have already been approached by students who would like to do summer research through URGO. We encourage you to think about how these students might support your own research agenda. While some advanced students might have a project in mind, we have found that students benefit the most from working within a faculty member’s area of expertise.

While summer is the perfect time to push research projects ahead, we know all too well how quickly the time goes. We have research grants for 400, 200, and 100 student research hours that are designed to provide you with the optimal amount of student research support needed for your project. The 100-hour research assistantship, for example, is a particularly good fit if you have needs for data entry, transcription, or literature review.

To learn more about URGO summer research and working with a student, visit the “on-campus research” page on the URGO website:

Phase 1 of summer research applications are due February 5th, with complete proposals due February 19th. If you have any questions about being a research mentor, please contact Dixie Shafer at x1447 or

General Announcements

Interfaith Art Project: What Brings You Light?

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Augsburg’s Interfaith Scholars, a group of students who are interested in exploring the religious diversity of the Augsburg student body, the wider Twin Cities community, and the United States through interreligious dialogue and action, are organizing a campus wide art project focused on the question: “What brings you light?” This is an ambiguous prompt, as our goal is to engage with folks from many different religious, spiritual, and secular backgrounds and to showcase what is the “light” in our lives despite our different beliefs.

We ask the members of the Augsburg community to reflect on what brings them light, and to photograph if they are able. Perhaps it is a beloved pet, a significant other, a spice rack because you love cooking, a pocket bible, a special place you spend time in, etc. If it is not something you’re able to photograph, a selfie would be a great submission! Please send appropriate content, as these photos will be displayed on campus.

We are also asking for an audio clip with your photo submission. You can talk about what your light is or answer one of the following questions the Interfaith Scholars has compiled. Please send your photo submission to You may submit a text description or an audio recording between 30 seconds and 90 seconds long answering any of these questions:
What brings you light?
What brings you meaning?
What brings you joy?

Please feel free to interpret the question in whatever way resonates with you. Be creative, be spontaneous, and be intentional. Please let us know if you have any questions on this art project or are unsure on how to complete the submission.

We look forward to seeing (and hearing!) from you.

Augsburg Interfaith Scholars

Alternative Spring Break Trip

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Greetings from Campus Ministry (CM) and the Christensen Center for Vocation (CCV)!

We are writing to inform you of a wonderful service opportunity coming up!

During Spring Break this year, March 16th – 23rd, we will be traveling to Birmingham, Alabama with Habitat for Humanity for Alternative Spring Break. We’ll visit the Civil Rights Institute and learn from African-American activism both past and present. This trip is a great chance for students to travel during spring break while also making a positive difference with community. The cost is $250 and includes lodging, transportation, and most meals. A $100 deposit is due at registration to secure your spot. Registration is open now until February 4th.

Like us on Facebook “Augsburg Alternative Spring Break”
and Follow us on Twitter @AuggieSpringBrk

If you have any questions feel free to contact student leader Sydney Saygbe at or staff adviser Lonna Field at


Campus Ministry and the Christensen Center for Vocation

2018-2019 Augsburg Leadership Awards Application

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Applications are now open for the 2018-2019 Augsburg Senior Leadership Society, which recognizes graduating seniors for their leadership contributions over the course of their tenure at Augsburg University. One individual who is inducted into the society will receive the Linda Schrempp Alberg Endowed Leadership Award, which has an award value of $500. Students will also be nominated for the Marina Christensen Justice Award, given out at Commencement. (

Applications are due on Thursday, March 14 at 5pm. Recipients will be honored at the 20th Annual Augsburg Leadership Awards, taking place Sunday, April 7 from 5:00-7:30pm.

Health Care Resources for Students

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Students, not sure where to go for health care? Please check out the new Student Support Guide to identify local Health Care resources. The Guide includes information on Smiley’s Health Clinic (where uninsured Augsburg students can receive services for a $5 co-pay), as well as information on Dental Care, Emergency/Urgent Healthcare, Getting on Health Insurance, Health Care Near Augsburg, Pharmacy/Affordable Medications, Psychiatry, Sexual Health, Sleep Problems, and Quitting Tobacco. The Student Support Guide can be found in the “A-Z Directory”, on the Student Affairs webpage, or on the Moodle Resources tab.

To access the guide, make sure you are logged into your Augnet account.

Student Support Guide

Free tax clinics from Prepare + Prosper

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Prepare + Prosper’s free tax clinics opened on Saturday, January 26 and will run through April 15.

Visit to learn more, and make an appointment.

More than 550 volunteers will serve nearly 13,000 people with free tax preparation and financial services at nine locations in St. Paul, Minneapolis, Bloomington, and Hopkins. Volunteers went through up to 20 hours of comprehensive education on the tax codes and new federal tax laws.

Vending machine bottled water update

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As we move forward in our Love Local Water initiative, you’ll notice that Aquafina bottled water has now been replaced with Bubly (flavored sparkling water) or Lifewater (“enhanced” vitamin water) in vending machines on the Minneapolis campus. One more step closer to honoring our readily available, clean, local tap water! We recognize this is a complex process, with lots of questions and grey area. You may be wondering:

Q: Is all the water coming out of our drinking fountains and sinks actually safe to drink?
A: The places that students have tested on campus so far meet federal standards for key pollutants. Minneapolis tap water consistently meets standards. What are those standards anyways? Who determines them? What if what feels “safe” to me is different than the standards?

Q: Aren’t these new options just bottled water with a marketing twist?
A: Perhaps. What do you think? What about people who might not drink plain water but could stay hydrated by drinking these?

Q: Aren’t we encouraging more sugary beverage consumption by removing plain water as an option?
A: We don’t know yet what people’s purchasing habits will be, but we have data on which beverages were previously purchased. Do you know someone who needs a water bottle so they can get free water at the drinking fountains? Send them to the Campus Cupboard to pick one up!

Q: Why are we even doing this? Why does it matter?
A: Good question. Want to talk more about this? Contact

Q: Why did you answer all these questions with more questions?
A: Because we are complex creatures living in a complex world in which environmental sustainability doesn’t usually fit nicely into “good” or “bad” actions and outcomes. And aren’t we all here to be critical thinkers amidst our thoughtful stewardship?

BeezKneez hive updates

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Did you know Augsburg is a Beez Kneez Urban Apiary Partner? We host honeybee hives on campus that are cared for by our neighbors, The Beez Kneez, over in Seward. Here’s the latest report we received about our bees:

“We experienced higher than usual colony loss last winter forcing us to replace many hives in the spring of 2018. There were several compounding factors that are to blame including a long, harsh and persistent winter (remember that foot of snow and super cold temps in mid-April), a new virus which set many of the new colonies back and weird weather in the middle of the summer. The bees seemed to use all the spring and early summer nectar to heal themselves from the virus and then when the summer flowers were supposed to provide, we experienced cold and rainy weather in the first week of July. A perfect storm of problems. I talked to many beekeepers in the state that experienced similar problems.

Your hives were alive and ready for winter in early November. Bees can endure this cold but temperature swings can be hard on them and that really warm weather we had in January can cause them to eat more than they should. We will be checking on them and their food stores as soon as it gets above freezing again. Hopefully, spring comes a little early this year. It is an el nino year which is more mild than usual. I am hopeful. We will give you an update on their status.”


Beez Kneez

Event Announcements

HWT’s Hlub(Love) – Friday, February 15

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Hlub (Love) is here to give Hmong women and their allies an opportunity to empower a woman and/or an inspirational figure(Guest Of Honor) in their life by participating in an intentional and intimate setting where they could express their gratitude to them.

If you choose to Honor someone, there will be time delegated for you, who RSVP’d, to express your gratitude to your Guest Of Honor. Please prepare a letter for you to read to them on the night of.
If you choose not to Honor anyone, please come with your support.

Please join us by RSVP-ing if you hope to attend. Only current Augsburg Students and Augsburg Alumni may RSVP. We have limited spots for RSVP’s (with a Guest of Honor). First Come First Serve! The Guest Of Honors may be a non-Augsburg community member. One guest per RSVP please!

Dress-Code: Semi-Formal
Location: Marshall Room
Address: 720 22nd Ave S, Minneapolis, MN 55454
Time: 5:00pm-7:00pm
Food: Will be provided

RSVP here:
**DEADLINE to RSVP: 02.08.19 11:59pm**

For more information or have any questions? Feel free to contact Bobbie Thao ( or Nan Vang (
Feel free to refer to Hlub’s fb event page as well!

Hlub’s fb event page

Smash Ultimate Tournament

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Gamers United and Residence Life presents…
A Smash Ultimate Tournament on the Nintendo Switch

When: Saturday, February 9th, 2019 – 3:00PM-7:00PM
Where: Student Lounge

The first place prize will be 1,000 Housing Expo Points (a way to boost you up the selection process for housing the following year) and the second and third will each get 500 Housing Expo Points. We will only have two joy-cons available, other controllers will be welcome if you’d like to bring extras.

– First come, first serve basis

Registration Form

Spring All Hands Meeting: Thursday

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The spring 2019 All Hands meeting is this Thursday, Feb. 7 at 11:30 a.m. in Hoversten Chapel.

All members of the campus community are invited to attend. Access to connect to the meeting from off-site locations will be available. For the livestream link or to add a session to your calendar, go to the All Hands page on Inside Augsburg.

All Hands page

Convocadence A Cappella Auditions

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Do you have a passion for singing and/or a cappella? Convocadence is Augsburg’s only a cappella co-ed group and are looking for new members who are committed and passionate about music. Rehearsals are on Friday nights from 6-7:30 and Sundays from 4:30-6. We will be holding auditions on Tuesday, February 12th and Wednesday, February 13th from 6-8:30pm. Audition sign up sheets are located in the music building in between the choir and band room. We will be asking you to sing a verse and chorus at most. Hope to see you there!

Convocadence’s Instagram

Staff Save The Date: March 7

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Each year, Augsburg University’s Staff Senate hosts a special event where staff are recognized for years of service, completion of the Diversity and Inclusion certificate program, and outstanding contributions to the campus community. The event includes refreshments and light hors d’oeuvres as well as a “candy bar.”

2019 Staff Appreciation Program
Thursday, March 7
3–4:30 p.m. | Foss Center, Hoversten Chapel

Learn more

Devoney Looser ’89 Book Reading and Signing

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If you’re a regular reader of the Augsburg Now magazine, you may recognize leading literary scholar, Austen expert, and roller derby devotee Devoney Looser ’89 from the featured article “No Plain Jane.” She is the author or editor of seven books on literature by women. Looser will be visiting Augsburg’s campus on February 5 at 7 p.m. to read from her most recent book “The Making of Jane Austen” in Hagfors 150. Books will be available for purchase at this event and Looser will stick around to visit with guests and sign their copies after the reading.

Assessment Day Reminder

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Assessment Day is February 26th from 10:50 am – 12:50 pm! Departments are encouraged to use this time to discuss or work on their annual assessment project. The Assessment Committee will also be conducting three workshops this year. Descriptions of the workshops are available in the RSVP link below. Lunch will be provided, so please fill out the form if you plan to attend.

RSVP for Assessment Day Workshops

FAFSA Completion Workshop

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The Multicultural Student Services office and Student Financial Services office are holding two FAFSA completion workshops in order to assist students in completing their FAFSA applications. One workshop is on Thursday, February 7th 1:00-2:30pm the other on Wednesday, February 13th 4:00-5:30pm. Both workshops will be held in Sverdrup 201. Students should be sure to bring their 2017 taxes/W-2s, parent’s 2017 taxes/W-2s and their FSA ID login. Computers will be available for use but students are welcome to bring their own laptops. For any questions about the event contact the MSS office at & 612-330-1087 or the Student Financial Services office at & 612-330-1046.

Jump Start Your STEM Job Search – February 16 – Register today

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Join us at the 5th annual Jump Start Your STEM Job Search!

Saturday, February 16th
8:30 AM – 1:30 PM
Hagfors Center

This event is perfect for all STEM majors – first year students to seniors. You won’t want to miss this opportunity to:

-Network with STEM industry professionals
-Attend career-oriented workshops
-Gain insights from STEM panelists
-Get personalized feedback on resumes, cover letters and LinkedIn profiles
-Have a FREE professional head-shot taken.

We welcome Aneela Idnani, co-founder and president of HabitAware, as our keynote speaker. HabitAware’s Keen smart bracelet “Retrains The Brain.” Keen creates awareness of hair pulling, skin picking and nail biting, debilitating mental health conditions. Having grown up with hair pulling disorder, Aneela is now an outspoken mental health advocate. HabitAware is a HAX hardware accelerator alumnus and recently received an NIH research grant. Her life’s work (HabitAware) has been featured as a TIME Magazine 2018 Best Invention and in BuzzFeed, SELF Magazine, The Washington Post, Prevention Magazine and more.

No cost to attend. Breakfast and lunch included.

Please send all questions and accommodation requests to
Accommodation requests should be made one week in advance to allow us to best meet your needs.

Register Today!

HabitAware: Winner of Meda’s $1 Million Challenge speaks at Augsburg University – Saturday, February 16

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“HabitAware, a local tech startup developing a smart awareness tracker called Keen to stop behaviors like hair pulling, nail biting and skin picking, took home the top prize at the Metropolitan Economic Development Association’s (Meda) $1 Million Challenge startup competition Wednesday.

As the first place winner in the $1M Challenge, Minneapolis-based HabitAware will receive $400,000 to advance its business.”

Read more at:

Jump Start Your STEM Job Search welcomes Aneela Idnani, co-founder and president of HabitAware, as its keynote speaker. Jump Start offers opportunities to:

-Network with STEM industry professionals
-Attend career-oriented workshops
-Gain insights from STEM panelists
-Get personalized feedback on resumes, cover letters and LinkedIn profiles
-Have a FREE professional headshot taken.

Join us!
Saturday, February 16th
8:30 AM – 1:30 PM
Hagfors Center

Please send all questions and accommodation requests to Accommodation requests should be made one week in advance to allow us to best meet your needs.

Register for Jump Start Your STEM Job Search today!

Keeping Track of Auggies

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