Submit your creative writing and win a prize

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The John Engman Writing Prize, a literary competition sponsored by Murphy Square and the Augsburg English Department, is awarded each year to promising writers.

This year’s submission deadline is February 15th, 2019. Judges of the competition will select winners in each of the categories of fiction, poetry, and creative non-fiction.

To enter, writers must submit at least one of the following:

Short Fiction – One complete short story of not more than 15 pages.
Creative Non-fiction – One complete piece not longer than 15 pages.
Poetry – At least three poems.

All writers must be enrolled at Augsburg University and may enter each of the categories as often as they wish, but they may only win in one. Names of writers must not be on the works submitted.

Entries must be submitted through Moodle. Winners will be notified by March 1st and will be awarded gift cards to the university bookstore.

Submit through Moodle