Spend your Fall semester traveling the length of the Mississippi River

submitted by underhil@augsburg.edu

Students interested in a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to travel the length of the Mississippi River as part of a full semester of courses should check out Augsburg’s River Semester program for Fall 2019. Students in the program will spend 100 days traveling from the Headwaters to the Gulf of Mexico, including paddling stretches of the river south from the Twin Cities, to St. Louis, Memphis, and New Orleans before returning to the Twin Cities in December. Courses offered include Environmental and River Politics, Environmental Science, Outdoor Leadership, and self-designed independent studies. Internships or other courses by special arrangement are also possible. The deadline for registration is Mar. 15th, and scholarships of up to $3,000 are available. Full information and details at http://www.augsburg.edu/river or by contacting the Augsburg Abroad office or Program Director Joe Underhill at underhil@augsburg.edu

River Semester