Summer in Slovenia & Italy – 2 week Psychology & Education course

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Spend 2 Weeks in Slovenia and Italy this summer, and earn credit!

Psychology and Education in Slovenia, May 12-27, 2019
Course Options (choose one or two courses. If two, one must be PSY 205)
–EDC 490/580(3 credits): School and Society; and/or
–PSY 205 (4 credits): Culture and Psychology (fulfills Social Behavioral Sciences LAF)
This program also fulfills the Augsburg Experience Requirement

Faculty Leaders: Joseph Erickson & Stacy Freiheit

Cost depends on course taken. Ranges: $4,533 to $5,057
Cost includes tuition, airfare, housing, some meals, all program activities.

During this program, students will examine the roots of both educational and psychological practices that shaped European culture, explore the Roman ruins in Croatia, and experience the canals of Venice, Italy. Students will have opportunities to engage with various host communities and interact with local faculty, teachers, mental health professionals, fellow college students, and students throughout their study abroad experience.

For more information and application instructions click below and/or stop by the Study Abroad & Away office in Oyate Commons, Christensen Center Lower Level.

Only a few spaces left! Apply by February 25!

Learn more and apply online