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Wednesday, February 27, 2019
Dr. Michael Young
Iowa State University
Michael Young is an Associate Professor of mathematics at Iowa State University (ISU). His primary research area is Discrete Mathematics, particularly graph theory and combinatorics. Recently, he has had a focus on equity in the mathematics classroom. Most of this work has been through teacher professional development on creating inclusive mathematics learning spaces. He is responsible for establishing the Mathematicians of Color Alliance (MOCA). MOCA consists of the underrepresented graduate and undergraduate mathematics students and was created with the goals of recruiting, retention, and vertical mentoring. In addition, Dr. Young is co-director of ISU’s Postbaccalaureate Certificate in Mathematics.
Mathematics Colloquium Presentation:
Exponential Domination in Grids
HC 152
3:10 – 4:10 PM
Abstract: Domination in graphs has been an important and active topic in graph theory for over 40 years. It has immediate applications in visibility and controllability. In this talk we will discuss a generalization of domination called exponential domination. A vertex v in an exponential dominating set assigns weight 21−dist(v,u) to vertex u. An exponential dominating set of a graph G is a subset of V (G) such that every vertex in V (G) has been assigned a sum weight of at least 1. We will specifically look at grid graphs and graphs on the torus.