Get a Free Ticket to the Sesquicentennial Gala Kick-Off Dance

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Augsburg’s Sesquicentennial Gala is sold out but there are free tickets available to attend the gala dance that will kick off the celebration of Augsburg’s 150th year. How can you get a free ticket to attend the Sesquicentennial Kick Off Dance at the Minneapolis Depot on Friday, September 27?

Augsburg is offering free group dance lessons in Hoverston Chapel from 6:30 p.m. to 8 p.m. on the days listed below. Attend one or more dance lessons and you’ll receive a free ticket to attend the Sesquicentennial Kick Off Dance! These dance lessons are open to alumni, parents, employees, and students who are interested in attending the Sesquicentennial Kick Off Dance. Space is limited so please RSVP today.

Register below or call 612-330-1512.

August 20: Foxtrot — “Fly me to the Moon” by Frank Sinatra

August 27: Waltz — “Moon River” by Andy Williams

September 5: Swing — “In The Mood” by Glen Miller

September 10: Rumba — “Fields of Gold” by Sting

September 17: Cha Cha — “Smooth” by Santana

Register for Free Dance Lessons