
Public Safety and Facilities Announcements

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Teaching and Learning

World Drumming Course

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NEW Augsburg course offering, Fall semester 2019: World Drumming and Culture, a 2-credit course will meet M/W from 9:20-10:30. Engage with performance traditions from various non-Western cultures, particularly those from sub-Saharan Africa and the Diaspora. Learn through hands-on experience playing drums, bells, and rattles, by singing songs, and through improvisation and listening drills. Study the cultural context associated with each musical style through reading assignments, examination of online videos, and class discussion. Enroll for course 392-B Topics – no prior musical experience necessary.

Providing WISE Feedback to Students

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In June, a team from Augsburg attended the Council of Independent Colleges Diversity, Civility, and the Liberal Arts Institute. This session will include a discussion of the insights and lessons gained from participation in the institute as well as specific action steps we can implement across campus. Specifically, participants will learn the importance of providing WISE feedback that articulates high expectations as well as the professor’s belief in the student’s ability to meet the expectations. Facilitated by Joanne Reeck, Joaquin Muñoz, and Tim Pippert.

Thursday, August 29 | Providing WISE Feedback to Students |
2 pm – 4 pm, HC 250

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High Engagement Pedagogy

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The goal of this session is to offer some teaching strategies and tools that will

*foster student ownership of their own learning;
*facilitate student learning, retention of information, and academic success; and,
*create a culture of engagement and participation in the classroom.

These strategies can be useful in teaching difficult concepts as well as in managing the varied abilities and interest levels that one might encounter in any given section of a course. Some can be incorporated into the syllabus and in long-term planning; some can be adapted and used on the fly and/or to redirect a class session. Facilitated by Lori Brandt Hale.

Wednesday, August 28 | High Engagement Pedagogy |
11 am – 12:15 pm, HC 250

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Supporting Our Incoming Students

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The workshop will focus on best practices for supporting first-year students who are transitioning to college as well as talk through campus resources for faculty and students. Facilitated by Katie Bishop and Kelsey Richardson Blackwell.

Wednesday, August 28 | Supporting Our Incoming Students |
1 pm – 2:15 pm, HC 250

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Introduction to Active Learning: Concrete Ideas for your Classroom

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Faculty, it can be quite time-consuming to develop effective active learning activities for your classroom, especially if you are teaching a course for the first time. The goal of this session is to provide you with two or three concrete examples of effective active learning templates that can be quickly adapted to your course. By starting with just one type of active learning strategy that works best for your learning objectives, you can quickly develop variants that can be used in virtually every class period to engage your students and make teaching more fun! Facilitated by Jennifer Bankers-Fulbright.

Wednesday, August 28 | Introduction to Active Learning: Concrete Ideas for your Classroom | 2:30 pm – 3:45 pm, HC 250

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Up Your Game with Moodle (Valuable Tips)

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Come learn how to employ some new features as well as time-tested tools in Moodle to amplify your virtual presence and create a welcoming online environment that communicates your learning goals and presents content and activities in an easy-to-navigate format.

We will cover:

*time-saving strategies for building and/or updating a course
*how to leverage auto-linking to streamline course navigation
*managing revision writing using the new integrated Google Course Kit
*ways to track student engagement
*Name Coach–a new tool to help you learn your students’ names
*various ways to enhance the appearance of your course

Bring your laptop and try some of these things out while the E-Learning team is there to assist.

Thursday, August 29 | Up Your Game with Moodle (Valuable Tips) |
9:30 am – 10:45 am, HC 250

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Providing Feedback with the Moodle Gradebook

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Whether you have never used the Moodle gradebook and want to learn the basics OR have been using the gradebook but would like us to do a “pre-semester check-up” this is the workshop for you. The E-Learning team will be on hand to offer some essential gradebook tips as well as individual help with making sure your gradebook correlates to your syllabus.

Thursday, August 29 | Providing Feedback with the Moodle Gradebook |
11 am – 12:15 pm, HC 250

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General Announcements

Spark Joy for Our Students. Donate Gently-Used Office Supplies to the MN Urban Debate League

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Your gently-used donation will prepare our debaters for success.

The Minnesota Urban Debate League, a program of Augsburg University, equips Twin Cities students with all the basics needed to debate: curriculum, coaches, tournaments, and supplies.

Our most-needed item is expanding file folders/accordion folders.

Other helpful (new or gently used) items:
* Pocket-size portable timers
* 3-ring binders
* 2-pocket folders
* Highlighters
* Pens

If you’d like to join our Back-to-Debate Supply Drive, please arrange your donation at:

If you’d like to make a donation of new supplies, please see our Amazon wishlist here:

Donate New Supplies via Amazon

Important Announcement About Choral Placement Auditions

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The Augsburg choral faculty will be hearing placement auditions for Cedar Singers, Riverside Singers, and the Augsburg Choir during the afternoons of September 4th, 5th, and 6th. All University students are eligible – and heartily welcomed – to audition. If you were in Augsburg Choir last year, you are accepted to continue in AC this year, and there is no need to take these auditions. Likewise, Riverside Singers intending to continue in that group are also exempt. But we want to hear you if you are:

 a First-Year student.
 a Transfer student.
 a previous member of Cedar Singers.
 a previous member of Riverside Singers seeking consideration for Augsburg Choir.
 a returning Augsburg student who has not previously been involved in our choirs.

Please take careful note of these audition procedures:

1. Sign up for your audition appointment in Anderson Music Hall. Between the band and choir rooms, M2 and M3, you will find a bulletin board where the sign-up sheets will be posted. Auditions will be heard as follows: 9/4, 3:00-6:00; 9/5, 3:00-6:00; 9/6, 2:00-6:00.

2. Arrive outside the choir room (M3) at least 15 minutes prior to your appointment to access and complete the intake sheet and music-literacy assessment. (Never fear: we will use this assessment to inform our work with you, not to exclude you from participation.)

3. There is no need to prepare any song performance for this audition.

4. Results will be posted by Saturday at 5:00 pm on the same bulletin board where you found the sign-up sheets.

5. If you have questions, please contact the Music Office at or (612) 330-1265.

Nota bene: If you are a first year or new transfer student music major, you will be required to choose a Thursday audition appointment.

We look forward to hearing you!

Kristina G. Boerger, DMA
Schwartz Professor of Choral Leadership
Director of Augsburg Choir

Allyss Haecker, DMA
Director, Riverside Singers

Ryan LaBoy, MM
Director, Cedar Singers

New Inside Augsburg Calendar Has Launched

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On Monday, August 26, Augsburg launched a brand-new unified calendar ( This new calendar allows the University to integrate a number of already-existing institutional Google Calendars and display them on the same platform. Students, staff, and faculty will also be able to submit events manually to the calendar. This calendar will replace the previous calendar on the Inside Augsburg homepage.

This new calendar is the result of advocacy from Day Student Government to streamline events and announcements at the University. During fall semester 2018, a number of meetings were held with key event planners and calendar managers around campus to identity challenges to the current calendar system and how to move forward. Based on those discussions, a team was created in the spring to move forward with the creation of a unified calendar system. This team consisted of:

Michael Grewe, Campus Life (Chair)
Sarah Cash-Darvell, University Events
Jami Kadolph, University Events
Scott Krajewski, Information Technology
Stephen Jendraszak, Marketing
Gita Sitaramiah, Public Relations and Internal Communications

The Augsburg University Calendar Policy can be found here:

Questions about this new calendar can be directed to

Event Announcements

Auggie Cyclists & Walkers – Coffee Clunker TODAY

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Join us for our last weekly coffee clunker for the month of August. Given our destination is so close to campus, this event is open to cyclists — AND WALKERS — of all levels and abilities, and feel free to leave at any time.
We’ll meet on the grassy lawn area in front of Foss at 4:30 p.m. at scoot over to Code Blue.

Tuesday, August 27
Code Blu
2620 E Franklin Ave

If anyone would like to extend the ride given the short distance, we can decide on a secondary location once we rally at our first stop.

Questions or comments?
Contact Tessa Wegenke ( or Lee George (

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Study Abroad & Away Fair – Friday, Sept 13

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Come learn about the off-campus study programs available to Auggies!
Programs are available around the world as well as the USA, and range in length from 8 days to a whole year. There is something to fit every student!

Browse the options, grab some program brochures, learn about scholarships, ask questions, and discover global opportunities that are perfect for you!

Don’t forget to enter the prize drawing, too!

Join us:
Friday, September 13, 10:00 – 2:00, Christensen Center

Learn More about Study Abroad & Away

Keeping Track of Auggies

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