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Hey all,
Augsburg’s Environmental Stewardship Committee and Campus Cupboard are proud to announce a new student resource on campus: the student Share Shop. We are working towards opening this space in the sublevel of the old science building by Fall, 2019. To help us get started we are asking you—students, staff, and faculty at Augsburg—for some helpful donations.
Based off of a recent survey, here are some of the things we are looking for for the share shop:
– Household / dorm Repair (Spackle, Tool kits, poster putty)
– Recreational gear (sports equipment, out door games, hammocks, etc.)
– Office materials (calculators, sharpeners, staplers)
– First aid kits
– Twin XL sheets (new or washed)
– Weather related items (umbrellas, shovels, extra hats/scarves/mittens)
– Sewing/glasses repair kits
– Hot pots or rice cookers
– Cooking (Microwave, pots and pans, utensils, coffee makers)
– Board games, DVDs
Any donations are greatly appreciated and welcome, but please don’t feel obligated to donate. Donations can be brought to the Sabo Center located in the basement of Anderson Hall in the designated bins. We appreciate your time and consideration thank you in advance.
For more informations please feel free to email me: